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I remember when I first read about the shooting story my reaction to Sven being the shooter was kind of, "Who?"

I do appreciate the idea of not sacrificing characters just for a shock reveal - that has been the death of soaps. But I do wonder if, considering he ultimately faded away, they might have done something like had Michael Crawford as the shooter.

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The main problem was the plastic surgery.

It wasn't that he had it so much as HOW it badly the surgery make up was done.

Plus that part of the story (while entertaining) was rushed & unfortunately didn't allow Corbett to really shine.

Not anymore :lol:

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I think one of the problems of the David story is the fact that he really did not get a whole lot of payback before he actually died in the trash compactor. Sure it was a clever way of killing him off but like deedee said it did seem a bit rush just by watching those clips. I would have prefer that insted of just watching him die first a fistfight between Danny and David would have worked as like a final confrontation, Considering the hell this guy had put them through all those months, also this may be a bit far fetched but just because he was such a jerk to her during her trial, there could have been a scene where Glenn Richards found out that David was just a fraud and apologized to Nina. (Unless he just did that offscreen) I tend to get a bit angry when minor characters like him are such jerks to innocent victims like Nina who are only sufferering because other people have put them through this.

Deedee what did you think of the story where Jack finds out that it was Victor who caused Nikki to lose their baby boy, and he goes to confront him in his office, but like always Victor throws all the punches. That pisses me off because i think that was the one time Bill Bell should have ignored Braeden's stupid rule about Victor being somewhat invinceble to other people (although they let John Abbott give him a knuckle sandwich years later) and let Jack attack Victor.

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Even when doing psycho things CLB gave Michael a real level of genuine vulnerability a trait David always lacked & Michael's eventual redemption was slow & honest.

Plus the individuals Michael wronged were allowed to hate him without being treated like the villains themselves.

Unlike now where characters like Kevin & Gloria CONSTANTLY break the law, then gloat about it & have the nerve to constantly play the victim while self righteously judging everyone theu interacts with.

All while the people they wronged are ignored, written way OOC or treated like horrible people for hating & not immediately forgiving him.

John's death & funeral being a PERFECT example.

Edited by DeeeDee
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So is it safe to say that Sharon is the latest victim of THAT type of writing you just described. I say she is because Giggly definitely wronged her when she had the affair with Nick. Yet like Victor she has never really payed for her past crimes and continues to gloat about all the stuff she does.

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