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Well, maybe working on a soap opera wasn't all that challenging to him, but it's certainly more challenging (and more stable) than working on low-budget movies on Lifetime Movie Network, lol.

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I looked up a few Hapka exit interviews and it's relatively mild.  He was pissed he got let go, saying it was a writer choice, and that he doesn't really understand it since Nathan/Melanie could finally be together.  He is pretty derogatory to the writing team, but is very gracious about the cast and crew.

Idk, he sounds like a jerk and full of himself in interviews, but he's also not wrong about the abrupt dumping of Nathan.

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DAYS So last year I began a rewatch project, 1991, and I've just finished, finally! I've made a new edit. I may trim it later, but for now it is "Classic DAYS Happy New Year 12-31-91" https://***.com/v5eeyfp-classic-days-happy-new-year-12-31-91.html

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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DAYS Classic: I'm doing a project about Real Roman, OG Roman, Wayne Northrup as Roman. It's called Roman, a jerk or not a jerk?
An asterisk indicates something out of order. 
11-15-91 Day 1 not a jerk.
11-17-91 Day 2 not a jerk.
11-18-91 Day 3 not a jerk.
11-19-91 Day 4 not on.
11-20-91 Day 5 not on.
11-21-91 Day 6 not a jerk. Far from it. Romantic, funny, kind, talkative, gentle, absolutely at his best.
11-22-91 Day 7 not on.
11-25-91 Day 8 not a jerk.
11-26-91 Day 9 not a jerk.
*5-16-94 Day 10 not a jerk even though Marlena lies to him & tells him she's having a wonderful time with John, made to say so on phone by Stefano. Roman knows their marriage is over.
11-27-91 Day 11 Roman not on.
11-29-91 Day 12 Roman not on.
*4-8-94 Day 13 Not a jerk.
*4-11-94 Day 13 Not a jerk. It is clear to me that Marlena still wants to be with Roman. But he is going forward with a divorce. She wants him to forgive her. He can't stand that she loved John in the same way that she loved him.
12-2-91 Day 14 Not a jerk.
12-3-91 Day 15 Not a jerk. Roman & John on hands & knees crawl into the Mayan pyramid. Outside Izzy & Marlena are awkward. Bo is mostly running from somewhere to here. Roman & John have to work together, which they do. Just as they finally get somewhere Lawrence & Gretchen catch up with them & hold them at gunpoint. Suddenly Stefano appears only we only hear him & see his shoes. It is not Joe Moscolo. Victor is chained to the wall. Carly finds him & frees him.
12-4-91 Day 16 Not a jerk. (12-31-23) No idea who is playing Stefano but their accent is horrible! John finally acknowledges that he is not Roman. Roman looks forward to putting his family back together, beginning with Marlena as his wife. She has a funny expression on her face as he says this.
12-5-91 Day 17 Not a jerk. (1-4-24) Marlena expresses to John that she loves him & he says she doesn't & that he is not the man she fell in love with. He asks her if she can say that she does not love the other guy. She can't say that. He knew she couldn't. She tells Roman that she loves him. And that it feels very very good for him to hold her this way. But that she needs some time. Does he understand? He says he does. He says he is not going to push her. He's waited 7 years so he guesses he can wait longer.
12-6-91 Day 18 (1-6-24) No Roman, no Marlena, no John, no Izzy. Scofields the anniversary of their mother's death (raped; committed suicide). Bo & Carly preparing for their Mayan wedding tomorrow. They continue to abstain.
12-9-91 Day 19 (1-10-24) Roman is not a jerk, not even close. This is the day before & the day of Bo & Carly's Mayan wedding. Bo & Carly get dressed in traditional garb. So do Roman & Marlena and John & Isabella. They all 6 meet at the base of the pyramid & then Bo & Carly begin to climb the stairs of the pyramid. Show Ends.
12-10-91 Day 20 (1-13-24) Roman is not a jerk, not even close. This is the day of Bo & Carly's Mayan wedding. It's almost all Bo & Carly. One scene with everyone giving them gifts & toasting them. One scene where Izzy gets John to say he will tell Marlena about the baby.
