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Y&R Discussion for the week of March 29th

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What the hell? Thanks for ruining the plot for me with a "speculation" just like the Tucker "speculation."

I'm done with this thread. Everyone knows the one thing I hate the most is being spoiled on a storyline. I've tried so many times to make this thread about the episodes, or not having any OT discussion, or no spoiler talk......but I just can't take it anymore. I. Give. Up. Discussion about the episodes will always take a back seat. :(

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You can go search for these spoilers themselves, they aren't out there. I challenge anyone here to find a credible and accurate source about this alleged spoiler. Assume all you want, it's not my fault this show is so predictable. How many times have countless others correctly predicted the outcomes of stories here in the episode thread? I'm not saying my "speculation" is true, because I don't know, but it did correlate to stuff that happened on the show

Oh please, the Tucker crap was the most noticeable thing ever. People in this thread were calling it way before it aired. I certainly wasn't the only one. I vividly remember both Khan and DeeeDee calling it before I did.

Me thinking Tracey E. Bregman will be playing double roles has to do with stuff that's ALREADY AIRED. When they showed the back of the mysterious woman a few days ago, she had red hair and her voice sounded exactly like Lauren's. What other conclusion do you expect me to jump to? Unless Kimberlin Brown automatically grew shorter, stole Bregman's voice (and they have distinctive voices, you'd be able to call an impression), and coloured her hair red to match the exact shade of Bregman's, it won't be her. Don't get mad at me for paying close attention to these give-away details.

So, I'd hardly call my "speculation" totally baseless and off episode discussion, as it totally related to stuff from this week's episodes.

Now someone saying, "Sheila is coming back!" That's off topic and spoiler related, but I don't have to tell you that.

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Just watched today's US episode..

The mysterious woman appears again in today's US show. Someone tell me that isn't Tracey E. Bregman's voice and body. They finally changed her hair, though.

Oh wait, my "speculation" isn't based on what's actually happening on the show, right? This mysterious woman just happens to have Lauren's voice and body type for no reason at all! How dare I point these obvious details out that AIRED already! <_<

1:33 In:


Seriously, am I alone in thinking this mysterious woman is being played by Tracey E. Bregman? LISTEN to the voice and LOOK at her body. It's not rocket science. Also, as far as I can tell, no credible spoilers have leaked about her playing double roles yet, so looks like my "speculation" will be happening regardless. If anyone has read spoilers about this in advance, please say so and provide a link.

Anyway, this entire masquerade ball looks CHEAP and TACKY as hell. Why the hell is it being held at the damn ATHLETIC CLUB? They brought back the Colonnade Room a year and half ago for Sabrina and David's double murder, don't tell me they couldn't bring it back for this. I know budget or whatnot, but the set is still in existence.

Billy and Victoria are gag-worthy. I see nothing there, and I really hate how absolutely stripped of her personality the Victoria character has become. Amelia's sleepwalk acting is only part of the problem. I also detest how Billy has to screw every damn woman on this show.

Couldn't care less about Daisy/Ryder.

And yeah, since the show basically GAVE AWAY on its OWN that Tracey E. Bregman is playing double roles. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Come on, seriously? Y&R needed yet another lookalike? Even those who defend this crap writing team can say this is really bad recycled and hack writing.

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The Masquerade Ball from 1991 puts this current piece of sh.it to shame both story-wise and production-wise.

Once again, Maria doing a watered down version of Bill Bell's Greatest Hits, only her and her writing and production staff don't have the talent to pull it off.

The costumes from this current ball look as if they were bought from K-Mart.

This is how it's done:



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Have you seen the one that's airing now? Compared to the current one, the 1991 Ball looks like it was hosted by Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

So, what do you all think of the mysterious woman that's obviously being played by Tracey E. Bregman?

I know I'm not the only one seeing it.

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Damn, that is definitely 100% Tracey Bregman (spoiler-less)... definitely her voice.

Doesn't Maria think "Wait a minute, I did this a few times already" when it comes to doppelgangers? She seems to have a wish to re-do the stories for 17,000 times.

There's not an original thought left in that head, and probably never was.

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Thank you!

It was so very obvious the first time she spoke and I saw her from behind.

Exactly. She used the tired excuse that "Bill Bell tried wacky stuff too." Um, at least there was usually a method to Bill Bell's madness and he never tried weird sh!t after weird sh!t after weird sh!t with no extended break. His show was very grounded in reality, despite some very over the top elements. Can the same be said now? I don't think so.

How many lookalikes will there be before Maria finally gets that people are tired of this sh!t? When will enough be enough? It's like they intentionally pull this crap constantly to mess with fans.

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