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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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This the episode description of the ATWT episode archived at the University Of Indiana.

In this episode of As the World Turns, Grandpa Hughes is upset that his granddaughter in law is not interested in the baby crib that he is making for their baby. Kim Reynolds avoids attending Nancy Hughes' party because she doesn’t want people to know that she is pregnant with an illegitimate child. In the Stewart family Carol Ann persuades her parents to let her go on a date. Her mother reluctantly agrees after receiving her husband’s assurances but is still unhappy with the decision.


Edited by SoapDope
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Me too. I wonder how Kim got out of the party or if she did ? Nancy could be pretty insistent " Kim Dear, you must attend. It won't be the same without you". Poor Kim was probably afraid she was showing or maybe she would give it away by eating too many pickles or strange food combinations at the buffet....LOL

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I think Irna was trying to do a story where a woman was not that obsessed with being a mom and was ambivalent about giving up her career? I hope they wrote a scene where Lisa comes in and makes over the crib "Oh Grandpa...how WONDERFUL, why I remember when you made one for me when Tom was on his way...oh how I loved that..." (as she turns to smirk to Jennifer.) 

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I was born shortly after Jennifer died and never got to see her run on the show. My Mom mentioned her over the years and I knew all the history with the sisters and Bob. I remember watching when Kim and Bob finally got together in the mid 80's and Kim revealing what she had done with the chance meeting years earlier in Florida. 

It does sound like Jennifer was a bit of a snob about some things. I remember seeing a clip of Nancy in Bob's office circa 1974 and she was complaining about Jennifer neglecting Frannie. Bob tells her that Jennifer wants to be a Mom and have a career too. Nancy replies " Oh, Bob whoever heard of that"......LOL I also take it Jennifer let Rick give Bob a hard time and she was upset when Bob tried to reprimand him at the hospital.

LOL...I wonder how Lisa got along with Jennifer ? I take it Lisa didn't like Kim in the beginning and was catty.

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Very interesting to see those clips and partial episodes presented with Italian dubbing. None of those appear anywhere on YouTube to my knowledge. There were some scenes that showed what looked like the culmination of the competition between John and Lucinda for the hospital board seat. Interesting bit of background here that at the beginning of this storyline, Lily #1 played by Lucy Deakins was in the role (although she isn’t shown in these uploads) and by the end of the storyline, Martha Byrne (Lily #2) has taken over the role after Deakins departure to pursue movies roles.  (There was a similar odd turnover of actors who portrayed Ambrose Bingham, with what seemed like a mid episode replacement of one for the other, until I realized that two partial episodes had been put back to back

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) What looks like the moments before the culmination of the competition between John and Lucinda where a decision is made for the board seat, there was that very insightful portion of the scene where John and Lyla are canoodling in Rex Whitmore’s office before he arrives and Lucinda is seated and is forced to take in the image of Lyla and John’s embrace and she definitely does not like it! It’s really cool to look at that moment in reference to where John and Lucinda will be in another year and some months later. Despite that, we later see that evidence that this is a particularly turbulent period in John and Lyla’s relationship and the beginning of the end of their romantic relationship.

Getting to hear the dubbing of  Marisa Tomei’s character Marcy in Italian tickled me for some reason. I do think the dubbed voices at least they tried to match the timbre of the original actors’ voices. What was going on with the theme song chosen?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drowning_in_the_Sea_of_Love_(The_Adventures_song)
The theme song chosen was fine but the fact that the iconic theme wasn’t chosen and then the dizzying super fast spinning of that globe was something else! And most of the actors used in the opening theme clips were no longer on the show at that point. I’m guessing they were three years behind in the Italian broadcasts because these clips and partial episodes are clearly from 1985 (Frannie and Kevin are a couple and Marie Kovacs is an active and alive character on the canvas) while, the theme song used is from 1988 but what really gave me a clue is the commercial with the trailer from a movie starring Roberto Benigni and Walter Matthau called The Little Devil. 
Craig and Sierra in the flower of their youth as their romance blossoms while Lucinda becomes more fixated on trying to lure Craig by baiting him with opportunities for advancement and higher salary, which Lyla objects to and she was right to, of course.
Seeing those scenes with Heather and Tucker, which I don’t remember seeing…Heather got closer to marriage with Tucker than she got with Roy but what happened?? She clearly got cold feet in both instances. Since Heather and Tucker are in my AVI, inquiring minds want to know! In a parallel universe, I would like to believe that somehow that after Heather left Oakdale and landed in Chicago, she and Tucker reunited somehow and eventually got married and had some kids. Seeing Betsy show up for the wedding with a bag of things paying homage to wedding tradition and to comfort a clearly nervous Heather reminded me that while Lindsey Frost didn’t really display much romantic chemistry onscreen, she had great friendship chemistry with her onscreen friends (Heather, Sierra, Tucker, Craig). 

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Several of you have probably seen the early B&W episode of ATWT in which Chris Hughes is preparing to fly to California to get his ne'er-do-well brother, John.  Much of the episode is devoted to discussion of John and his past troubles.   Does anyone know if Chris was successful in finding his brother?  Did John ever appear on the show?  And if so, which actor played him?   

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