12-11-91 Day 21 (1-14-24) Roman is not a jerk, not even close. We begin with Carly watching Bo sleep & then gently she wakes him. Marlena brings the sports page & breakfast in to Roman & wakes him & gets in bed. They begin to kiss & it's fine but then she breaks it off & says they have so many tough times ahead of them. She says it's almost Christmas & the kids are used to spending it with John. Meanwhile John is frustrated with delays hearing back from the ISA about the satchel. But, he tells Izzy that today he is going to tell Marlena about the baby. When he told her about the baby, she either was pleased for him or she pretended she was, effectively. He took that moment to ask her if he could be present when they tell the kids that Roman is their father. She told him he is the best person to tell them!
As I am pursuing my Roman: A Jerk or Not a Jerk? Project I'm getting other DAYS stuff, too, of course. I whined about Kayla & Shane. I remarked about Tanner & Molly plus some Scofields. Then there was everyone descending on Mexico & searching for codicils, etc. I discovered that back then Gretchen was recently GH's mother of Brando, etc. Now I've just gotten a huge taste of Mayan culture & how much Bo & Carly love each other & their vows from the top of a Mexican pyramid. I've said that Drake looks ridiculous in Bermuda shorts. (Never saw him look bad in anything before. Did not know it was possible.) Finally John knows & accepts that he's not Roman & he never was so he is now filled with an urgency about his identity.
The most interesting "side" story to me is the subtext that Deidre is playing so well when you can just see her brain, gears grinding, as she ponders the fact that she loves 2 men. One, she can no longer have because now he belongs to Isabella & a baby on the way. The other, she can have if she can find a way not to screw things up.
*12-5-91 Marlena talks to Abe
*=out of order
12-12-91 Day 22 (1-18-24) Roman isn't on. Bo & Carly honeymooners. Jenn & Mrs. H. Jack & Jo. Chip says he once met the guy who sang "The Ballad of Davy Crockett." Julie replies that she dated him. We see both Jack & Jo.
12-13-91 Day 23 (1-19-24) At the airport home in Salem. John & Isabella. Roman & Marlena. They tell Eric & Sami that John isn't their Dad but Roman is. Marlena tells Roman all she needs is him & challenges him to show her that he loves her. They make love & sleep in the same bed.
12-16-91 Day 24 (1-22-24) A day about Xmas trees. OG Roman is not a jerk, still not. John was kinda a jerk. Isabella was a jerk but only to Victor. Lawrence visited Victor in jail & he was clearly being a jerk. Roman made pancakes but the kids just wanted to know where their dad was. Kim & Kayla & Shawn come over & bring a big decorated WELCOME HOME cake. Shawn says how great it is to all be together. Only Carolyn & Bo are missing. They trim their tree & eat cake & tease each other & have a fine time. Kayla is bothered that earlier in the day John saw the cake & what was written on it. When they leave Roman & Marlena's place they go buy another cake & take it to John & Isabella's & they decorate a tree there, too. And they try to express to John that he is still family to them even without any Brady blood.
12-17-91 Day 27 (1-26-24) No Roman or Marlena or John. "The Nutcracker" Molly, Tanner, Julie, Chip, Jennifer, Hawk, Jack, Jo, Ginger, Desire, Alice, Maggie & Mickey. It was a huge deal that Molly asked Tanner to be her date to this event.
12-18-91 Day 28 (1-26-24) No Roman or Marlena or John. Desire sang "O Holy Night" acapello. Jack picks up a gun someone dropped & looks like he's going to be in trouble.
12-19-91 Day 29 (2-2-24) Roman was not a jerk. John pretty much was a jerk to Isabella who currently could be described as "long sufferihng". During the day Roman & Marlena with the kids went to the Bradys & everyone was there but Bo & Carly & little snaggle-tooth Shawn-D plaintively asked weren't they ever gonna get back from Mexico?!! Then Roman said he had a surprise & he opened the door & there was the happy couple & there was a lot of hugging! He wanted to hear about their trip & then he said, "You were stuck in a hotel room for 3 days?! How boring." All of the grown-ups laughed their heads off. John was short with Izzy & refused to go to the Bradys. Izzy & Marlena cooked up a plan for John to see Eric & Sami right after school. They saw the Xmas lights but then Sami got onto John for lying to them & saying he was their father. Eric got into the act, too, and it was an awful scene for John.
