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B&B: July Discussion Thread

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LOL! I know. What was weird is that it made it look like Brooke suffered some form of amnesia when she lost all her memories of Hope betweeen the ages of 3 and 16. If they had JUST focused on the Pace Twins, then it wouldn't have been so jarring ... unless you remember that they were playing Hope just a year ago, of course. :lol:

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I think he could be good for her. She needs someone to ground her and Scott Clifton tends to play normal type characters as he doesnt have the typical soap hunk look. Liam is a computer guy and not really Steffy's type. It will be interesting to see her with someone new bc in this case I think opposites can attract. He just needs some decent characterization bc without it, he will be easily expendable once the truth comes out.

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I'm hoping that Hope will become to Stephanie and Brooke what Philip III was to Kay and Jill... that would add another layer to the feud. As protective as Stephanie has been to Bridget, to see her take Hope on as her protégé would let SF and KMat shine together, because KMat is leaving Jackie W in the dust, and while KKL can kick it up to a higher gear, she hasn't been lately and her scenes with Kimberly haven't come through very well. Virtuous Hope could be Stephanie's way of grooming someone to keep the respectful and dignified aspect that she worked so hard to add to Forrester. I want to see Hope stay natural and rootable, and while keeping some of that innocence, channeling some of Stephanie's ferocity.

As useless as Jack Wagner is, I'd like to see him interact with Hope on this one considering they were so close, and also Nick's connection to Brooke and Bridget.

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Worse than that, with her too-young hairstyles (with the...okay, WTF is that in her hair, a Lego?) and redonkolous short shorts and shoulder-baring tops, she's dredging up all my worst memories of Suzanne Somers in "Three's Company."

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I think she's just trying to do something a little more light... it's not like, with three Emmys under her belt, that Sarah Brown has anything to prove to anyone, on B&B of all places where it's hard to shine if your last name isn't Moss or Lang. It's a paycheck, and when you've got nothing to do, you don't have to do anything. She can do this effortlessly, and it probably gives her more time for family.

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They keep talking about how Brooke betrayed Bridget with Deacon, but NEVER mention that she also betrayed her with Nick. Oliver isnt the second time she's messed with a daughter's man. Sure she was with Nick first, but he was married to Bridget, when Brooke decided that she loved and lusted after him despite telling Bridget repeatedly that Nick was her past. She broke that marriage up and hurt Bridget twice. I dont get why they have not referenced this once in this story. I guess its probably bc it kinda contradicts what they are doing with Nick now and makes him look like a hypocrite for the way he's currently acting towards Bridget

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What an amazing location shoot at the Hollywood sign... Did they actually use a helicopter for that last shot???

Loved the Ho-llywood goof. For once this was a rather original turn of events.

Kinda miffed that the writers go the Hope-Bridget route. Sure they re-hashed the same story eh experienced a similiar ordeal but Hope's connection is simply nothing compared to Hope/Nick. I usually don't scream for screentime for Jack Wagner but here it would fit for once.

How comes that Scott CLifton looks actually YOUNGER on B&B than he did 5 years ago when I saw him on GH?

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I know! I was like SCORE! Say what you will about Stephanie but she doesn't mind saying what everyone else just thinks.

I love Hope and Oliver. Zack Conroy needs a bit of work, but they're both really cute... and he's a pretty good guy overall. They can't just have everything be solved... however that said I hope Brooke doesn't end up pregnant, but the ramifications from this can't just be over... maybe on their first time she has second thoughts, and then they get into a fight and then have angry make up sex lol - take it to a more adult level - but I mean - I hope this adds depth to their relationship, on his part it was a mistake, but this totally fits Brooke's MO. I hope they explore the fact that she did it on purpose, on a subconscious level... I think Brooke needs more dragging through the dirt, half because of this and half because of how she's screwed Bridget over. I'm to ready for Hope and Brooke to make nice, but I hope she works it thru with Oliver.

Bring on Hope & Stephanie vs Brooke

Campy ending alert!!

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Stephanie will play it up for all it's worth. Bring on the restraining order... Stephanie will say that Brooke attacked her and everything, maybe she has a concussion, or will act as though she does.

OR - lol - Brooke hit her harder than she thought she did and Stephanie smucked her head and will have amnesia and be Brooke's best friend bahahaha

At any rate, she BETTER be smart enough not to fake a heart attack LOL - then all of a sudden everyone will hate her and worship at the altar of St. Brooke

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