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GH: July Discussion Thread

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Can Shirley get her chemo-germs AWAY from that NEWBORN baby? Im very disturbed by her scenes. The baby was just born. If I was Liz, I wouldnt let Shirley hold her baby or stand over her, allowing her germs to be transfered. Id have told her she can see him in his incubater through the window later on

I miss Kelly. Sucks that she only shows up now when someone is knocked up? Whatever happened to her friendship with Robin? Id love it if she got mixed up in the Steve/Lisa/Patrick story

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Aiden was a nice choice of a name for Liz & Nik to give to the baby. I like it. I hate knowing that the baby isn't Nik's, and watching him act like it is. What a sad, sad day it's going to be when he finds that out.

Becky Herbst maternity leave info:

Anyone like Lucky/Maxie together? I don't. I'm glad Lucky suggested they just be friends, because that's all they should be, IMO. I hope that relationship doesn't become anything more.

ITA, she did not look good at all. She looked a total mess.

LOL, Olivia working with Coleman at Jake's would be awesome, just the way you described it. That would definitely be better than her doing her job at the Metro Court. IDK if I would want to see her and Coleman together, though. She wouldn't hear the end of it from Kate, and Johnny Skidmarks wouldn't have it either (unless he's with someone else like Brook Lynn, and could care less about Olivia anymore.). LOL, but it would be entertaining, I have to admit.

BTW, what ever happened after Olivia and Kate's confrontation at Jake's a few weeks ago? Was that followed up on? I don't remember.

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It would have been nice for the writers to give Liz a girl, but in the strictest misogynistic of terms, if you're only going to get to have a single child with Liz, it has to be male. Every father needs a son, right? :mellow: I liked the suggestion that the baby could have been a girl named Laura, which is funny because it's definitely something Nick wouldn't have objected to.

Although, Jake has Jason's initials, Lucky won't even get the chance to have his son named for him.

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Cheap, I love you but... cancer is not contagious! And neither is chemo, last I checked. I am over Momma Walton, though.

I miss Kelly, too. Another gorgeous, smart actress sidelined. In fact, I'd rather watch her flirt with Stephen Lars Webbers than Patrick's weirdly cold, blonde ex.

Jax is such a wuss. How many times is he going to apologize for doing whatever it is he is supposed to have done to Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykull?

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I know its not contagious, but Ive become a bit of a germaphobe in the last 2 years (since the swine flu scare). I get disgusted when people cough and sneeze around me and even when I see that on tv. I do not like to be around or touch old people, at least not without a bottle of purell in my pocket. Shirley may not be contagious but Aidan is a newborn baby who's only been out for less than an hour. Within that short amount of time, his immune system is very vulnerable. I dont know how things are now, but I know doctors used to not let anyone who is sick or may potentially have germs (like young children) near a newborn that soon after birth, at least not after a few hours or days when they've built up some more strength. Thats the concern I had her with Shirley. Its too soon for her to be touching and holding that baby. Bitch needed to back up and give Liz some space

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My mom had chemo last year (she's in recovery now thank God/touch wood/crosses fingers) and it wasn't so much about her germs as it was about the germs of people around her. The chemo nukes your insides and leaves your immune system vulnerable. So I has surprised to see Momma Walton there so soon after her treatment because while the newborn itself is technically "good as new," it likely still has traces of bacteria on it from the womb and the birth. So GH once again failed to Google basic hospital procedure regarding chemo patients and newborns. :rolleyes:

Ick! Glad I could put everybody off their breakfast this morning!

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