12-20-91 Day 30 (2-7-24) Today Roman is in the Christmas spirit. So is Marlena. OG Brothers Brady in matching brown leather jackets are out doing their shopping. Carly is impatient with Mickey & wanting to bring a civil suit against Victor, including something about a sabotaged elevator. Mickey insists the criminal case against Vic must go forward first. Lawrence sidles up to Carly & he annoys her. Roman not at all a jerk & in fact he & Marlena are both teasing about secrets & wrapped packages & very loving, stopping in the middle of things to kiss passionately. John finally gets that dadgummed satchel back from the ISA & it has nothing of use in it! John is so frustrated that he is a jerk to Isabella. There's a piece of jewelry, a chain, that could have belonged to anyone. There is a picture burned around four edges only leaving the middle. It's a woman but that's all you can tell. End of day & Carly is reading "Alice in Wonderland" to ShawnD. Then she & Bo make love. Elsewhere Roman & Marlena do, too. John is outside, wandering. Izzy wants him to move in. He will only commit to a few days at a time. In the closing credits, after all the other actors have been named, it reads
Wayne Northrup
Roman Brady
Deidre Hall
Marlena Evans
This is the special billing they got when they returned to the show.
12-23-91 Day 31 (2-10-24) No one was a jerk. Cmdr. Brady back at an ofc in the cop shop, been a long time. Welcomed & met cops who are new to him. Marlena there but she leaves. Bo wakes Carly & they make love. John has a speech to make to Isabella abt the baby. "I want this baby." Then he asks her to be patient with him. The satchel only had 3 items in it & none help with his unknown identity. He says he can't stay there in her apt. During this winter Christmastime episode we see John outside, just wandering, seemingly lost. Izzy has a good talk with Marcus. Marlena comes back to see Roman, says she likes seeing him in his element. Then, she holds him down & thoroughly & passionately kisses him. He did not resist.
12-24-91 Day 32 (2-14-24) Today is Christmas Eve. All the Bradys seem to have the spirit. Bo & Carly are at a restaurant & Isabella comes in & joins them. She says that John is getting farther away - not just from her - but from everyone. We see him just wandering outside. He sees a little boy with a problem with his ice skate & he stops & fixes it. Little boy thanks him & says how lucky his kids must be to have him for a Dad. Jack says somehow he has to get to see Jennifer tonight & then he pretends to be a bell-ringing Santa Claus. In the Brady kitchen we see Carolyn with a humongous jar of horseradish. Kimberly tells Shawn that if he will peel the shrimp she will de-vein them. (This is the first I've seen industrial sized horseradish & the first I've seen people on TV talk about peeling shrimp & de-veining them!) Marlena & Roman exchange gifts & kiss for awhile. Right now they kiss as much as Bo & Carly do. I guess they're both newlyweds in a way. John went into a church & found Izzy there, crying. That night at the Bradys Kayla & Kimberly put the angel on top of the tree, together. John was the last to arrive. All the Bradys hugged him except Roman, who very jovially sorta pounded him on his arm. They were all glad to see him. He took gifts over to the twins & at first they wouldn't take them but Kayla gave Sami a little nod & she reached out & so Eric did too. It's really hard seeing John struggle so.
12-25-91 Day 33 (2-16-24) In Salem it is Christmas Day & at the Hortons they have the annual traditional hanging of the Horton family ornaments, where there is an individually decorated ball ornament for every member of the extended family.
Jack fell into the room & landed on the tree which fell completely over. Jennifer & Jack saw each other & looked shocked but then recovered & embraced & kissed one very long kiss & then she pulled away to try to get a look at him, I thought, but then she absolutely slugged him, closed fist! Roman not in this episode.
I took a break but now I'm back to it.
12-27-91 Day 34 (5-1-24) No Roman. Still Christmas. Shawn D made an ornament for Carly as his gift to her. Isabella is in a bad place. Carly tries to bolster her & uses how bad things were for her & Bo a few months ago & how good they are now. Izzy gave Tom a check that was large for some center. Chip & Julie had their date. Unclear if there will be another. Jack & Jenn & Hawk argued. Jenn ended up crying alone. John came by to see Izzy but did not stay the night.
12-30-91 Day 35 (9-7-24) Before my 2 problems were Tanner & Molly and Shane & Kayla. Now my problem is Missy Reeves. Before, no problem. Now, a very big problem. However, Roman was on today & not a jerk. More detail: We see Jack but he's in Jenn's robe, can't find his clothes. He tries to make call, but he can't use the phone. All the phone cords are missing.
Hawk tries to talk to Jenn. She is NOT interested.
John's looking for someone. He means to apologize.
