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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Excuse my language here, but Cindy really is a miserable cuuuunt! The seat thing was beyond ridiculous, and she just always seems so miserable!

Looks like LuAnn finally loses her patience next week --- and Alex is finally back as a housewife, and not some background drapes! :)

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Cindy has no sense of humor. She literally exists to wait for someone to do something so she can get mad at them.

JESUS CHRIST WHY IS JILL DRINKING THE DELUSIONAL JUICE! She and Bethenny didn't make up because Jill wouldn't let it happen...Why would Ramona have helped her on Scary Island when everyone knew Bethenny had no interest in being friends with Jill anymore and after Ramona had already tried before and LuAnn ruined it..

Luann on the camel was the highlight of the episode.

And O MY GOD Sandra Bernhardt was hilarious on WWHL. I love when Andy has on non bravo-lebrities next to one of the Bravo people..It's amazing.

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I will say one thing about OC reunions, they NEVER disappoint.

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Haha, well after a shitty season, I'm really looking forward to the finale and these reunions! You're right, their reunions never disappoint! I feel like last year they held back a bit bc there was still some SLIGHT respect for each other and they knew it was just a TV show... but I feel like this year no one is holding back and they are done with being nice and respectful. I can tell these ladies will never be friends again (Vicki/Tamra and Gretchen/Alexis) --- they're going to have to do something next year bc they'll never film together. It's just pure animosity, and they're tired of dealing with each other. I bet Vicki doesn't return next season.

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Vicki already gave a recent interview where she mentioned she's almost 50, Gretchen and Alexis are in their early 30's and she has zero in common with them. She also said she doesn't really want to be around two women who don't respect her and that she doesn't respect, which is totally understandable. I'd be okay with Alexis and Gretchen being dropped, bringing back Jeana, Lynne, and Tammy!

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OH.MY.GOD! That OC finale was legit! So very sad, so very dramatic, so very intense!

Although I find it interesting/odd that everyone seemed to side with Tamra at the end of the episode, to include Gretchen. This was the closest we've seen these ladies be with each other all season. Too bad that all goes out the window during the reunion.

Peggy's little friend who pushed Jeanna needs her ass kicked for getting involved. Ok, not ass kicked, but she really needs to back down a bit.

Quinn! :blink: Her hair! :lol: Her desire to be relevant and get in everyone's business at the reunion! :rolleyes:

Tammy looks the same. I noticed that none of the former OC children were at the party, like they usually are. Speaking of, where was Lynn? She's been in and out this season, yet didn't make the finale party? I miss Lauri too - seems as though she's over this. Can you even imagine Lauri being involved in this wine throwing drama? She's too good for that crap.

I do love the OC tradition of having a finale party with former housewives. I wish the other cities did something similar.

NOTE: Bravo is airing the OC reunion part 1 next Sunday at 8pm (CST) - one hour earlier! Following that will be the NJ episode. Looks like NJ officially moves from Monday to Sunday next week (similar to Atlanta last year).

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I loved seeing the previous housewives. It was a shocker to see Tammy. I miss her and Jeana fulltime


Quinn? Not so much. Why is she wearing a season 1 Kim Zolciak wig? She looks awful and she's gained weight in all the wrong places

Im so over Alexis. Team Peggy! Alexis is clearly jealous of her

While I dont think Jeana should be talking about Tamra to the media, Tamra had NO right to act the way she did, throwing the papers in her face, throwing a drink on her and then running away. I wanted Jeana to punch her in the face in that moment. And to say Jeana is the meanest person ever...really? Tamra has been by far teh eanest one this season. Downright awful. I liked how Gretchen got in it and said how Tamra treated her is how she feels Jeana is treating her right now. But of course Tamra held no accountability for the hurtful things she's sad. She also lied and said the fight started bc Jeana pushed her and then thats when she threw the drink. Bitch

Oh and her mother getting involved...Shut up! Your daughter is a classless despicable bitch

Vicki and Donn filed for divorce :(.It was inevitable bc she treats him like crap but I was hoping they'd make it especially after they renewed their vows.

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New Jersey was just renewed for Season 4.

OC finale episode had highest ratings of the season (and 17% increase in viewers over season 5 finale).

New Jersey moves to Sundays next week, right after the OC reunion. The OC reunion Part 2 is on Monday, 6/13 (don't miss it!).

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They were on Monday, and I watched it. Unfortunately not much to talk about. I'm starting to already get tired of Teresa's family drama. It's reminding me of last season with Danielle -- the only real storyline, it eats up the entire season, and it's so repetitive because that's all they talk about without resolving anything. :(

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New York

Team Blondes! The brunettes (minus Cindy) were downright vile! My god, this was the bitchiest, I have EVER seen LuAnn. She was borderline evil with her approach. Kelly trying to call Alexis out on crazy behavior is laughable considering her delusional take on reality. I did feel really bad for Alexis when she was ganged up on. That wasnt right how those two ripped her apart, shut her down and then dismissed her. All of it could have been put away but then they ripped into Alex at dinner. LuAnn came across worse than Jill did all last season. What a pretensious, sanctimonious bitch! Her behavior to Ramona was equally bad.

Message to LuAnn:


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I tell ya Cat pegged Luann right from the start :lol:

Funny how Luann has no problem walking into someone house or event and calling them out for their bad behavior against Jill, or meeting sommeone for the sole purpose of calling them out for their bad behavior aginst Jill; but when she gets called out, they need to mind rtheir business <_<

Yep Kelly is still :wacko:


Really Theresa, you are calling out someone for their grammar, how is "redone" and insult :unsure:

Melissa is :wub:

I got the feeling that Caroline's husband does not like his daughter Boyriend.

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