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AMC - Thursday - March 3, 2011

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By that rationale AMC must be doing quite well--they seem to lately have half naked men about once a month if that--not daily like DAYS, B&B not to mention OLTL... ^_^

HAHA see you did miss a somewhat amusing scene with Opal slamming them back (yesterday).

I wasn't complaining at the Scott scene, but then again I seem to be in the minority with soap viewers (at least how Frons sees them) in that I find the insanely beefed up bodies not all that appealing... I was watching some 80s clips and it was nice to see Cliff, for instance, shirtless and looking like someone I could actually picture seeing shirtless in real life--fit, but not huge or waxed...

(But yes today was fairly boring, some cute scenes but still have the feeling nothing's going anywhere...)

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Well tbqh the reason it feels like desperation is b/c they didn't do it before, and the problem w/ the show has been s/ls, not much makes sense. So now it feels like, I mean look at that Mascott s/l, the s/l is ok, but that scene was used basically, like oh Daniel Cosgrove is still a star so lets make him bare all to draw viewers. The ratings on this show is just, we had a 1.6 one of the days last week, I think. And they just seem to be running it like they want to run it into the ground.

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I don't like overly-buffed either. I find nothing hot with those greased, bodybuilder types.

I think guys who are kinda...um..."puffy" (maybe not the right word) are totally hot. I don't mean fat (or even chubby), but I don't really know how to describe it. Like during that time (maybe 3 years ago...?) when Jacob Young was deemed "puffy", I thought he looked so hot.

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Oh don't get me wrong at all, I am enjoying the show more than you are, I think, but I *completely* agree. I'm just surprised that AMC hasn't been told to "sex it up" more though--and a while back, especially when you place it side by side with One Life.

I mean we haven't gotten any Fords yet, Ryan has remained remarkably dressed for the most part, and much to my shock, Griffin has had *one* shirtless scene. I admit I do find the way men are forced to be shirtless at the flimsiest of excuses (DAYS and back in the day Passions are the kings at this) embarassing, but, in moderation, it's been a part of the soap world since Conboy focused on it on Y&R in the 70s. But AMC is still one of the few soaps that seems to not be too gratuitous about it.

LOL! I did too! I remember many on here complaining he needs to keep his shirt on or go back to the gym. And I was just keeping quiet cuz I didn't agree... LOL

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I can't believe AMC got that on the air.

Whether it's to my taste or not I do give them credit. Soaps were starting to move in this direction in 2002-2003 (Cosgrove himself had a bare butt scene on GL) then Janet Jackson's nipple destroyed America's morality and virtue forever.

This is the type of thing - if done right - I think some soaps should have started a long time ago.

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It is kinda remarkable how tame soaps are at this point when it comes to love scenes and nudity--I know it has a lot to do with Nipplegate, since before that they were experimenting with male backside nudity (was it Danie4l who had a scene on GL?), and primetime is still fairly tame too (I mean the family drama Once and Again even had an ass shot)--which seems silly when you can see the violence (on primetime and daytime) they can get away with, and of course the huge amount of sex and nudity on nearly every single cable station. But of course this is AMerica we're talking about.

I still remember a 90s Donahue episode where people were saying soaps were "pornographic" and it was dangerous for kids to watch. :rolleyes: But love scenes certainly were more explicit, it seems, even in the 80s than now.

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Daniel had a scene on GL, Mark Collier on ATWT.

Things became ridiculous again with Janet's nipple traumatizing children forever and ever and ever. Perhaps they are starting to slowly go back in the other direction now. If the networks want to stay relevant, then nudity and stronger language is one way to do it.

Sex scenes were much hotter in the 80s, yes. I am still shocked sometimes when I see them again now. There's also a real intensity. Thankfully I don't hear that much now about "shocking" sex scenes on soaps, in ET and Access Hollywood, etc. because those days are long gone.

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That wasn't the chunky era we're referring to... :P

Agreed on all accounts. I will have to youtube those scenes now... Though not sure I'll be able to find them. ^_^

I do find it amazing that next to nobody seems to object to Criminal Minds, but we prob still would hear a lot about mild nudity... (Canada is much better about this, we basically have the same rules as the UK, but most of our programming is American :P )

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