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Wel,l remember on the last international trip how Erin and Sai targeted Jenna and wouldn't let up? Well, this trip the target is UBAH. And no I was not at all pleased watching. That said yes it was a great episode though.


Ubah was the show to be honest. Was she likeable? No. Not completely. In the case of her versus Raquel, I was totally on Raquel's side. And not even Sai trying to get her to see Raquel's side as a native about Ubah's comments could get Ubah to change her mind. In fact, Ubah doubled down. Though I admit that I can see what Ubah was saying because it was clear language barrier issue, it's the fact that Ubah STILL doubled down on it when told how her comments were rude once she realized her comments were in fact RUDE.


In the case of Ubah vs Erin/Brynn though, I'm firmly Team Ubah. Brynn has been poking the bear all season. And then Erin jumped in, and they turned into the mean girls that Erin and Sai were that one trip. And it was distasteful. How they pot stirred between Raquel and Ubah. The little catty comments whenever Ubah would breathe. The fact Sai was not taking their crap by being made a scapegoat for the Jessel comments last episode. Ubah stayed eating their asses up and rightfully so. Cuz if Brynn is so triggered by being called another man's hoe, STOP acting like you are another man's hoe...which is the point Ubah was making by the Abe prank (YES, ANOTHER DARN PRANK, DO YOU GIRLS HAVE NOTHING ELSE???) which btw she was changing clothes and missed out on it being a prank ANYWAY. As for Erin, still pressed over last episode with Ubah's words which were actually a language barrier issue, I'll say what I said last week...if you have not told Ubah about both of your parents and their cancers, you don't get the right to be mad at her for information she does not completely know. That they mentioned a pact on screen just tells me they came in wanting to start mess. 


Guess what? You are about to get mess. And judging for the fact the episode ended on 3 different fights (Sai v Erin, Jessel v Erin, Ubah v Erin/Brynn)...the finale is going to be a doozy. Now Andy Cohen said on WWHL it will be darker than any HW show. Well...we'll see. 


JENNA. Other than her wanting to be in charge of the swimming and the memories attached to it, just a slip of a girl. I'm over her enabling Brynn.


JESSEL. Still fabulous. And fingers crossed she watched this episode before the reunion so I can see her light Erin all the way up. And I got the vibe that if Brynn could take her, she would have been a target. Thankfully, she proved last week she will eat Brynn up EVERY TIME. Regardless of the drama, it was good to see that her, Ubah, and Sai are pretty tight. I was happy they compared notes to see who the real pigeon was. And don't get me started on Erin lying to Jessel's face when confronted. 


RAQUEL. I didn't like how Erin and Brynn were trying to egg her on to take on Ubah (note: how they talk crap AWAY from Ubah), but I did love how Raquel handled it. She didn't try to make a spectacle for the group. She talked to Ubah one on one. She explained it good enough and also understood where Ubah was coming from. Still...I was Team Raquel on that.


SAI. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa at her with the condoms!!! And she ain't wrong.

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 Guys used to do (still do?) anything to not put one on. That Andy turned that into a joke (with 3 hottie bartenders) on WWHL after the episode was hilarious. I also loved how much of a friend she was being to Ubah still even when it put her in-between her and Raquel who Sai also relates to. And then her FINALLY calling Erin out. That has been a looooong time coming so I'm glad she did. Of course, Erin deflected, but I was happy to see the old Sai who would just walk up on someone and say it to THEIR FACE.


UBAH. You know what? STAR OF THE TRIP. Nuff said. Good, bad, ugly. From not showing anything last season to now her putting it all the way out...WOW. That said...I don't think there's much I can say about her that I didn't already say. Last episode it was Jessel eating everybody up and rightfully so. This episode it was Ubah. What I found fascinating was the fact that she was VERY observant. She knew before she talked to Raquel that Erin and Brynn were completely talking crap about her. When she was sitting with Jessel and Erin was trying to spin her web of lies, she was apt then as well, calling Erin out with the 'were you there/yes I was there/then you were part of the conversation-you take notes' comment. She got Brynn every time she picked at her directly cuz Brynn basically called her trash and Ubah threw it back with that 'someone else's husband' comment...which really hit given the prank she was doing with Abe. A prank EVERYONE saw. People want to call her nasty, but here's the thing. Brynn has been picking at her all of this trip when she could have left her alone. Ubah has taken the high road several times. Sometimes, you have to stop and take it right to hell. She must have been on point to reduce that troll doll to tears. Next time...back off when told.


ERIN. I admire that she found herself again on a cast trip where the gang-up was real and she handled herself better this time. lol. However, just like the other trip, SHE was the one who started it. And her acting like a mean girl Karen all episode did not help her. And I've said it before, and I'll say it again...why does she listen to the main pot-stirrer read: Brynn? You would think she would realize that if she's getting blowback where it really came from. But yet...here she was being messy. With Raquel. With Sai and Jessel. And even with Ubah. And Ubah could have gone harder on her. Her friendship is why she did not. But I don't think she truly sees Ubah as a friend. Sadly, I do feel Ubah sees her as her friend. Ubah...I don't think she's your friend. 


