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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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A damning indictment from Flopmarie's profession. She thought (and i use that word loosely) she could flap her gums about a medical condition which takes Google seconds to corroborate. She has single-handedly destroyed her career on national television. 8.5 must refer to the number of braincells she holds.

Which part? Kyle forcing her way into Sutton's fridge? Baiting Mauricio in the car? Casually pointing out Morgan's shoes tucked in her wardrobe?

Honestly, I find Mauricio lowkey awful this year. Maybe it's the new chompers. Maybe it's the video of him spraying down a Mexican popstar with champs in Aspen. He gives off the impression that Kyle exclusively has the brains in that couple. She is clearly so furious at him. She was already over the constant pot-smoking, I think. But he must have done something really bad because she can barely stand to look at him. And by bad, i mean cheating. It feels a lot more personal than "We grew apart."

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Honestly... I find both Kyle and Mauricio to be vile.  

I still remember in season 1 how Kyle would joke about how much money she spent, how she would manipulate him, etc... and I thought to myself 'He should really divorce you, but he'll take the cowards way out and cheat'.

Quite frankly, I don't blame him for cheating and being stoned all the time... she's a lot to take and I imagine whoever dates Kyle next would probably be checked out as well

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I don't know... I do blame him for checking out and possibly cheating. He knew what he was getting into with her and her family, and for a while those Hilton connections launched his career. He's got 4 daughters with Kyle, two of whom work at the family firm, one of whom is still in high school. He's now able to live his own teenage dream life of partying. I find his himbo/lovebean shtick when they are in the presence of others so grating and fake this year. JMO.

Edited by Cat
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Prior to this season airing, I thought Kyle's story was going to be 100% fake but seeing it play out, she is not that good of an actress. She and Mauricio cant stand each other and Im full of the belief that their separation is real and not just a "story" for the cameras. Im seeing a lack of chemistry and actual disdain for each other that I may have not picked up on before or just wasnt there. I think the moment where their marriage died was him not showing up to the event she had for her dead friend. That spoke volumes. All throughout the season, she's been giving him passive aggressive digs and he does not move like a someone that is in love with his wife. I think they are both over it. Im not too convinced on the Morgan angle but even without her in the mix, Kyle and Mo are dunzo and the only reason they'd stay married is bc it makes sense from a business/financial standpoint

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Kyle lives through people like you, who can believe all this. Don't get me wrong... it's cute you believe this... but no.. her marriage did not end when he didn't show up to her dead friend event. Kyle is acting, so is Mauricio and all these scenes where she is acting like hiding something and hinting something... are LOL level of bad acting. Kyle wants to stay and survive and be trendy. She will sell her soul to be in the news.

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Uhh... why can't "people like us" believe Kyle's marriage is done? We're not engaged in magical thinking here. Neither @Cheap21, nor I, nor others on this,thread, are breathless Kyle stans hanging onto her every word. Far from it!

I agree with @Cheap21 post because I also initially thought this was going to be just a SL for the show. But picking up on the non-verbal cues, it seems pretty clear to me that the Umanskys are near estranged.

We've been watching these RH shows a long time and become quite adept at separating out the scripted from what might actually be going on.

Even if you viscerally disagree.... others are allowed to voice different opinions, and that difference be respected even if you are expresssing an opposite viewpoint.

Couldn't agree with you more. While there may be an element of Kyle 'exhibiting' her marriage breakdown for the car cameras, Mauricio was following a different script and seemed blindsided by her overt digs and the fact that she wasn't playing along.

The mics are picking up comments like "Is this pot or alcohol?" just before they slip into rictus-grin Umansky Couple Mode at the gala. Non verbally, they seem like they can't stand each other. Kyle appears to be biting back fury. 

The turning point-- I'd go back to one year prior and speculate that when Kyle first found out her friend had just died, Mo was nowhere to be found. Cut to the one-year memorial, and he's vacationing once again. 

Like you, I'm not sure what the Morgan of it all is. I'm irritated by how coy Kyle is about her 'friend'. She made such a show of watching Morgan sing that song before the memorial. She's wearing heart eyes but won't clarify their relationship.  Yet has no problem showing just how disdainful she is of her husband? It makes no sense.

I agree -- figuring out the financials is keeping the Umanskys married right now. 


Meanwhile.... Flopmarie keeps digging that hole

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Um, I did not say you cannot believe it, It's even cute. But yeah, she relies on people like you, people who can believe her, to continue with the fake drama. I am sorry, but I can bet on my life she and Mauricio are not splitting up. I have my reasons to believe, so do you and time will tell if I or you were right. I also read  body language and non verbal signs, I also have a degree in psychotherapy. I know liars and I know acting from the truth. Rarely I am wrong. But maybe this time I am. The current situation and current episodes tell me I am not wrong. I believe Kyle will drag this for 2 seasons, this one and the next and make sure she  stays on the show. She is webbing the plot very slowly and they will be more drama later in the season, with the next season a culmination and recovery of her broken relationship.

This bisexual thing is another way to stay trendy and woke in a similar way of And Just Like That. I actually am interested how much fake story she will end up creating, just to stay relevant. Kyle reminds me of these high school girls, we all know, that befriend a lesbian, just to make sure there is this one person in love with them and drooling over them... with no intention of ever returning the real thing. It's a thing narcissists do and I know a lot of lesbians who have that straight cool girl woman, best friend. It never ends well. 

Edited by OpportunisticSlut
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The even "cute" line is kinda condescending.


@Cat Im with you. Her scenes with Dorit seem produced for the sake of telling the story but her scenes with Mo dont. Its cringeworthy bc Im watching two people who clearly are not in love and cant stand each other. if Kyle is guilty of something, its taking what she knows about her marriage falling apart and capitalizing on it by making it a storyline but how can she be faulted for that when she is on a reality show and thats her reality? She's not letting it come out naturally but I can appreciate her not trying to hide nad act like everything is perfect like Robyn who is in a similar situation with a husband that cant stand her, but she's ignoring it and playing dumb to the audiendce

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