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Martha Byrne (ex Lily Snyder) ATWT news

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Although MB returning as Rose would be the least "offensive" way to bring her back, it wouldn't make sense. Long-time viewers want to see Martha interact with Jon Hensley and Elizabeth Hubbard. Rose has no real current connection to either of those two. I want Martha back as Lily.

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I was never all that compelled by Martha as Lily -- she was just a woe is me/passive-aggressive princess, as she is with anyone in the role (although I did like Heather Rattray). I loved her as Rose.

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+1. I think I started watching ATWT the day Lily and (Thomas Gibson's character)'s house went up in flames. Then she disappeared, and came back from a visit with some plastic surgery-wielding nuns in Europe with a new face (Heather Rattray's). However, I can't remember HR's Lily being involved with Holden.

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I mostly remember the scenes where Lily had a miscarriage, and I think Holden destroyed the crib he'd been building. I thought Heather did a good job with that story. I also remember some of her encounters with Linc, who was a prime stud. That was when they were selling Lily as being different than what she'd been with Martha in the role.

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Linc Lafferty...with the bonkers mother, Hannah, right? I saved an old Lucinda episode for years that had his wedding on it. He didn't marry Lily, did he? Maybe Julie? And who did his mother hate? Want him to marry?


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Linc had the crazy mother Hannah, yeah. Linc had a fling with Lily and I think some other ladies, but his heart was with Connor Walsh. He didn't marry her though, he was basically forced to marry a woman named Marcy. I can't remember why, she might have been pregnant, or faking a pregnancy. The marriage ended badly and he left town. Then he returned a year or two later, played by a much less attractive, wooden man. I don't know what their plans were for the character to start with but he was quickly killed off in some sort of uninteresting "Who Killed Linc?" mystery.

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Yes, Marcy, who pretended to be A Good Catholic to get Hannah to convince Linc to marry her. Why was Marcy so intent on marrying Linc? Was she just besotted by his blondness?

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And they never explained how she grew another foot, and had a different voice! Or how, when MB came back, she was back to her old face...(these things need to be pulled out when anyone goes on and on about canonizing Marland..I mean, come on, just have a new actress in the role!)

While I disliked MB's Lily, I HATED Rattray's Lily..though at least with her people actually got to call her out on her [!@#$%^&*] and tell her she was a bitch. Besides the Emily actress, Marland could not hire a woman with an ounce of sex appeal or uh, even really pretty.

Linc Lafferty, lol, I forgot all about him and didnt he have a younger brother who was even more toothy, blond and gay? I just remember a set of chompers on him as trapsed about in his tight jeans (the bill for jeans and the shrinking of them must have gone through the roof during Marland's tenure!)

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Yes, Linc had a younger brother, Hutch. Hutch was very dull, although he did look handsome. Linc, at least with Wleck, I remember him having a bit more fire. I have some memory of Linc and Rattray's Lily having sex at a charity function. He was very very hot.

I think he and Grant Show were brothers on Ryan's Hope and I heard they had a lot of scenes together wearing just towels or shorts...

The guy who played Hutch, wasn't he on Walker Texas Ranger for years, with Nia Peeples.

The thing with Lily is I think most people liked her for Martha, not for the character. I thought Lucy Deakins and Heather were decent and Noelle is, well she's alright, but Martha is the one that most people seem to enjoy. Without her the character never seemed to go anywhere.

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I think you are right, Hutch was on WTR, which I have to admit watching with my SO's mother (she lurved that show...) I liked how each episode Walker's girlfriend would end up kidnapped and beaten, it was kind of weird...but I digress.

I would have to question anyone's sanity if they actual "enjoyed," Lily, but I know what you mean, MB is Lily, and I am used to yelling at her face as I tell Lily to "shut the f*ck up with your whining...." (yes, I talk to the TV, another old lady habit!) NB reminds me a little too much of a classier LW (Cassie on GL) the entitled chearleader who will cut you if you don't think she is the greatest thing on earth. MB kind of grew on you as she got older and uh, gained some weight and got a resigned tired way about her (one two many kidnappings I suppose.) Her Lily I could see a closet drinker, sitting on that big coffee table/footstool at Fairwinds, drinking a bottle of wine and fondly dreaming of her hey day as Oakdale's reigning princess with all the hot jean studs after her and everyone waiting to find out how she feels about everything. Now that would be a Lily I would watch, Holden across town getting it on with hot ass Molly, while Lily is left home alone, raging at the fates....

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Yes, James Wlcek (ex-Ben, RYAN'S HOPE; ex-Linc #1, ATWT) and Grant Show (ex-Rick, RH) were often shirtless on RH, but they weren't brothers. Wlcek's character, Ben Shelby, was (IIRC) Maggie and Jillian's brother. Rick's brother, Bill Hyde, was played by David Sederholm. He was often shirtless, too. ;-)

Yep. Judson Mills. He and Peeples were supposed to be spun off on their own series, too, after "Walker" was cancelled, but the network wasn't interested. Ironically, though, Wlcek was also on "Walker" as ex-soldier and martial arts expert Trent Malloy; and he and Marco Sanchez did get their own series. However, "Sons of Thunder" was quickly cancelled due to low ratings.

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