Izzy & Carly. She says everything is wrong. John? Definitely. She thinks he's maybe still married. There's a question about a gold ring. She's afraid of John's answer so she won't ask him. Izzy wished so hard & for so long that he would NOT be Roman & so not be married to Marlena. NOW WHAT if he's married to someone else? Carly reminds her: He loves you.
Roman arrives. Roman says Bo can't be involved in this because Kiriakis knows him too well. Roman & Brian Scofield are on this. Brian tries to talk to John who is rude to him. Scofield calls everyone SIR. Hawk insists on talking to Jenn. Jenn thinks Hawk lied to her. He's trying to sell himself as a good friend to her. She shoots him down & leaves, mad.
Molly arrives at Alice's Restaurant. Molly says she & Tanner made up. She hurts Ginger's feelings by saying the broken music box does not matter. Jennifer at the paper with Vern. Jack strikes out with Jenn & also with Vern.
Carly & Kayla & Kim & a cake. Victor gave Izzy a gift. Tanner tells Ginger, Be cool. Hawk is on the phone with someone. Hawk warns whoever it is, saying that the FBI is going to be after them. Jack calls someone about the stock swindle. He tells Vern something about the money he was conned out of. Jenn & Carly talk. Jenn is done with Jack & his greed & attitude about money. Carly tries to put forward a case that Jack seems one way but it often is actually something else.
Kimberly's friend in LA wants her to come help with abuse in a nursery school. She's got a big decision to make.
Jack gets bad news. All of their money is lost.
John & Izzy, will they spend NYE together? YES!
Bo & Carly: She wants to go to the party. He wants to be alone with just her. They talk about him washing her hair.
DAYS 12-31-91 (the last day for the rewatch of this year)
Jenn rebuffs Jack. Bo & Carly loving on each other & he is supposed to wash her hair.
John & Izzy all dressed up for the party. John's in a great mood. Bow tie, dress shirt. Compliments Isabella on how great she looks. She brings up this picture & says she thinks she knows who it is. She adds that this important gold ring is likely a wedding band. "Tell me the truth." John is frustrated because he's just not sure. He says again that he has to deal with his past BY HIMSELF. They decide to go to Wings & just have fun!
ShawnD will be with a babysitter. "Sailor Man" & papa. Roman & Marlena, WOW. She's in a black strapless gown. She's upset because Roman won't take off to go to the party. Really very upset with him! She says it's just this one night & that Bo is going to the party with Carly. Roman tells her, only, that he will try especially hard to be there by midnight. They begin to kiss. Just now realized he's at the cop shop & she's brought him a tux. She leaves. 
Jack & Vern talk - about Hawk. Julie & Tanner are both working tonight at Wings. (Wings at this time is Julie's club.) 
People begin to arrive in number: Chip with a female doctor as his date. John & Izzy. Bo & Carly. Jenn alone. Hawk alone. 
Molly gets Tanner alone & asks him about his feelings. (???) 
Roman shows up! He goes right to Marlena, they embrace & begin to discuss how important the coming year is to them. He's in a fantastic mood, very charming, affectionate, optimistic about things & wants to dance with his wife. They do so. 
This party is in full swing! All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Jack appears & goes directly to Hawk & slugs him. He even hurt his hand. People were appalled. Marcus helps Hawk & they leave, presumably to go to another room. Julie is right there telling Jack there are going to be damages & he is going to have to pay for them. Jenn, furious again, is leaving, no way is she staying there, not even for another moment. Absolutely NOT staying for midnight. 
Julie begins the countdown. 10 - 9- 8 ... Happy New Year! 
Tanner & Molly kiss. Someone, maybe Ginger, kisses Brian. Chip kisses Julie. Roman & Marlena kiss. John & Izzy kiss. Bo & Carly kiss & he calls her "Princess." Then they slip away. 
Outside, Jack chases Jenn down. They talk. They kiss. Then, I don't understand why, but he literally flees. 
At the boat, Bo & Carly are in their room, kissing & a flashbulb goes off. Shawn-D who apparently got a camera for Christmas has set an alarm to "take the first picture of this new year". They send him back to bed. After he leaves they laugh & talk about how glad they are he didn't come in 10 minutes later! It's clear what they are about to do. 
This is the end of the episode, and also of the year. I plan to begin on DAYS 1992. 
(In real life I know about de-veining shrimp, also cleaning crab.)

