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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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the issue was the show didnt wanna lose the originals after they graduated and tied to keep them relevant, when they should have just let them go.

they were smart to merge the two highschools, tho it could have been done easier. I also don't think they expected for it to be going this long either.

Also, all tings aside it seems like this season they have a mission and are going with it. So hopefully season 10 can be like a new start.

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The Marco/Paige/Ellie college episodes were hard to watch, they were all so boring. I enjoyed the Manny/Liberty/Emma ones in Season 8 though.

What the hell happened to Toby? He made a cameo in one episode Season 8, but is he in college? They hinted at a Toby/Holly J hookup in Season 7, I wish they had kept him around and do a sort of "Beauty and the Geek" story.

Season 7 had so much potential with the Degrassi/Lakehurst merge but it was handled horribly. Darcy's rape was the only strong story that season.

Yep I agree. Season 8 and 9 were transition seasons to sort of develop and help us get used to the characters, and this year they are going to start giving them the big stuff. I hope they dont dissapoint.

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^I found the ellie/marco/paige episodes much easier to watch. i like how they were more mature but still young. They really shoulda used it as a backdoor pilot for a dorm degrassi.

I found the emma/manny/lib ones stupid, they may as well still had been in highschool.

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Last time I remember seeing Tobes was when he was hosting that high school game show (where I found his enthusiasm a little ironic given our memories of that ill-fated program).

Marco's hair was many things. Did he end up riding off into the sunset with Paige's older brother? I seem to remember he caught the guy cheating on him in college but I wasn't sure if they got back together. Marco was always the gay Joey Jeremiah to me.

See, Liberty's little brother and them kinda get on my nerves, maybe that's why I've been a little reluctant to get all caught up.

I'm requestng to be spoiled, but how did Craig end up leaving? That kid really tested my patience.

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I gotta agree. The Paige gang going to college and us following them just felt right, IMO. They still had friends and lovers at Degrassi, so it still felt like one unified show. Following the Emma gang to college just made it feel like you're watching two different shows because, other than Peter, those three really had no connections to Degrassi anymore. So sad, but true. The umbilical cord should have been cut at graduation.

I like this idea of yearly movies, though. I think the old cast would be up for it. Each year, focus on what's been going on with a small handful of the old characters until every story has a sense of closure. That's always been my gripe, the utter lack of closure...though that is kinda realistic, but come on, to just leave us hanging like that?

Marco's hair...ay yi yi. I loved his hair when he first appeared...I liked his whole style, really, especially that tiny patch of hair under his lower lip <ahttp://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png' alt=':lol:'> But geez...the stringy hot mess hair was pretty sleazy-looking, his girly gay hair looked bad, and there were some ugly college 'dos that I don't even want to find pictures for. He looked fine as all get-out on his most recent appearance, though! As for him and Dylan, they've been done since season seven, I believe. He was with another guy for while, but I forgot what happened there. I'm fine with him and Dylan never being together again because that was a pretty horrid relationship for poor 'Co.

Danny (Lib's brother) hasn't happened like they wanted him to. They tried making him one of the major characters in S9, but then they realized he can't do drama at all, so now he gets a story rotated in every now and then. His BFF Derek was thankfully written out as if he never existed, and since Danny makes so little apperances himself, there wasn't a mention of Derek all season.

Craig appeared in the Hollywood movie last year. He and Ellie had a little rekindling angst, but I never got to see the whole thing, so I don't know if they went their separate ways or stuck together or whatever.

Yall seen the new carnival-themed promo for next season? Very well-done.

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I didnt have a problem with Paige and co. sticking around since Jimmy, Ashley, and Spinner were still there, but all the plots were boring.

Paige's two parter about her anxiety attacks/dropping out of college were good, but once Season 7 started I just was bored. Her whole fashionista! storyline was dull. I did like that episode where she slept with that guy Griffin who was HIV+.

