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To prepare a little for tomorrow's (or later's)  classic episode, and as a late Christmas gift, here's some more episodes from December 1989, that weren't up before!

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 I've been slacking a little on the uploads and wanted to add some bright spots for a somewhat hard and stressful year.....I still have some January 1989 I need to post soon!

Thanks for the interview clip too! 

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Can't wait to see that. It will be nice to see a bit more of Terry as Jack. 


Someone is sending me a June 1989 episode soon, I hope, but I don't know if it will be one that was already uploaded. I'm sure you'll be able to tell me (hopefully...). 

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I was gonna try to post the January ones,first, but it's been a while, and with everything going on I just wanted everyone to have something to look forward too........given also old Y&R clips on YT popping up are still very slim....

Can't wait to see it and confirm the date for you!

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He totally seems bored out of his mind, and it's hilarious how even though he's sort of part of Cricket's rape story as the one who fires Derek, he has ZERO interaction with Lauralee, which we know why obviously....

I actually can sort of see why people rooted for Victor over Terry's Jack, as he played the arrogance better then Bergman...

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Watch him in the background of group scenes, especially with Eileen. He's rolling his eyes, smacking his lips, making faces. Just great stuff.


Part of the reason TL was upset was because his affair with Nikki was abruptly cut short & he (like Brenda) was abruptly pushed into secondary stories.


It's a big blow to go from a steamy affair with the soap's lead heroine to a supporting (but still important) player in several smaller stories.

Especially when several male characters (who were supporting players not long ago) suddenly make the leap to genuine leading men themselves.

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I might have to get some 1988 episodes with Eileen, because most of the 1989, especially early 1989 is Brenda, but he's definitely there physically not mentally....haha.

I can understand the frustration, but it's a shame Terry couldn't make the commitment to Y&R he should have, as I think he would have thrived throughout the 90's Jack stories.....

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That was the era Bill was determined to make Cricket a part of a core family to cement the character to the canvas.


It didn't work with the Chancellors so he hijacked the Abbotts (literally) to make it happen then abruptly threw it away to foist Cricket back on the poor Chancellors.

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Thanks for the uploads.


December 1989 was such a fun time -- JC doing her thing and clearly having a ball with Marge/Katherine, and Paul's eventual gaslighting of sorts of Cassandra during that beautiful remote, even if, by that time, I was sort of done with the whole George Rawlins murder.... I thought the build up to Scott and Lauren was very sweet. They had good chemistry. 

Edited by YRBB
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YRfan23, thanks so much for the December 1989 episodes.


I believe Peter Bergman's first episode was about a week or so prior to the ones you posted. You wouldn't happen to have Victor and Jack's first scene with Peter Bergman as Jack do you?


From watching these episodes, Peter Bergman is trying so hard to emulate Terry Lester (RIP) but it's not working.


Brenda Epperson was still relatively new as Ashley here, she had only been on about a year at this point. I believe Eileen Davidson left around October or November 1988 and Brenda started shortly after. I remember on Christmas 1998 CBS aired the episode from December 23, 1988 and Brenda was playing Ashley then.



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No Problem you guys!

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Yeah, on 12/4/89, it had only been a week Bergman was Jack.....it's weird that this was only one of his 4-5th appearances ever on the show....I sadly don't have the first episode Bergman's Jack and Victor interact, but If I ever do get it I will post it!

It's funny how Bergman always said he never copied Lester's performance yet, for literally the first 6 months that's all he tried to do....it just doesn't suit him and never has suited him....

I think Brenda's first date on the show was December 5th 1988, so yep exactly one year she was Ashley during these episodes....I believe Eileen exited the date before Brenda started (on December 2nd, 1988)  but I don't know if that's been confirmed or not?....

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