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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Here's the thing, but I can kind of see why he did what he did to Otis. It's a different world that they are living in, and it really all comes down to survival/self preservation. Otis was injured, and out of breath, slowing them down. If he had kept up the same pace of Otis, they both would have been dead, especially since there was only a pair of bullets between them. I think that all Shane was thinking about was getting back to Carl before it was too late to save his life with the supplies. He was basically a father figure to Carl when Rick was presumed dead, and he has a love for that boy that people tend to forget/ignore. All he was doing was saving himself and the lives of those he loves most. Frankly, if the world in TWD were to become reality, who's to say who will kill others to ensure their own survival? I'm thinking that he shot him in the leg and not the head because the zombies are drawn more to living flesh. If he were to kill Otis outright with the shot, a few stragglers would probably munch on him, but the odor of life would have kept the majority hot on Shane's tail.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with Shane, and how far down the road of no return he will go. Right now, he's toeing the gray line, but who knows at this point.

Edited by Shawn
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I understand Shane's motives, but I still dislike him. I'm sure he's going to be feeling the guilt of what he did. I don't think he's pure evil, but he's the last one in the group that I'd want to have any real power over me. After what he did to Lori, I just think he's quickly come to understand that in the world of the walking dead, young, strong men are back to having the most power.

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I think that everyone is fundamentally who they were before the zombie apocalypse. Rick is the good cop who would always obey the rules and try to save everyone so he does his best by leaving guns with Morgan and his son and with the Latinos caring for the elderly. Not that Rick is always right or that his plans work out. Shane is the kind of cop who would break the rules if he could get away with it i.e. beat the sh!t out of a suspect (like he did the wife beater) and try to take whatever he wanted (like when tried to rape Lori). Daryl is a red neck racist who would help someone if he can regardless of their skin color, but he isn't going out of his way to do it. In contrast, his brother Meryl is the drug addled violent racist who would beat up someone without a thought. Glenn is a resourceful, good guy who will risk his life to save you despite his better judgment. Of all the men, Shane is the most dangerous because he puts on a front as a caring person, but underneath that facade he abuses his power and is willing to abandon others in the group when he thinks it is best for him.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I have a feeling Lori will not have this baby, either by choice or circumstance. Daryl is proving himself to be a pretty decent guy. I wonder what the circumstances the Vet didn't want to talk about could be? What reason could he have for not wanting more people around?

I had to laugh when T-Dog said, "Thank God we didn't do anything stupid, like shoot him". It took me a minute to realize Glen was screaming so much to entice the walker and not because he was genuinely that freaked out.

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The show is not unlike the comic, which is probably the best graphic novel series I have ever read. The zombies are the backdrop, while the human struggle takes center stage. It's always been about showing what man is capable of doing to survive in a world that no longer has the same rules and morals. There are zombies, of course, but it's not like Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later. They are there simply to propel the characters' story forward, and serve as the undoing of many characters' sanity and views of right and wrong.

I think the show is doing a tremendous job with pacing and setting things in motion. Trust me, what's coming up will please everyone, but like I said, I'm hoping that Kirkman stays true to his narrative in the comic. If he does, it will be amazing. :)

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I wonder if Laurie really did request SID because if so, that's too silly.

I couldn't believe Dale called out Shane. Big mistake, imo. Is Dale in love with Andrea? That creeps me out. Wasn't he acting pretty fatherly towards she and April? I really hope Andrea does not see the walkers in the barn.

Next week is the fall finale right? It looks like a really good episode.

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