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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I just finished a marathon of seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. It had been a long time since I had watched them and I had forgotten a lot. The show is outstanding when you don't have commercials or week breaks. No wonder it is gaining so many fans who watch live.

Second time around I liked Dale and Lori a lot more, especially Dale. I feel for Lori who was clearly sacrificed on the altar of conflict of Rick and Shane. Sophia's disappearance and then death along with Jenner at the CDC were tragic stories. It is fascinating watching the group become aware of Shane's sociopathy even as Andrea remained oblivious. She really has no self-preservation instinct. Also, watching all Carl went through it is not surprising that he would into a sociopath too. Daryl has really changed from a racist cracker into a loving caring man. For allt he complaints about the farm, I thought it was a great with lots of human and walker drama.

The inconsistency with the zombies is clear from these early episodes. We see people starved to death or killed without head injury. Some walkers are agile, fast, and can hold rocks and hit them against glass. LOL! The walkers eating people is so disgusting. I am glad that we haven't see to much of that of late. But really, the walkers should be emaciated, unable to move, and near death by now.

Hersher: I can't profess to understand God's plan, Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind.

Edited by Ann_SS
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The farm was the source of much of the character development we've seen ever since. I mostly remember Dale for pompous speeches.

Glen Mazarra or someone else said that Lori's behavior was written in a way to get a reaction out of viewers. I think that was often the case in season 2, and led to confusing inconsistencies like her urging Rick to kill Shane, then being outraged when he did.

Edited by DRW50
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After Andrea's death on the show, I have come to the conclusion that other than Rick and Carl that it is hard to predict who is likely to live or die among the main cast. The show has gotten so popular that it will be hard for Kirkman and Gimple to make those decisions about who to kill so we will see.

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Besides, some fans always say, "if they kill so and so, I won't watch again." I saw lots of Shane fans say that on TWOP. They might have stopped watching, but TWD's ratings are stronger than than ever. TWD needs to do what makes it different from other shows (and soap operas). Be fearless, tell the fans to go screw themselves and kill off whoever they feel should be next. The only death that I think felt off was Andrea's. Despite the rationalize given, I cannot help wondering if something happened behind the scenes.

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That poor guy being eaten alive and unable to scream. Damn He is eating his way through that guy who is now turned.

Awww, Glenn and Maggie are so cute.

I like that Rick is trying to keep Carl away from the killing. Carl is growing up.

Edited by Ann_SS
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