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They did not miss a freaking beat with the Tony/John plot. I have never seen this or read in great detail but Tony drawing John to the edge by dancing with Kristen, leading to their argument and everyone dressed in their over the top 90s/Aremid wedding party gowns watching them argue from below, Tony theatrically pretending John is shooting him then his camptastic death bed begging Salem to avenge his death as a storm draws in-phenomenal. 

I will say I was shocked at how quickly it seemed that Bo, Mickey and Peter honed in on John being guilty though they balanced it with Bo simply looking at facts. Peter I guess does make sense.

CarolineG-do you think the show had ran the well dry by 1997 or was there missed opportunity? I almost can't blame them for aging Belle, Phillip, Shawn and Brady in '99. 


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Tony/Andre's plan is so good.   If he didn't write it down he would have gotten away with everything.  The gun hidden in the book that shoots lol.  Too much!!  It's so perfect JER camp.

I actually thought Peter thinking John was guilty made sense.  Peter was still pretty good back then and he just got caught in a weird situation, where he liked John fine, but had to prosecute him.   The only person who truly believed John was innocent was Marlena, which of course.  I don't even remember Carrie or Sami caring much at all about the Aremid stuff either lol. 

To answer your question, I don't think the show ran dry, but all the stories ended basically at the same time.  And Days invested so much in the Eileen Davidson show, but they ended up wasting her the last six months.  I think the show could have done something different with Jarlena.  The show weirdly invested in John/Hope as a thing which I think was the bigger mistake.   Bo/Hope/Billie was not good either and Jack/Jen was killed by the recasts.  Carrie/Austin/Sami/Mike was the only thing I remember really working.   I also think Stefano went from a menacing villian to a caricature at this time.   

As far as SORASing Belle, Phillip, Brady-I think it was a huge mistake.  Belle, Sami, Eric, and Brady should just not be the same age.  They should be closer to Will's age.  And now Belle has an adult child.  Shawn D is hard to say because he wasn't really aged much.  Maybe a year or two.   I think Belle/Brady should be Abby and Will's contemporaries and they could have built a teen scene around Shawn D with Mimis and Jans and maybe aged Stephanie, Theresa ,or Andrew earlier or one of Adrienne and Justin's kids.   I actually don't love the Shelle pairing because it closes the door on John being Roman.  And to me that's actually the endgame situation.  Yes I know Tate does too but he barely exists.  It doesn't matter in the scheme of things now, but I seriously thought John would eventually end up as Roman after Wayne left. 

Yup.  Belle/Brady went from like 5 to obnoxious overnight.   My hatred for Belle is well known and Brady is whatever.  Phillip is just a bit of a non entity so I don't have a huge opinion on that.  I just think the show had a wealth of 80's babies to choose from and didn't, but then they age EJ and my head explodes so I guess it's not the worst.

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I will never forget Brady's Gay Zorro phase, or the gigantic group brawl/food fight at Maggie's restaurant that was the nadir of late 90s/early 2000s DAYS pre-Reilly's return. Sadly I think the video is off YouTube now.

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I don't understand why Brady was so aggro and also just weird.  Marlena raised you or at least she took you along with her golden child Belle.  You had a nanny Brady.  Shut up. 

Wasn't Roman in this scene too?  

And then Belle got caught on the train tracks?  And Marlena was convinced Brady pushed her lol.?  And then the entire fiasco was just resolved with Marlena finding a grey hulk toy Brady once lost?  So stupid.  Me typing that out was painful. 

Ugh I forgot how obnoxious the entire family was at the time.  I wanted to punch them all in the face.  For anyone asking that my have been the nadir in my Days watching lol

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Yes. Roman and John were fighting, and then John seeing Marlena's concern for Roman made him go hogwild, although Roman still ended up beating him. 

The above was a huge point of contention for fans even at the time. I think they just had ghost Isabella pop up to resolve the story. 

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Don't forget - John would flash back to his shady past life and become what the show and soap mags called The Mercenary! That was in the era when someone littering or not cleaning up after their pet could turn John into The Mercenary. Barking orders like an angry dom top at everyone in sight!

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There was never, ever any indication on screen that Brady wasn't treated well by Marlena.  He called her mom as a kid.  Most of the time he was living with Marlena even when her and John weren't together.  I could understand if Brady had any memories of Isabella or Isabella and Marlena didn't get along, but Marlena was literally the only mother Brady ever knew (except for the time Kristen told Brady she was his new mommy and now they have a kid together lol)  

Although Marlena thinking Brady was evil and pleading to Roman about what a danger he was to Belle was obnoxious.  I still chuckle when I think about a man who dressed up as Gay Zorro being a danger to society and Marlena was convinced her idiot daughter was tied to the train tracks by Brady like he was Wile E. Coyote or something lol.

I think there was an interview back then where John was supposed to hit Marlena in mercenary mode.  Great Idea show!  I think Drake actually stepped in and refused, which I appreciate because that would not have gone over well.   I don't even remember the resolution of the Mercenary stuff.  Did he just stop having flashbacks lol?

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That was on Jarlena's honeymoon.  Brady and Belle were aged after the wedding.  Brady maybe a year after Belle.  I think during this period of time John was lying about being JT's (presumed) dad or maybe just Marlena knew and things were tense.  Honestly, after the Brady stuff was resolved I can't remember what John or Marlena did until the Salem Serial Killer stuff.  I think most of it was the Zack/JT stuff and Bo being retconned into the father and the baby switch.

Idk, it's been so long and that era is pretty hard to find on you tube. 

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The Gemini twins stuff.  Now it's coming back to me.  Again, it's been so long, but there had to be regime/writing changes during that because that story started one way and ended in a completely different way.  Why would Stefano even do that lol?  You would think he would have spent those five years brainwashing Marlena to become his mistress or something.  Or Marlena was pregnant by John in 1986 and Stefano raised that child to be evil, but no.  Marlena just carried Kate/Roman's kids while in a coma lol.  If Rex didn't come back recently, I would have just assumed those kids were retconned out of existence. 

Am I crazy or were they vaguely teasing Tony/Marlena as a couple then just dropped it at the time too?

No wonder I look back at Aremid so fondly.  That was Shakespeare compared to the early 2000's.   So many teen stories.  So much of Kyle Lowder and Nadja Bjorlin singing the Sound of Music.

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Yes, Sami was pretending to date Tony or something?  I remember that but I have no idea why.  

I liked Cassie and I liked the actress.  It doesn't look like Alexis Thorpe acts anymore though.   I do think Cassie just got shoved aside, but she was another character who was related to pretty much her entire peer set so she had no love interest.  But didn't her and Jack have a thing or a moment?

Cassie and Greta are similar to me.  They drove a ton of story for a hot minute, never to be spoken of again.  We still don't know who Greta's father is lol

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