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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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This show is made of awesomeness. I'm not a gore lover and if this show was just about zombies I wouldn't care. It's the human element and the quest for survival in the midst of a sort of modern day apocalypse that makes this show great.

These are not real spoilers but speculation based on the comic

1 glen dying this season(in the comic)

2 the governor seeing himself as a modern day Jesus Christ but is really a bad guy(in the comic)

3 morgan and his son return(speculation)

Kirkman has actually talking about killing off Rick but has said he can't come up with a good way to do it or where it would make sense in terms of story.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I will be crushed if Glenn dies. Last time I checked he and Maggie were still alive in the comics. I bet Kirkman killed off Glen for no reason, same reason that he would even consider killing off RIck. This is one time, I hope that the show does it differently. I can't believe that I am saying this, but I rather that they kill off T-Dog die. He is the minority character that they don't give anything to do.

I really hope we see Morgan and Dwayne again. I love Lennie James who played Morgan.

I am glad that you are healed of your gore aversion. There is nothing more fun than cringing and partially covering your face as you watch a zombie eat off someone's face. LOL!

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I like Andrew Lincoln. Right now Rick is the main protagonist so the show cant afford to lose him. If someone like Michonne comes in and takes over that role over time, he can go. If Lori and Karl died, Ricks character would change. They give him the will to survive and want to thrive.

I'm not a fan of killing off secondary characters just because they are allegedly useless. But you shouldn't kill off characters for shock value. I think Sophia and Dale dying both served a purpose and represented huge turning points with the survivors. Same with killing off Shane.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I have liked Andrew from his other work and I think that he does a great job as Rick. It is hard to play the good hat, always agonizing over making the right choice. It is much easier to be the villain like Shane or even ambiguous like Daryl. Yet Andrew has done very well with Rick as he underwent the transformation into the Rick that killed Shane and then exploded at the group for challenging his decision to stay put in the finale.

I completely agree. I have no problem with killing off characters if there is emotional turmoil that takes the show and its characters in another direction, but randomly killing off characters for no reason is just laziness. Of course, it is unrealistic that everyone will survive in such a dangerous environment, but really the most likely to die are the children and elderly who are by far the ones unable to physically take care of themselves. So I would expect that Herschel and Carl would be the ones most likely to die next. As Lori's pregnancy advances, she too will become extremely physically vulnerable. She will be unable to run or maneuver quickly when zombies or human attackers pursue them.

Edited by Ann_SS
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