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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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yet.....the man is crazy and he made it obvious that the second someone disagrees with him, they will get killed. He is irrational and a hot head. They should have put him down bc presumably those people he was killing were their friends. It was pretty stupid to just stand there and do nothing
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the most important point I was trying to make was what Ann reiterated and its that he is insane and just proved he could turn on anyone at anytime. They cant trust him bc he is not in a good state of mind. On a basic human level, there should have been strong moral objections to what happened but they just went with the flow. It was stupid that they didn't try to stop that massacre. Now he's going back to Woodbury. What if he lets loose on all the other citizens if he gets called out or defied? He should have been put down right then and there
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I think the reason he turned against that group was because they were weak, in his eyes. They were not only scared in the prison, but they were bickering at each other like children.

Martinez was, I believe, one of the people who went along with the slaughter of soldiers early this season, so he would have no moral objections to anything the Governor is doing. I think, as scary as seeing the Governor blow away all those people must have been, there's a big part of Martinez that would go, "He wouldn't do that to me - I'm not like them."

Edited by CarlD2
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I cannot buy that as Martinez's reasoning. If it was,then he and the guy would have confidently jumped into the truck with Phillip. Instead, they both looked shocked, terrified, and apprehensive as they went with him into the truck. It made no sense. They could have taken out Phillip and still gone off together. All this said, I have no problem with Phillip living to fight another day, but there is no doubt that he will be back for his revenge.

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The scenes were all pretty stupid and OTT (and generally I think that's been true of the Governor since they came back from hiatus), I just didn't think their reactions were as ridiculous as they should have been. I think they were surprised, but also not surprised, if that makes any sense.

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LMAO, if you watched Conan tonight they played TWD music and out pops Michael and Melissa as Merle & Carol. It was pretty funny. TBS might add a clip to their site tomorrow.

Oh and Conan is in Atlanta for the week I think and TNT is under the same umbrella with TBS.

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I do have to say, season 3 finale wasnt good compared to the last two seasons and i know it pissed alot of people off! The show kind of went down hill a little whwn it returned in 2013.

I think that glen guy did it on purpose, probaly was like "fire me", screw you!

I hope that season 4 kicks ass or this show might have jumped the shark.

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I didn't really think the season 1 finale was all that great, to be honest. I thought the finale was good overall, but they never should have written a check they were never going to be able to cash. I never knew why they were building up to a battle the Governor would always win. They had to avoid that.

People said it jumped the shark in early season 2 and it came back. They're going to lose viewers, because they almost have to. No show stays at this level. We'll see if Gimple can work out the kinks. I hope he can.

Edited by CarlD2
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