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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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I have no trouble at all believing that everything she says is true. Hazel was constantly on the sidelines and even though she was a great presence as a sidekick-type character, there's no reason why she shouldn't have commanded more of the action.

I wouldn't necessarily say the other black characters were given stereotypical stories, though. Liberty's pregnancy was the only "negative" aspect of her or Jimmy's characters, and Jimmy was definitely written as the all-American (all-Canadian?? lol) dream boy jock that all the girls loved and all the boys envied. I'd say DTNG did well with race, but they could have done better, of course.

Toby rarely had his own storylines, either, especially after they grew up a bit.

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Agreed back then they had poorly written stories, but I think this crop has it even bad. I can barely deal with watching Degrassi in its current state and for real a lot of the minorities. Remember that Leah chick? She was on and gone and Spinner's sister... she was one and done too. It does suck for the majority of minorities on this show.

He did grow into a better actor as time went on and then I really started liking him, one of my favorite scenes he did was when he found out Jane was being attacked for being on the male football team and when he wanted to go bash some heads in I was rooting for Spin!

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Sad to have the wool taken away from my eyes ... What she describes sounds believable. There are good points on both sides in the comments too. I think the show has had a better track record with black male characters (Jimmy and Dave have had a lot of story), but all the black female characters besides Liberty have been reduced to the cheerleader/sidekick role. Marisol has had some more story than Hazel and Chantay though. I agree with London about Leia and Kendra too.

But London, disagree about the writing in general. I think the show's writing now is quite strong; the stories in early Degrassi:TNG (first five seasons or so) and the last three years have been the best. The middle period is when Degrassi sagged. The issues like suicide and transphobia are still handled, and still handled sensitively, and characters are still memorable. The "Romeo and Jules" play last summer will forever remain a highlight of my TV watching experience.

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Last Friday's episode was great! Great blend of humor and serious material.

That annoying girl who gave Eli drugs is back, and now has a friend Harry ("All day, and everywhere"). Maya is probably not as together about Cam as she thinks she is, and that's why she's acting out. Or she's just going through the Manny phase ... The "slutty" clothes and now the video thing? It doesn't feel like a retread though, there's enough different about the situations.

I liked Zig's friendship with her at the beginning and then his trying to help her. Zig is probably my favorite of the niners.

No more Tristan-Fab, huh? "He called fashion week shallow ... Um, that's the point, granola-cruncher!"

I hope Clare wins the election. She really is too serious though, and I don't like that she pushed Drew. I don't approve of violence. It was still funny to see Drew get his comeuppance nonetheless.

Glad Bianca got into university. So funny when Drew was making that announcement and then accidentally had Bianca bang her head into the window as she was going to class. But yikes, Drew you could have sent her to the hospital there!

I liked Jenna and Alli gossping about how Eli was allergic to happiness and making fun of his "we need space" to Clare. I liked seeing how Connor would react to Alli intruding on him and Jenna. But I also like that Jenna didn't let him get away with it just because he has Asperger's. I didn't think Connor was entirely wrong though to want to put Alli and Dave back together. There is something there still, although yes, they have made up and broken up and made up too much, like Eli and Clare, as Dave alluded to. Great to see Dave. Dave and Tristan are still friends too after the play, yay.

Connor's story is really not at all stereotypical for a black character, and he is getting a lot more story lately, so I think I would add him to the list of Degrassi writing better for black male characters than black female.

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I think the writing for Connor is very basic and they aren't playing enough to the fact that he has Asperger's syndrome. If I didn't know he was on the autism spectrum already I wouldn't even guess or question it. I would just think he's coming off highly annoying, controlling, and even sort of creepy!

I hope Drew wins the election! tongue.png

Not surprised the show seems done with Tristan/Fab already. We never saw or learned much about Fab anyway

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I need to catch up on everything since Cam's suicide, but this is just fuckin dumb. Tristan had a mini heart attack trying to lose weight to impress Fab, Fab showed him that he isn't shallow and that he would be willing to try something out with him, and Tristan dumps him because he ISN'T SHALLOW ENOUGH? Dafuq!! Tristan needs to realize that chances are slim that he'll find a fit guy who's into fashion and his chunky ass.

Yes, I'm bitter, because Fabs are few and far between in real life!

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Watched Friday's episode.

Can't believe Clare told Eli to have a good summer and rejected his attempt to reconcile on Degrassi! Good grief, they are both allergic to happiness. Happy for Connor and Jenna working it out, and even Alli has forgiven him now. Connor tried to do his part to get Eli and Clare to make up ... I like what he said that he doesn't want to have a break from Jenna like Eli and Clare had, and that's why he cares so much about Eclare.

Good Maya stuff, glad she's finally revealed how she really feels.. How noble of Zig at the end. Zig and Maya sure are "complicated," like a certain other Degrassi pairing.

Hope that Harry guy comes back again, he wasn't bad.

Glad Drew asked Clare to be "veep."

I just realized the season is basically over and we still never saw a followp to Becky's situation at home. WTF! Hope there will be something about it in the "graduation" episode, although I'm skeptical.

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Apparently they are dropping the telenovela format, and episodes will be weekly starting Thursday July 11. I have to say I am glad about this, as it was really hard to keep up with 40+ episodes a season. Hopefully now they will be able to pack more punch into the individual episodes.

Promo shots up in stores in Canada.




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Season 13 cast pic. Guess Imogen is sticking around.

Ugh was hoping Eli would leave so I would not have to watch EClare any longer. Still hoping somehow Clare decides to do a semester in Siberia. LOL

Jenna is looking HAWT!

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New characters


Three fresh, new faces the fierce and fashion-forward Zoë Rivas (Ana Golja), athlete and former prep-school kid Miles Hollingsworth III (Eric Osborne), and sarcastic wingman Winston “Chewy” Chu (Andre Kim).
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It's a nice picture, though everybody kinds looks like crap. It kinda reminds me of nuOLTL's cast pic. Imogen, Alli, and Jenna are really the only girls who look decent. The rest all look like 12-year-olds, except of course for Gertrude.

The guys...ugh. Eli and Adam look good, but the rest? Is that Tristan in the back?

Miles looks like a tall, studlier version of Toby.

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