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portrayal but it isn't all that easy.

In undertaking her new act, she decided that she wasn't going to come on as another one of those "stars" who infest the scene with lots of wardrobe, chorus boys and no talent. She can sing and does something more than sing. She is a real "one woman show'" in the tradition of Marlene Dietrich (whom she resembles very much). She sings and she talks. The audiences love her.

The important thing is that she loves the audience too. "They don't mob me on stage but they keep inching up...and I have to watch them." She says laughing. "In one place, there was a near riot and a bodyguard took a flying leap across an acre of tables to scatter a crowd of people who were trying to get a little closer to her.

When Eileen wants something, she goes after it. She is a tiny girl who looks as if diamonds were her best friend but, underneath the glamour and the beauty, there is a woman who never makes excuses is certainly proof enough of her talent. "I really created the role. It was scheduled to last just three weeks but I found all sorts of things in her and she became so interesting that we had to let her stay," she says.

But playing a single role for years can leave a woman looking for distractions. Even the happiest of housewives isn't against a vacation. Eileen began to think more and more of using her God given talent for singing. Thus she began to investigate the field. She did not jump into it without first getting well prepared. When she thought she was ready, she was.

The first thing was to get bookings. This is the toughest thing in the world. The vast number of agents and managers knew nothing of daytime television but she soon convinced them that they were missing something.

Beginning in small clubs around New York, she began to tour the country whenever she could. At the present, she could work all year round if she so desired.

"If you want to know why I like to sing, I'll tell you," she said. "It's because each song is a story in itself. I get to play a lot of different parts in each performance. I am not a singer but a singing-actress, I love it."

Eileen has been one of the brightest stars on daytime television. She now shines even brighter at night.

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