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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well...Bravo apparently released Episode 3 early (apparently they did this with NY last week with an episode, too) and it is good to see that rumor about the ladies getting into it with Gizelle is true. 



Now I'm hearing it might be on tonight. A mess!!! But...good mess. 

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Gizelle really blew it in episode 2 and it appears that Ashley joins her in really blowing it in episode 3. They could have played it graciously and then Karen would have looked like the insensitive one...but no, their true motivations could not be held back and Gizelle and Ashley came off horribly.

Karen inviting all of them to an event honouring her the same night as Gizelle's event? Tacky, and something Karen has done in the past. However, Karen advised that there would be transportation so the women could attend both events. Classy, and when they told her they were leaving her event around 7:30pm, she was nothing but nice about it.

Gizelle showed her ass, yet again, by throwing out Stacey and Mia and the others. This GNA wellness farce (they only have 5 pieces of white labelled merch on the site) being combined with an event to raise funds for brain tumour research was clearly only about Gizelle lapping up praise.

Ashley really looked like an idiot given she told the women to be there by 8pm, which they complied with. She was only too happy to throw those women under the bus when Gizelle started moaning that they were rude. For Ashley to say "it is 8:04" and then bring down the donation QR code? Bitch, please.

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Karen was dead wrong! With all she has going on, she should be more humble but what she did to Gizelle last night was the actions of a villian and I cant ride with her on that. Trying o one up Gizelle and send that invite the morning of her event was tacky and it was tacky of the girls to even go considering they already made a commitment to Gizelle. I respect Vivien for how she handled it. Gizelle kicking them out was reminding me of Nene in season 4. Gizelle is the one in the right here.

Stacy is beautiful and Im enjoying her so far. She really reminds me of Kenya. Not only does she look like her but she is also from Detroit!

Glad we finally saw Keairna. She is going to give us FASHIONS! Love her style. Now Gizelle was on some BS not inviting her to Karen's bday. She only had a limited number of seats? So why she invite Jassi whom we dont know?

The Gizelle/Wendy scene was kinda anticlimatic but im glad it happened. Their issues were so petty and there was no reason why they couldnt have moved on years ago

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm glad you posted this, because I was ready to tear Wendy a new one for running to Gizelle in her most overpriced hoochie-bird outfit for that womp-womp of a lunch. Giz didn't even bother to change out of her floral hoisedress! It appeared as if Wendy was letting the whole mess fly by, like the root of the fight was Gizelle not saying hello to Wendy at some event? When all I remember with Gizelle doubling down at reunion (despite Andy giving her about 12 outs) on her assertion that it was cool that Wendy got assaulted by Mia "because I. Don't. Like. Huh." So I'm glad Wendy did namecheck the incident and im side-eying Production for once again covering for that harpy. 

Haven't seen the gala event yet  so maybe my view on Gizelle will soften. However, I did love seeing Keairna again. I wondered why she wasn't part of the show this season.

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So was I. People were mad before I watched the episode and I saw Wendy's tweet. And then I saw the episode. And while given the results of what happened I'm Team Gizelle (I know shocked), I was not Team Gizelle on this. And I saw why people saw red. After all, their whole feud started with Gizelle, and Wendy had the right to bring that up. We all had to deal with their feud for THREE YEARS. How dare Production let Gizelle get away with accountability, moreso when Gizelle doing so would be the only way people would be on her side. The fact most STILL aren't on her side after last night's episode says a lot about the hatred for Gizelle...and I would think that if Production are trying to soften up Gizelle again for the audience, they have to have the common sense to know there is only one way to do that...she has to OWN her [!@#$%^&*]. 


As for Keiarna...she's a Housewife this season baby!!!

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 As for why she was not around, I won't spoil that for you.  But I can't wait for your reaction to her and the other new housewife. I love them both. And the fact they have so many FOHs to play with this season outside of Cha Cha is making the show so vibrant again. I love it.

