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A Different World (TV Series)


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I liked it too.

But the writer's paternalistic writing had kept her "chaste" for so long all her relationships felt false.

That story would've been better served given to Sabrina or Malcolm.

Raven was amazing for the first year (not as effortless as Keisha) but still really good but then the writers started doing Kids Say The Darndest Things with Bill & Raven instead of writing Cliff & Olivia.

The twins were just a mess. :lol:

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"Konichiwa!" :P

Oh man, YES on those twins being so damn annoying, and speaking of Elvin's rat tail Carl, little Nelson had one too! Winnie, I don't know where her parents were from, but she had a slight accent and hit her lines so weirdly, not my favorite kids. Olivia was great in the beginning, it's funny to have watched her evolution from the final eps to "Hangin' With Mr. Cooper" to <<GASP>> "That's So Raven" where she has just THEE most OTT Jim Carey acting style, ugh, I can't take it. Like, you can't get a break, every line is mugged and beat to death with "funny" inflection. Oh well, *ca-ching* for you sweet Raven with your superfluous accent in Symoné.

I'm the same age as Keisha and I remember what a huge deal her sleepover episode was, everyone was doing "Uno Dos Si-ay-so" (sp??) at school for years after that. What I DIDN'T know until a few yearrs ago is that that was Alicia Keyes playing the little girl who we all thought was another little boy, with the short afro. Maria.

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ADW is my favorite show ever. I was very young when TCS and ADW were airing but I remember that my mother made sure that I watched those shows. I always related more to ADW of the two though. I loved Freddie the most out of all of the characters. Freddie is like me. I'm biracial and quixotic. I don't really fit neatly into either world. I have a sister who is very dark-skinned who looks like Layla on OLTL and a few years ago she mentioned how the Mammy episode made her cry because she was teased when she was younger by white kids and called Mammy. She always wished she was me. I always wished I was her.

I think Season 1 was the worst season. I didn't like Denise and Dwayne. I never saw their chemistry between them. I liked Whitley the most but it was mostly love to hate and somewhere along Denise and Dwayne getting stuck in her car on the way back from his visit to see Denise and her dejection at her father's wedding to Monica, I found myself intrigued by their chemistry. The three-year courtship between them was so very well done. I loved that a dark-skinned, geeky, math nerd was the heartthrob of the show. I loved how the women were so smart. My chief complaint was that they wrote Whitley as a virgin and then had her first experience off-screen. I don't know if I understood that.

I think Season 6 was trying to reestablish itself with a new generation and I actually found that interesting. Dwayne and Whitley as supporting characters struggling to make ends meet worked for me. I loved Dwayne and Whitley and I found them as interesting as newlyweds as I did when they were dating. I didn't like Lena very much but I loved Charmaine and Gina. I also liked Terel. It was Dorian that was too bland. Terel reminded me of Ron and I floved Ron and his relationship with Dwayne. Ron and Freddie made a very good match. I think they helped to make Season 6 as she was torn between her attraction to Ron and Shazza.

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