BRYNN. THIS BITCH. No, I didn't say bitca, either. lol. She got everything that she deserved this episode from Ubah. It was like she was trying everything to ruin the fun vibe. Because there were times there was one. And people would move past drama. And then here came Brynn with the mess. Ugh. And then she wanted to sit there and cry. Girl, you ain't in your 20s or a teenager. You are on a reality tv show where you went around saying how much of a vampy Samantha Jones you are (do I even need to mention the teen lifeguard this episode?). OWN IT. The only reason Ubah (and low-key Jessel and even Rebecca) can rattle you is because that skin is thin as whip cream on a pie. Samantha Jones wouldn't back down from a fight or even let others fight her fight. Come better, babe.


Ready for the finale. Kinda surprised that everyone is heading toward their finales. I guess that leaves RHOP (with at least 5 episodes left per Andy) and RHOBH which has not hit midseason yet.

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SLC..10s across the board! That has got to be hte MESSIEST finale dinner in the history of this franchise and for no reason. That was CRAZY!


Mary worried me when she turned on Angie and I was like no! You had a near perfect season and almost ruined it. Thankfully she was able to clean it up by being vulnerable and perfectly articulating her feelings. I saw true love and friendship between the two and Im glad they were able to mend things. I beleive this is genuine and the real deal. The only true friendship IMO


Monica! After this episode, I firmly believe that producion was going to bring her back. She was supposed to film a scene with Whitney which would have ushered her back onscreen but allegedly Heather and Lisa blocked it. Im glad Whitney was sitll able to bring her up and rile them up


Britani's text had me LOL. So unserious. Thanks bc I needed that laugh.


Angie's text was scathing! Like god damn, that was mean. She eviscerated Bronwyn


Whitney's text was so messy. She reminds me of original recipe Ashley Darby. I thought she should return as a friend but this solidified her spot. She's good at being the sht stirrer. I felt that earlier as well when she went in on Lisa during her lunch 

Next season Lisa and her marriage are going to be the target. She reacted too much and was telling on herself. She's scared Whitney was going to expose things and thats why she doesnt want Monica around bc she fears she knows things

Both this and RHOP had the final vacation dinners this week. RHOP focused on Mia's coochie and SLC focused on strong interpersonal drama between the cast. Obvious which one made for more compelling television

Edited by Cheap21
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Ikr!!! I also believe they were planning on it. Also...Whitney and Monica DID film. Someone got a picture of it and posted said picture online last week. 


Yeah...I admit that RHOP apparently was the weak link this week (and NY has caught up to their numbers, too) which makes me scared to watch it. BH sounded like it was good. NY most def was good. And now THIS? They blew their version of the BH Dinner Party from Hell out of the water. Just as good...if not better...than last season's finale. 



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RHONY reunion looks


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Looks like the theme is black and gold. Overall I think the women did good. The only looks I hate are Jenna and Brynn. I like Raquel's dress but not the hair. Best overall look is Ubah followed by Sai and Jessel. Erin's I could take or leave but give her a pass bc she's pregnant. It reminds me of Mary's from a few years back



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I think for me, it's Ubah, Jessel, and Erin. I need to see Sai's dress move though I love the picture. And I like Raquel, but I hate the hair as well. Cuz her on WWHL last week was va-va-rooom hot. 



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I gave up on RHONY but figure I can always go back and binge once the season is done. Is it seeming worth my time?

Mia's chaos is eating Potomac alive. I thought the season began pretty strong, but it's almost comical how every episode lately just devolves into Mia and Jacqueline revealing some other unhinged aspect of their shared sexual past.

RHOBH feels very watchable right now, but I'm getting that usual mid-season fatigue from there only being one storyline. I am loving Erika's role this season, though. She's both a supporting player and the fulcrum of the entire cast. It's a good, redemptive look for her.

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RHONY makes me mad, like I get a visceral negative reaction when viewing. I dropped it bc it was a chore to get through largely bc of Brynn. I'll watch the reunion and may go back and finish the season but im not looking forward to it

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Its Brynn. She keeps the group from feeling organic with her lies and antics. They dont trust each other and its hard to form a real friendship when you have a traitor in the mist fcking things up. They fight over stupid stuff and its largely instigated by her most of the time. She wasnt like this last season but now she is overly producing and its just not fun. The drama needs to make sense and be entertaining but its not with her bc its all fake. Thats why I say she's like Mia bc they are having the same effect on their respective casts

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Their reunion looks are amazing. Too bad I can not get with this cast.

RHOB It is a decent season so far. Not outstanding but I am invested into whats happening between Kyle and Dorit for sure. I believe Erika and Sutton are in unique positions this season. I'm a sucker for small moments like Erika’s Chuck E. Cheese party. 

@Michael I totally agree about RHOP. The first 5 episodes were so fun and refreshing. It kinda lost its way somewhere after that! I find myself, not interested in many of the storylines. 

All the sex and faux lesbian talk is actually off-putting to me. Nothing feels sincere on this show. Not the friendships, not the feuds, everything feels performative. 

Potomac has a lot of problems. 

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