Marco and his relationship with Dylan was boring as well, I wish they had let Marco "go there" and become a prostitute. I would have loved to see that play out.

Ellie was just a mess. That whole thing with Jesse was unbearbly boring and that episode where she saw him cheating on her with Caitlin (LONG story for those who never saw the episode, but Caitlin didnt know Jesse was dating Ellie.) I wish they would have given her an alcoholism storyline.

Their college episodes could have been handled so much better.

Nothing happened there. They were together at the end of Season 7, and the guy (whose name was Eric LOL) hasnt been mentioned since.

Ellie and Craig didnt hook up. When Ellie saw him in LA, she discovered he had a gf (fiancee?). They kissed, but Ellie finally decided to let go of her feelings for him.

You mean the one I posted in the first post? LOL

It is really well done, I like how they are foreshadowing future storylines for Season 10. I am so pumped July 19th needs to hurry up. :lol:

Edited by Eric83
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Yeah, the stories mostly sucked. It was nice to see them at the next stage, at least. I loved the Paige/Marco/Ellie living arrangement, but by the end of S7, they got very depressing. Truth be told, it was definitely realistic the way the three of them sort of drifted away from each other, and even better was the way Marco felt alone and friendless for a while. That's how high school ends for most people, unfortunately, and I liked that they sort of showed that.

Good. I didn't like him at all, especially that VOICE! Ack! I don't hate on my LGBT brothers and sisters one bit for being who they are and doing them, but that dude was rocking some serious gayface and gayvoice.

Poor Ellie, never got her "own" guy. She was bf/gf with Marco, and we know how that turned out. She shacked up with Sean, who we're supposed to believe is the love of Emma's life (I always preferred Sean with Ellie anyway). She was with Craig on and off, but he's supposed to be the love of Ashley's life (though I preferred him with Manny), and just to be sure, she had flirtations with Jimmy, who was with Hazel at the time but is also supposed to be the love of Ashley's life. Honestly, Hazel and Ellie both got screwed over in the love department. Hazel really got screwed over in every department, though.

LOL I never saw it up there. The N put it on their Degrassi On Demand channel, so I saw it there. It does pique my interest for the next season, so they did their job for sure. I really get a laugh out of it, though, because I'm always complaining about Clare being so old and boring, and there she is in the video, playing the role of the old tarot card reader.

~ Lizzie from LWD's storyline should be interesting, but I wonder if they could have found a transgender teen to play the part, if there are any transgender teen actors in Canada. She really doesn't look that much like a guy, even with the cap and the short hair and clothes.

~ I would do strange, strange, dirty things with the guy who plays Sav if I ever got the chance. Just for the record.

~ Snake's little cousin/nephew/whatever, the guy with Asperger's, sure got hit a growth spurt. I'm surprised they're even bringing him back. Glad to see that it seems like they've ditched some of the pointless characters like Danny, Johnny, Bruce, and Leia (though I've read she'll be back for the first half of the season).


~ WTF is Peter still doing on the show?! Really! Let's take a moment to examine the show's timeline, shall we? The Paige gang graduated in 2006. The Emma gang, plus Jimmy, Spinner, and Ashley, graduated in 2007. None of the characters graduated in 2008 (which is 2010 in real time). So, the next round of graduates will be for 2009, which will be 2011 in real time. So that means in season five, when Peter was videotaping Manny ("And you can SELL that for a million DOLLARS, because I'm going to be FAMOUS!!") he was a freshman!? Or am I missing a part where he had to repeat a grade?

~ Clare's new haircut intrigues me. It makes her look as old as she acts, but idk, maybe there's fierceness in that haircut.

~ I love Riley (though the actor is pretty much on the wrong side of "OK") and I'm looking forward to seeing this thing with him and Zane and the blackmailer, but 'the hell? I love how Riley and Marco just have/had all these options in the gay love department. Marco had Dylan, but there was also that guy Tim. Riley has Zane, but there was also lifeguard dude and his friend from camp. The gay kid rarely gets *one* piece of action in real life, much less two or three!

