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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Ok I'll bite for the next episode. As much as I love the character of Andrea or whats he once was she'd do best with her mouth shut the ENTIRE time.

Your actions and words contradict one another. I'm over it.

Now for Talking Dead time.

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What a good episode.

I loved Rick and that sexy ass Gov sitting and talking and drinking and debating.

Maggie/Glen was hot and it was nice, they needed that moment.

I am ready for Hersh to die in this battle and they have clearly set up for the dude from woodbury who documents everything to take his place, imo.

I do wonder where Daryl gets the time and product to do his hair. Like he is the only one with perfectly done up hair.

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For me this was the first truly bad episode of the series so far. Supremely boring, I was actually FFing through parts like that needless love scene of Maggie and Glen. First the Governor tells a little sob story but what does it matter? Who even knows if it is true and why should I care or even be partly interested? How does that explain the jars of zombie heads in his bedroom? The hour spent cutting a deal--a deal we know will never be cut--was for what purpose? And then we are allowed to see the Governor has a hidden gun Han Solo style ready to kill Ric. Well, at the end of the episode he tells his henchman to kill Ric, so that begs the question of why didn't he just kill him while they were sitting at the table? It was fake suspense, a dangling plot element that was inserted for no reason whatsoever.

Meanwhile we come to the only character that made sense the entire episode: Merle. He wants to kill the Governor and the gang doesn't trust him. Well, this was the exact same status quo when we last saw them two weeks ago, so why did I have to see it again? I thought perhaps we would get an alliance of Merle and Michonne, but that was a dead end too.

And where are the zombies??? One of the important elements of the show is the tension and danger the zombies provide, but this episode was almost zombie free with just two people talking in a conversation that had no significance whatsoever to anything that will come after it.

Edited by quartermainefan
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I thought that Glenn and Maggie's love scene was needed. It was life affirming to see their love and lust survive the trauma they were subjected to by Phillip. Without these meaningful moments of love and intimacy, the Zombie Apocalypse would be relentless desperation and horror.

Forgot to add: I too have a bad feeling that Hershel does not survive to season 4. The odds are not good that an old man with one leg makes it through a siege.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I agree! Terrific eppy!

The leader of each group coming face to face? Wonderful and needed! If TWD was blood and guts nonstop, it would not do very well in the ratings. This is more about the people trying to survive the apocalypse. The Gov is hella sexy!

Maggie and Glenn re-connecting was absolutely needed. These are real people who love one another and went through hell together with The Gov. They had a problem that needed to be addressed and like Ann said, it's good to see they overcame it during a time where all hope seems to be lost.

Not sure if I'm ready to see Hersh go. He's the patriarch, and they need him. Rick would lose his marbles for sure!

I was looking at Daryl's hair and that could have been done with spit and a knife. It looked awful as it should. I'd like for him to have a haircut, but how can that be explained? However, there has to be scissors somewhere because Carol's hair has not grown a bit. I'd love an eppy where Carol is cutting his hair.

What bugged me about the eppy is that Rick coming out of that meeting like a moron was a bit too plot driven to me. How could he believe that Phillip will stop at just M? I was proud that he didn't tell the gang that Phillip wanted M because that would have put a bullseye directly on her back, but then he actually considers handing her over? We almost can tell how this goes. He either does it and has a change of heart at the last minute or they trick Phillip into believing that they gave up M. Gosh, I hope I'm wrong!

I want an epic battle and no plot driven crap! I can watch GH for that!!!!!

Edited by ChitHappens
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I blows me away that Rick would even consider giving Michonne to Phillip. It has to be Kirkman creating drama. Rick has to know that Phillip is an insane violent sociopath. Rick has been down this path before with Shane. He tried and failed to make peace with Shane too before finally having to kill him. There is no negotiating with these lunatics.

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