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B&B: November Discussion Thread

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Whereas Amber was more mature on Y&R, Lauren had more vivaciousness/depth while she was on B&B...

That said; Amber may be back to her old tricks and somehow act in-character but I still find it beyond pointless. SPeaking of that: Agggie is just Snoooooooze! Can't believe what they made out of the character which was started off good.

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rolleyes.gif at Marcus. "Way to go Hope, that's my cousin!". That line, & the way he delivered it, just really irked me for some reason.

And he has a girlfriend?? Who was that girl he was with at Hope's party?! He should have taken Dayzee instead mad.gif what was the point of him mildly flirting with her a few weeks ago?

lol @ Amber disguising herself as Liam's limo driver! Her accent laugh.gif hilarious. I still think her antics are stupid though....and I was thinking the same thing about her taking over Steffy's spotlight while she's in Paris!! That's exactly how it seems.

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Everything about Marcus irks me and I hate the dialogue they give him. Its obvious there are no black writers on the writing staff bc they try too hard to write him "black" and it just comes across forced and embarassing. I cringe at the lines he has to say

Girl is some random day player. Not sure if she is his girlfriend or just some girl he took.Doesnt matter bc I doubt we will see her again.

I dont get Amber's motivation either. She does at least work better as a manipulator. I wonder how she and Steffy would fare in a rivalry together. 2 bitches going head to head

Was so surprised to see Donna. I wonder why the show even keeps her. They barely use many characters they have and it seems that all ehr story potential has dried up. They should just drop her

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Agreed, and Lauren should have stayed on B&B--could have filled the Sally void that the show has never been able to get around. It is rather funny how Amber got all mature around Mrs. C, saved Kevin and school Daniel only to be reduced to Hotline status on B&B.

I loved how the Sally poster spoke last week. Hope they make this a regular feature of the show. Granted, a Sally recast with Liz Hubbard would be great. Aggie sucks, Nick suck, Jackie/Owen and the baby suck and B&B will hit a 2.0 HH if they don't clean up this mess.

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This was indeed genius.

It is way more believable than those regular ghost appearences on other shows - you can actually believe that it is the characters conscience talking. And all viewers loved Darlene - may she rest in piece - so this was truly a great gesture.

It's just odd that Sally in B&B land is still alive yet they cannot contact her in reality... - I think it's time to give her a great last bow.

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I can't believe how quickly Hope betrayed Liam and hopped into Oliver's bubble angry.gif she didn't even think that Liam might be in danger or something? That there was a real reason that he wasn't at the party? She just instantly thought he dissed her & chose not to come? Ugh! I hate what Amber and Oliver are doing and I think Hope is really, really dumb for not realizing anything.

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I hpoe she doesnt have sex with Oliver bc if she does, she is just as much a tramp as her mother, aunts, and sister are. Well not that bad yet, but she's young and has many years to catch on. I really hope she has enough sense to keep her legs closed and not cheat on her boyfriend

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Welcome back Owen and Jackie! lol! Glad to see them today.

Hope was so pathetic today! What was she even talking about? dry.gif Now she's confused on whether she wants Oliver or Liam? Shows she has been confused the whole time because even after Liam explained to her what happened, she still was mad at him and was being all defensive over turning to Oliver. I hated how she kept talking about how Liam is at work all the time. Uhm he wasn't at work this time biotch! And you guys already talked about that earlier in the day and you claimed to move past it. He was late to the party because his "limo driver" got "lost". He made sure he got to you though, and your still mad and now suddenly confused about who you want? What a joke.

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