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Well I know 2008-early 2009 under her, wasn't too bad....It all began to go to hell when Colleen got shot and Victor got her heart leading to Braeden's leaving for 2 months......I honestly still think that's when Victor became the horrible monster he still is now, though a part of me wants to say he was worse under her regime.....maybe it's the whole throwing Diane off the ambulance and keeping Billy from Delia that still haunts me though, hiring a double Yack seems worse, yet Victor hasn't been grating my nerves too badly since the Adam reveal...oh and the constant scenes of Katherine kissing Victor's ass amidst all that terror still creeps me out forever....to the point where if Katherine were still around now with Pratt (which is probably a good thing she isn't I hate to say) I feel like they wouldn't have done the Marco story at all just cause realistically something like that would make Katherine wash her hands of Victor forever.....and If Braeden has say he wouldn't allow any real confrontation scenes like that between Katherine and Victor....

I guess one thing I liked was the use of old background music whether it was to MAB's credit or not......

Edited by YRfan23
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The old music cues are what I have to commend the MAB era for, at least they used them. One of my favourite scenes was Diane Jenkins floating face-down and dead in the lake, that haunting track they played was perfect, that set the tone just right. At least B&B is known to use the old music from time to time.

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Not a problem :) I love those rooftop episodes, I love when Y&R goes all batsh*t crazy DOOL-style.


Oh holy hell, really? I'm not exactly Victor's biggest fan, but I have to admit, I've actually kind of liked a lot of his scenes since the Adam reveal. There's no going back after the whole Phyllis/Marco thing though.

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I can tolerate the crazy sometimes...as long as it's done for the right occassion....

Yeah, apparently Braeden was tired, and wanted out to do more movies.....I guess they talked him into staying....this was also before the infamous brawl he and Bergman got to so that wasn't a factor....

It just surprises me cause I feel like Braeden always makes it known he's NOT a quitter so if this was true he obviously didn't feel that way over almost 25 years ago...then again the article got his age wrong saying he was 47, when he was 49-50 in 1991 so perhaps it was all a lie....


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Yeah, I can handle the insanity such as this that the likes of Sheila can bring, but doppelgängers and such, not so much.


Yeah, I can't see Victor going anywhere anytime soon. Between him, Stefano and Alf Stewart on Home and Away, they're going to be around forever.

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Amen! It's funny, around the time when speculation was that there was 'another Jack' in GC, I thought 'No, there's no way they'd do this again. Marge, Sheila, Sugar, Sarah, Patty, there ain't no way they're pulling this card again.' And we're literally two episodes away here in Australia from that whole Marco thing going to air.

I used to look at Victor like I look at Bill Spencer Jr, he did horrible things, but I always found him oddly likeable. Now, not so much. Ever since that whole Patty fiasco and Colleen's death.

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