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You better preach but it was to be expected, yeah? Look at Lori. But at least they kept her consistent with Comic!Lori... I loathed her too. Now I'm just waiting to see who the fans turn on next and when they're offed. It'll be coming.

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I agree. I think from Kirkman and the other producers' perspective, Andrea's actions were understandable, very human, and even heroic. I don't think that they expected so many of the fans to have such negative reactions to her. They clearly did not plan for her to die initially as I suspect they were following the comics in that regard and she was supposed to be Rick's love interest eventually. However, the negativity towards Andrea that they created from a poorly written story made it easier to sacrifice her. I think that this was unfortunate and they should have written back from the brink. Beth could have died at the prison which would have devastated Hershel and Maggie.

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I don't know for sure but I read that this was all filmed before the episodes aired. Does anyone know? If that's the case, then I think they had already decided to kill her before the viewers got upset with her. I think her being close to Frank Darabont might have been a factor. It's tough to say. All I know is that they said she was not planned to die until suddenly they changed this near the end.

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I am pretty sure they were still filming at least into this season starting, i thought awhile into it but im not sure.

I am not saying that actually killing her was a concious decision and a cop out in that way, just that it feels that way. The way it felt to me, watching it was, the writers effed her character up this season by isolating her, making her dumb by not clearly explaining her feelings and actions, backed her into a wall where itd be hard for the group to take her back, and killed her off instead of writing themsleves and her out of it.

I had read earlier this week, after the episode aired, that killing her was kind of last minute/made late into the season and that to me is telling that they knew they had effed up with her, if the show was airing yet or not.

I do not mind them killing her off - but I dont understand why do it when it has minimal impact as opposed to after she has fought her way back into the group, reddem her with the audience, and then do it. I dont think they need to closely follow the comics at all or anything like that.

But even her death aside, the finale was very weak to me. Like there were serveral better, more impactful, and interesting episodes all season. This just kind of felt like another episode that was wasting time til something big happened despite all the stuff that did happen.

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i have been thinking about this, i have a feeling this is why Glen Mazzara was let go. how come we didnt see Kirkman on the season finale of TD? Rumors that him and Mazzara butted heads, wouldnt be suprised that Kirkman wanted him out. Kirkman created the comics, this is his baby and i bet he wasnt happy that Andrea was killed off, i bet he wasnt happy on where the show was going.

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I thought that was actually a lovely ending. It reminded me of something Carl and I occasionally have talked about - the old BBC series Survivors, from the '70s, about a man-made biological holocaust which wipes out most of the population, but focuses on the survivors trying to build a community and a new world. Of course, that's also why I liked Season 2 of TWD, so.

I thought it was lovely that they took them in, that they weren't all wiped out. I thought it was right. I hope Kirkman and co. don't undo it all out of comic book fetishism.

I loved the Governor staggering off into the tall weeds. That's all he is now.

Laurie Holden did wonderfully. But Jesus, I couldn't believe Andrea took so long with those pliers, taking fuckin' coffee breaks to chat with Milton. That was the first time, ever, in TWD history honestly, where I'd been like, "you stupid bitch."

Oh, and I was with Carl on that kid. That dude was going for it, I could see it in his eyes and his body language. I expected him to blow Carl or all of them away.

Edited by Vee
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Did you get to read those articles about the original filmed scenes with Andrea?

I agree about the Survivors comparison - I think it's something TWD does well with when they slow down the pace enough. I think Rick works better in this capacity than as too crazy or too dark. TWD is a few different shows in one. I think the idea of the prison as a home, and a farm, is not a bad one, if they write it properly. I'd say this would be a real chance to have the characters split into groups and explore different parts of the country, or even different parts of the state.

What did you think of that new woman, Karen (with the asthmatic son)? I hope they're not just bringing her in to be with Rick.

I think the Carl shooting scenes were supposed to be more ambiguous, or negative about Carl's actions, than they came across onscreen.

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I also have to say, I disagree with a number of you on Andrea, etc. I had a feeling going into this that she was done. It was the poetic, tragic ending; she's finally reunited with everyone but she's dead, in the pursuit of her ideals - she got what she wanted for those people, finally, but died in the process. She martyred herself for that. I saw it coming a week or two ago. And I was fine with it. I'm not sure how much farther the TV version of Andrea could have gone; they plumbed her depths and evolution so much in the first three seasons, from rebel to nihilist to contrarian to fighter, to martyr. What would be next? Andrea is a steady rock and hangs around? They have enough of those on the show already, most of them with less airtime and dimension than Andrea got. There are other people who need the time. I think her story was told. I didn't think the Governor's was yet, actually - they'd only begun to get into his real descent. I think they made the right choice.

I did read the articles; I also think they were right to reshoot her death. The original scene just sounds sadistic and unnecessary, although she shouldn't've kept [!@#$%^&*] stopping.

I am so glad Sonequa Martin-Green is a regular. I really, really like her, almost as much as Danai. And honestly, I think Rick embracing humanity and building a community is a very hopeful ending. I didn't expect it of Kirkman; I hope he doesn't ruin it.

I didn't get any suggestion that Karen was for Rick. I am still shipping Rick/Michonne, personally.

Edited by Vee
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