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AMC Friday 6/4/10

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I'm no fashion expert at all, at all, but Annie's lipstick is kinda wrong, no? Too dark.

Enjoying the show so far today. Of course Erica ends up in one of Caleb's old shirts.

If Randi had wasted coffee on important papers like Madison did, Greenlee would have sent her to get a switch off the tree.

The "Oh [!@#$%^&*]!"-ness of Greenlee and David is hilarious. Greenlee's about to crap all over herself because she's so scared, and David's trying to play it off, but he's worried too. Becks is gorgeous today!

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"Sure David and I have our disagreements but the make up sex is phenomonal"



Marissa to David: "Get out and dont you ever put down my husband again" I guess that was her "acting"



Erica: "Are you a little claustrophobic?.... Are you feeling trapped in here? Just wait till you get to your prison cell

Greenlee: "im not going to prison"

Erica: "Of course you are. Just as soon as your husband turns on you and makes you take the fall for everything"

Greenlee: "David loves me"

Erica: "He loves himself more. If he has to choose between your freedom and his, you're going down. You are going all the day down"


Not the best move considering she was raped. He better hope she doesnt have any envelope letterers near her

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Weird, cause to me Annie is the boring one, a one note psycho, who says and does the same things over and over.......

LOL Hallucination!Erica was spot on about David, and since that came from Greenlee's guilt, she realizes it too deep down

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Marissa makes for such a pathetic bitch. She's like a little child trying to play dress up. Little girl, go home!


A: "Do you have any idea what your husband did to me?"


M: "I read the blog, did you?"

A: "Of course"


M: "Well tell me Annie,w aht part of it was untrue. What JR did to you is NOTHING compared to what Im going to do to you if you EVER touch him again"


A: "I feel so, so sorry for you, because you know no matter how much you try, JR is still obsessed with me"


What, no quick snappy comeback? Bitch, fall back and stay in your lane. I love how she tried to get loud with Annie and Annie shut her up and put her in her place. It didnt even take much...lol

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They should look scared. I hope David is showing some emotion. K&S made him finally have heart a few days ago, that needs to continue.

LOL, at what Erica said about David. It's true and she of all people knows that.

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