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It was so eyeroll worthy to see Sean swooning over Emma, after all he and Ellie had gone through. :rolleyes: I hated that [!@#$%^&*] so much.

Yes she did. I loved her one and only episode about her being Muslim, wish she could have gotten more to do.

Isnt she playing a boy that wants to be a girl?

+1. ^_^ He is looking so sexy, his looks have improved by leaps and bounds. LOL

I can't stand him. I hope he just sits in the background with no story. His crush on Claire was weird, and slightly creepy.

No he was a sophmore when he blackmailed Manny. In one episode in Season 9, he opened this club called Above the Dot, so that is how he will hang around, ala Spinner.

Eh... she is ok, hopefully this new cut and some better story will make me like her, but I prefer Alli.

Yes! I can't wait to see this story, it just looks like some good juicy drama. I prefer this gay story to Marco's, because Riley is this big, buff, football jock who has everything to lose if it comes out he is gay. I dont see all his friends being as acceptive as the old group was to Marco.

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So much word. Sean and Ellie were on a level that Sean and Emma never could have been on. Even though Emma was only a year younger than them, they were still heads and shoulders more mature than her. Maybe mature isn't the word, but they were definitely not as naive as cause girl. From about the time he decided not to go to Alberta with Tracker until he moved back to Wasaga, Sean was probably my favorite character on the show (though I was a sucker for dipstick Craig at that time, too).

As a matter of fact, and I really haven't thought about it much, but Sean/Ellie just might be my second favorite Degrassi couple after Craig/Manny. They were that good.

That episode was so bizarre. It's been so long since I've seen it because the first two seasons never air on The N or in syndication, but all I remember if her poking fun at a Muslim girl, her then being Muslim, talk of her of her heritage, and a jerk chicken recipe. I don't know.

Hazel and Toby were the two characters who got the crap end of the stick repeatedly in the peak years, and that's a damn shame, because Ashley? Was not worth it (except to see her get played by Craig).

I assumed she's playing a girl that wants to be a boy? I don't know the particulars of the story, but I've always thought that it's gonna be her as a kid who's transitioned all the way, but then again, I don't know much about the transgender stuff, so maybe a person that young can't even go through the operation. I don't know.

For real. Once they made a story circle out of Clare, KC, and Jenna this season, I saw the writing on the wall for him anyway. Not that I'll miss him, but this incarnation of the show is getting a little white. There's Sav and Alli, and there are also Chantay and Danny (who barely show up), but would it have hurt them to make Declan and Fiona black or eastern Asian or Native American or something different? And they could have also dropped the "rich" angle with them too.

So he graduated, but we just never saw it? That kinda sucks, but then again, it's Peter, so it's no big deal. I'm guessing we'll get a big graduation thing for half the characters at the end of S10.

I'm not fan of either one, really, and I kinda like Jenna just because she's Clare's antagonist, but I can't get over KC and his douchey ways (though I loved the episode with the creepy basketball coach...even tho the guy who plays KC, Sam something-or-other, kinda dropped the ball on that one). I'm thinking Lizzie's character is gonna be in their class, so hopefully she/he gives me reason to like the younger set.

Oh, it'll be juicy all right. I can't wait to see it either because I love my gay football player drama (Jack McPhee, anyone?). I hope Zane takes a chill pill somewhere between seasons, though, because he had a little bitchy streak in his first appearance. And they either need to diagnose Riley with Tourette's or tell the actor to make his movements more fluid because the twitching and jerking is just cringe-worthy. The promo with them making out on the ground is pretty hot, though.

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She should have been graduating in Season 9, but they retconned that to keep her around for another season. She is useless, and I'd rather they had never tried to give her anything. Her lame B-plots with Danny sucked. I do kind of like her cousin (Dave) though.

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