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AMC: Tuesday, August 3, 2010

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His wife and kids live on the other side of the coast. I'm going w/ my 98% that he's playing out his contract as a grand finale for his character. And that's prbly why they started D/G, it's a long SL arc for his exit. I wouldn't be surprised if Liza and him get together, and he gives her a kid thus continuing his family. But David will have Liza fall for him and it'll be genuine while his character makes one last heroic action before it's over.

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Oh, now, hold up! You know, even if you're right in saying this commentary is juvenile, the fact that you've painted us all with the same brush as you've painted Clear Drama makes engaging in further conversation with you on ANY subject an unpleasant proposition. Perhaps, if it pains you so to debate with us juvenile baiting jackasses about AMC, you should do us and yourself a favor and stay away.




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I know since you can't separate reality from fiction, you hate David and Vincent (hence all of the mature remarks about his physical appearance) -- but being that Vincent does have a family to support, I highly doubt he'd walk away from a full time job as a working actor on a show that is using him immensely. Vincent has said that he and his family will think over the prospect of moving the family out to the west coast before the kids start school in the fall.

I'm just saying... don't get your hopes up. Julie Carruthers isn't in any hurry to get rid of him, so who knows what contract negotiations will have in store.

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Hey, if my being entirely hypocritical results in you two (you and R Sinclair) letting the old bygones be bygones, then it was worth it. :)

Maybe they forgot about her.

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Lee did a play called Long Time Since Yesterday with Ellen Holly, Janet League, Hattie Winston and others back in the '80s. Wish I could have seen (of course I was like six and didn't even know what her name in real life was). She has a daughter, Ekayani, who looks just like her (a lighter version) and is a recording artist. And maybe just a *little* "cuckoo bananas" as Manny would say. :P

At any rate, baby, blindness, yeah, the woman needs her mother.

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When big things like this happen, there's no excuse for a parent not to be there. If they can't get her because she's busy and they don't want to recast (Lynn Hamilton, where you at?!), refer to her as being off screen.

FRANKIE: "Grandmom's plane just got in, I gotta go pick her up from the airport."


JESSE: "She's taking a nap after her long flight.."



RANDI: "It's because she's not here. She's in the kitchen making dinner...............rawr!!"


RANDI: "Nah, that was me!"

On another subject...when did the yacht club take the Valley Inn's place? Or rather, when was the last time we saw any part of the Inn? Because I miss :(

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LOL @Randi's rawr. Yeah, I don't get the need to create new food establishments and ditch all the old ones. The Yacht Club could have very well been the rear, waterfront section of The Valley Inn that we never saw before then. Granted, if they wanted to do at least one Confusion type of place I can get that b/c it's with the times (not that I've ever seen anyone older than a 35 year old guido/ette frequenting joints like that). Of course we've lost our Myrtle, Palmer, Adam et cetera but Erica, Jack, David, and Liza are still Valley Inn-type diners.

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