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Thanks for that pic of Bond Gideon, she's gorgeous and looks strikingly familiar. Can't put a name on who she resembles though. What an unusual name as well.

We talked about 1997 earlier up and I've summarized below an episode I have from Friday, February 21st 1997. Not too much going on here either, but it's pretty notable in my collection for featuring a TON of characters and also has the original Grace, Josie Davis in this ep:

--The Newman's minus Victoria with Tony and Grace have gathered at the hospital. Victor and Nikki fret over Sharon and their unborn grandchild's condition in the aftermath of Sharon's slip on the icy path. Josh comes out and annouces they will be running tests on Sharon and the baby to make sure everything is okay. Josh confides to Nikki he doesn't know for sure one way or another. Grace comes to Sharon's beside and assures her everything will be okay and Sharon thanks Grace so much for being a great friend. Sharon has an ultrasound and much to Nick and Sharon's delight, the baby appears to be fine and they discover that it is a boy. However Sharon is still bleeding and Josh tells her there are complications that could arise should she carry it to term. Sharon then asks, will my baby live? Grace is seen eavesdropping through all of this.

--Neil wakes up, reaches over and realizes Dru is not there. Neil calls Olivia and tells her Dru never came home. Neil walks around out of the bedroom and finds Dru cooking breakfast and playing with Lily. Neil is a bit peeved as Dru explains she came home from work so late she slept on the couch because she didn't want to wake up either Neil or Lily. All is starting to be okay when suddenly a frantic Olivia barges in asking if everything is okay. Dru tosses Liv out and argues with Neil over her work life and what a wife she should be. Neil leaves for work, and Olivia comes back with little Nate. An excited Dru reveals to Liv she has gotten a new gig that could be a big break for her, but Olivia is disgusted. Malcolm drops by to see Neil and prys into Neil's problems but Neil shuts him down, but does say he's worried about growing apart from Dru. Little Nate and Lily are oblivious to all of this as they play with a cute puppy.

--Victoria is at Newman/Jabot and is writing a letter. She the finishes the letter, writes in big letters RYAN on the envelope and leaves it on his desk. Victoria calls Victor asking about Sharon and informs him she's leaving town today. Victoria then calls Cole to come by which he does. Victoria tells Cole that she has a packed a bag and will be leaving town on a trip. Cole is shocked and asks up whats going on. Victoria says she just needs some alone time to find herself. The two discuss the distance in their own marriage, and Victoria says she just needs a little getaway trip to find herself before making any decision on the future. The embrace and kiss as a reluctant Cole tells her he'll be waiting as she leaves.

--Kurt comes downstairs at the Chancellor residence and tells Katherine and Esther that he will be having lunch with Ashley. A thrilled Katherine gives him a prep talk and informs him that she's brought him new clothes. Kurt is appreciative of Katherine's kindness to him but is also nervous about seeing Ashley. Meanwhile in the Jabot lab John stops by to see a jittery Ashley. Ashley tells him that she is going out to lunch with Kurt for the first time since he told her about his past and is nervous about it. John cautions Ashley not to get hurt. Jack and Diane barge in and announce they have set a wedding date. Happy small talk ensures until a flustered Ash runs out saying she is going to be late. Both Kurt and Ashley meet up at Gina's, and Kurt is surprised but thankful Ashley has actually shown up. Ashley starts asking questions about Kurt's past, but strikes a nerve as Kurt tells her he's isn't ready to talk about it all. While Ashley is away, a mystery man comes up and both him and Kurt recognize each other. The man apologizes to Kurt about his wife and child and gives Kurt his card to call him anytime. Ashley comes back and asks if everything is ok. A nervous Kurt tells her it is.

A pretty blah blah blah ep mostly really. I've seen a date before that is was Heather Tom's exit ep when she left in 1997 but a lot of sources I've seen say it wasn't until April. Alrich took over after that. I can't recall myself. If this was it, she was still only gone for about six months.

Edited by soapfan770
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Would Cole have stayed if his relationship with Ashley had worked/if they could make it work with ED?

And, would it have been ultimately better had Eve survived? It was a great storyline, but I always wondered why they felt the need to kill a legacy character off like that.

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I think this may have already been asked, especially around the time of the hideous Patty story a few years ago, but how close was Y&R to actually bringing Patty back in 1996? Did plans fall through with one of the old Pattys?

Also, what was Patty like when Tammy Taylor played her? Was she just a rarely seen kid sister?

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Around the time that Y&R were hinting at Patty's return, SOD posted a blind item along the lines of....'what popular actress was in line to return to her role on a West Coast soap but the whole idea was dropped when TPTB contacted her only to find her appearance had changed drastically since her time on the show'.

Seems Lilibet was a lot heavier than in her heyday as Patty. Makes you wonder why they didn't check her out before starting the story.

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