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Well, going forward for THESE girls, they are going to have to always have a Hamptons trip. I thought their trip last season was funny. THIS YEAR, it is already off to a good if messy start. And some of that is because the girls are now used to each other versus last season where they were getting to know each other.


That said...yeeeeah, the ticking time bomb that is Ubah vs Brynn continued throughout this episode. And while it was stopped for (hehe. 'Pineapple.') now, yeah, I can see it coming. Ubah established last season that she's chill to a fault, but if she feels disrespected, she will explode on you. And Brynn is not above exploding herself. And I think that will be what will happen because Ubah does have the girls' number...especially Brynn's.


It has been established that the girls be talking behind each other's back. And then when the one who everyone was talking about finds out, it has turned into a whole other thing rather than a simple misunderstanding. So Ubah ain't wrong to say it or express that she does not feel comfortable with all the mess or having her words twisted for a show. And Brynn sadly has been all about making a show. So someone pointing out how insensitive or fake Brynn is being was going to make Brynn feel a way.


The fact that they STILL are having fun so far is a testament. And fun to watch for the audience. 


ERIN. Now Erin...lol. Speaking of people pot stirring, here she was trying to pot stir between Ubah/Sai and Raquel. And that just made Ubah even more annoyed. Glad that was cleared up quickly. Also glad that her and Jenna can joke about the car incident now.


JESSEL. She was just there to look good and gave such good Confessional moments. She was definitely giving in on the joke, and I was not hating it. Oh and her kitchen shade was awesome.


SAI. Someone else that was in on the joke. Cuz her and the Lunch Box...right after I just made a comment about Erin better have food ready versus last season...I DIED. lol. Meanwhile, her vs Brynn. Brynn came out looking sooooo bad. Worse when you factored in that Sai apologized to everyone in a group text. She simply wanted to express her feelings and how Brynn made her feel to only feel disrespected by Brynn. I liked Ubah tried to stand up for her. 


JENNA. Speaking of bad looks...shame on you, Jenna!! YOU were the one whom word was what started Brynn vs Sai in the season opener. So now to make Brynn feel better, Jenna conveniently 'forgot what she said.' Yeeeeah no. 


RAQUEL. Loved her backstory. She really has done a LOT. AND a model? Wow. She truly has been living. And glad she made her way out of a potential petty feud with Ubah/Sai.


UBAH. Perhaps her delivery was wrong. And okay it was Sai's problem more than it was her problem, but Ubah was still telling the truth about Brynn. And she has that right...after all, Brynn was the one who told off about her man. And has been stirring the pot since the season started. And now Brynn is running around disrespecting her and the other ladies. No wonder she is slowly losing her fun light. 


BRYNN. Just like La Dame on this week's POTOMAC, I love you, but I cannot defend what you did. It was so clear as day. So was her attempts to deflect. She can't be coy sexpot one moment, stir the pot the next minute, and then try to be the victim for something you did yourself the next. It was exhausting. And she really just seem mad that Ubah has now caught on to what she's doing and rightly calling her out on it because it is messing with the group dynamic.


Good episode. Ready for next week's mess...

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Hehe. Tbf, that page always does that until the season evens out and THEN it will note again when it gets higher. 

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 Which reminds me...does anyone know if OC is at 8pm or 9pm as well cuz I'm still playing catch-up with last season. 


Last week RHOP was low (especially for RHOP) however if I remember correctly ABOVE every show BUT RHOC. At the time, I wondered if it was on at 9 or 8 since my system (well, my shady landlord) kept my tv down and how that would affect the ratings. Cuz right now DUBAI, RHOM, AND SLC were/are on at 9PM here and I remember so many fans being livid at that and not watching versus if you put a HW show on at 8PM...which everyone is used to. I also wanted to see how other Bravo shows in the 9 PM slot were doing for comparison.



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See, now you are thinking like a top-tier RH producer. I'm not sure this crew running RHOP are that, but I am betting on what happened this episode being dragged out and talked about all season long.

By the way, I like newbie Stacey. Does she remind anybody a little of newbie Katie on OC? 

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