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Well, IDK how to retcon Belle out of the Black family, but I envision a scenario where a not-quite-dead Ernesto Toscano abducts baby Brady at some point, murders him and then switches him with another baby who grew up to become the Brady of today, as further revenge against Victor and Isabella.

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I think unfortunately you have to keep Belle, but I would make Sami's kidnapping successful and this lame-o Belle is not their real child.  And the new Belle is awesome and cool.  As far as Brady, I don't really care one way or the other.  It honestly still bothers me he doesn't call Marlena mom to this day.  That lady raised you!!!  John just dropped you off as a package deal with Belle!

I would never, ever go there but that is interesting.  I think you can almost whitewash the whole thing because Shawn and Belle would only be cousins if John was Roman.  First cousins lol but it's been done before and I don't think it's illegal lol.

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I've always hated the pairing and never bought their forced love story, and I was the prime pre-teen age during the last blast crew years, so wouldn't hesitate to tear them apart once and for all. Of course, it would probably be pretty easy to just say Claire was Philip's after all.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Yeah, you could totally make Claire Phillip's kid.  It wouldn't bother me.  Funny you say that they were forced and I was a teen as well in that era.  I didn't hate them and JC and KS had some chemistry-it was just like you had to ship them because that was the pairing.  On paper it's cute to have Bope and Jarlena's kid be together, but I have stated at length my thoughts on aging Belle too soon.  I would have made her Abby/Will's age.

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Belle, Phillip and Brady were aged too soon. They should have just brought on Chloe, Mimi, and Jan as the girls. Shawn, Charlie Jannings, Andrew Donovan and/or Alexander Kiriakis as the guys. Max Brady should have been around for the Sami/Carrie era, but they deaged him. I would have loved to see Shawn and Caroline raising a teen while dealing with Sami foolishness. 

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Again, Belle had such a critical timeline of birth it was foolish to age her.  I know these parents weren't on the canvas, but you could have aged Stephanie, Theresa/Jeannie, Andrew etc.  I guess they all are related to Shawn and I truly get the Belle/Shawn idea.  I don't have a problem with Phillip being aged.  Belle/Brady are the just more problematic and the fact they aged Brady much later and made him an [!@#$%^&*] is always annoying.  Like,dude, it's totally sad your mom died, but Marlena raised you since you were like 1-calm the [!@#$%^&*] down.  They tried to make it like he had a troubled childhood and we have never had any proof he wasn't going to the park with Chelsea the nanny all day.  And also, Kyle Lowder looks like he could be Marlena's child, not John/Isabella's at all.  Anyhow, neither here nor there because I do think EM vaguely reminds me of Drake so it's fine.  He's just about 10 years too old.  He should not be the same age as Sami/Eric.

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Does anyone know what exactly the deal was with Ian Buchanan's debacle of a character? Didn't the big reveal of him supposedly being Stefano's 'real son' (and not E.J.) only happen a day or so before McPherson and Thomas left, and then immediately got undone? It all seems so bizarre and unnecessary. I seem to recall some talk of IB being intended as a replacement on the canvas for the ailing Joe Mascolo (good luck!), but I still don't understand what was originally planned there or at what time.

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That story meandered for like the entirety of the McPherson/Thomas run. I've never been able to tell what was planned and what was, "Oh sh*t, we have to wrap up all these different threads really fast." Ian didn't appear to have much to do with the DiMeras for the bulk of his time, aside from bedding Kate because, well, she's Kate, and he was involved with some power struggle at Titan (maybe as a way to mess with Brady, who was with Ian's ex, Madison?). At the same time, they'd also set up this whole secret truce between Alice and Stefano where she was keeping the secret that EJ wasn't his son or something. Brynn Thayer played the back of Susan's head one day on a phone call and told Hope about this. Then, that spring, there was a Who Killed Stefano? story, which started out pretty fun and epic. I think EJ wound up the main suspect but it turned out -- VERY RANDOMLY and quickly -- that Ian had framed him, and they tossed in some flashback of Santo DiMera to explain that Ian thought Santo was his father and he was the rightful heir to the DiMera fortune, and something something EJ was really Stefano's son and Ian had just kidnapped Stefano and it was over very fast, and then Joe was back on as Stefano, but not in Salem and always seated, for a good year afterward.

I do think the intention was to build up Ian as the new big bad, but none of this felt unified.

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I liked Gail. A shame she didn't last very long. I liked the aborted Marcus/Faith/Gail triangle. Which was juxtaposition with the investigation. Into the racially motivated church bombing, that killed Marcus's parents. Two decades prior in the 60's. Faith had more chemistry with Marcus. Then she ever did with Scott. This coming from someone that liked them as a couple. After 1989 poor Marcus became everyone's sympathetic ear. 

  I loved the montages Days used to do back then. Conveying the characters emotional state. Not saying the writing was top tier. But it was still better, than what we get now.

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