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GH: February Discussion Thread

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Why would Brenda air out all her dirty laundry in public like that? Why not take Sonny aside in private and talk? I found that highly innappropriate of her to discuss all of this in front of her guests. I do love that That Woman's plan didnt work out quite how she wanted it to.

Hey Quartermainfan, Liz was on and she was talking to Monica about her kids! She even had baby in hand....LMAO!

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I'm incredibly insecure about my looks. Some days I wake up with chapped lips. Other days I wake up with this inexplicable pimple... However, those things can be healed or treated with some ointment or a tub of Blistex. And, if my hair is a mess, a phone call to my BFF will get it straightened (or recently crimped) out.

Horrendous, face-changing reconstructive plastic surgery, however? It begs to question. Between me and Leslie Charleson, who's really the one that's insecure about their looks?

Nice try, though, SoapBoy. So far you're 0-2 (By the way... there's only one "c" in necessary.... just so you know the next time you attempt to miserably psychoanalyze someone).

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Since I'm going for broke, not to mention you think I don't have a brain, I might as well address this! :lol:

It's called subtext. It was an inspired attempt by Guza (head writer), Wolf (outliner) and Val Jean (script writer) to explain why Brenda was never able to commit to marriage these last 20 years. Brenda has this fear of believing a man can love and take care of her the way he claims to due to the way her father treated her. It was right there in Sonny's monologue. Actually, I'm surprised nobody got this. It was basic. To paraphrase Mart Crowley, she's at home with men not finding her worthy of love because being unworthy of a man's love is what she was taught at home. It wasn't the fact that she slept with someone and got pregnant -- it's the fact that she feels in her heart that that's something NO man would view as being worthy. She probably would've pulled the same thing with Murphy Sinclair (love that name) if they got married. In fact, she kinda did by doing everything she could to avoid their engagement.

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It must have been so awkward for everyone at the wedding having to sit & listen to all that mess LOL! That's all I could think about. Besides that I actually thought the reveal was pretty good, especially at the beginning when Brenda first told Sonny what happened. Sonny got that stern, chilling tone in his voice that I kind of love..LOL. But then he got all soft afterwards! Ugh, I found myself wishing that things were different regarding Brenda/Dante. I wish that they really DID have an affair and that baby really was his! ;-) Would have been so much better IMO...

I love that the Liz/Lucky/Nik stuff is finally being brought up again. Good to see Monica, how funny it's actually Lesley Charlesons birthday today ;-).

I'm just wondering what would your response have been if LisaLo's/Olivia's face had been altered in that pic? LOL.

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I almost wish they did... but then, it just complicates matters unnecessarily because we all know Brenda's heart is with Sonny. So it just avoids useless prattle. Plus, that horrific horse gets her ass handed to her and her cumstained dress. So it's a WIN as far as I'm concerned.

Let's just say, there are no coincidences. As long as she's on contract they have to pay her each month anyway. Why not throw her a bone.

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