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Collector's Edition, 10th Anniversary Issue, pg. 113, Fun & Games
On DAYS OF OUR LIVES, when Deidre Hall as Marlena was married to Roman (Wayne Northrup), they lessened the rehearsal tension by playing practical jokes on each other. One day he tied her dressing room door, shut with a rope. She retaliated by throwing a bucket of cold water all over him. So, then, he chased her into the shower fully dressed. She had to have her hair redone hurriedly before the next rehearsal.

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I am very excited. I'm beginning my new DAYS Re-watch project. I just finished 1991 so today I start with Thurs. 1-2-92. No Roman, actually no Bradys at all. No Marlena, no John, no Izzy, no Carly. We have Julie, Alice, Ginger, Brian, Molly, Tanner, Jack, Jenn, Vern, Hawk, Chauncey, Chip, a Fed. Ginger & Brian are moving on now past flirting & kissed last night on NYE & again today. The Federal agent explained to Jack that his 5 million dollars was cashed out from stocks to cash in a brokerage in Muncie, Indiana & that they lost the documentation warning them not to cash those particular stocks. Jack, as you can imagine, was beyond himself, so frustrated. 

He is wearing a pink trench coat that belongs to Jenn. WHY?
Julie is very concerned & she talks to Alice about this. She had thought Chip was a different kind of man. Now she's realized he is just like other people, guys who burned her.
Alice also had a heart-to-heart with Jack. She tried hard to get him to see if Jenn did not love him she would not be so hurt at what he did. But, if he wants her back, he is going to have to prove that she can trust him again.
Meanwhile Jenn is at the apartment packing to go to DC for an on-air network reporting job. Jack comes home & is so upset that she is leaving. He tells her they have to be together to work this out. She doesn't seem to be listening. We end the show with the camera coming closer & closer until it's on a tight shot of just Jack's face, pondering.
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Last year I put the Re-watch summaries of '91 all in one post & it seemed far too long. So,  now I'm going to try it with separate posts. We'll see if that is better. 

DAYS Fri., 1-3-92.
Carly gets off the phone & tells Bo that was Victor & he says for her to come NOW to sign the annulment papers. Bo is furious that Vic is "jerking them around again" but decides to go with her to try to forestall any problems from Victor. He tried to reach Mickey by phone but it wasn't possible. Carly also hates it that Victor is continuing to "pull stuff" but she is so anxious to be rid of the title "Mrs. Victor Kiriakis" that she is headed out the door. There was a line about this being the first shot over the bow in this new year.
At the docks, John is struggling to fill out a job application. His past is still a mystery to him, so he gets stuck on questions like Marital Status! He thought he was coming to a job interview & was taken off guard by the required paperwork. Izzy arrives. They talk. She tries to be supportive and encouraging. She suggests they go to Salem Hospital & come back here after. She needs a prenatal check-up & John is due for an appt. with Marlena.
At the cop shop, Marlena surprises Brian & Roman with lunch. That's the biggest brown bag you ever see!
At Victor's he signs 4 places. Bo has words for Vic. Carly, to Vic, "You really have NO SHAME, do you?"
Marlena asks John if he has had any flashes of memory? No, none at all. He says he's frustrated that these 3 articles (ring, etc.) have not helped at all. She suggests something that has been successful in the past, hypnosis. He agrees to it. Almost immediately after he is "under" he throws his head back, eyes closed, face in a grimace, gasping for air ... Very quickly Doc brings him up & out of it. 1 - 2 - 3 you're back. John, it's me, you're safe. He says he wanted to speak, wanted to scream, couldn't. He says water has something to do with it. He wants her to put him back under. She says, no, too much trauma already for one day. Next time they will try again. Session is over for today.
Lawrence has a flashback of making love to Katarina (Carly).
Alice found out that Jack hadn't eaten anything in several days. She fixes him 3 takeout bags & leaves them for him at Alice's Restaurant. He takes them back to his & Jenn's place to eat. (She's gone to DC.)
Izzy is served to be a defense witness in Victor's competency trial. Victor is hoping to be found incompetent so he can't be held responsible for vile things he's done. It's an elaborate ploy. Marlena examines him & finds him very sane.
Bo & Izzy visit briefly.
Bo opens an invitation. It's to a ceremony honoring him & John & Roman for their finding of the lost codicils in the Mayan Ruins last year.
Marlena confides to Roman that Victor threatened her.

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