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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Bethany nailed what Kuann was about last season and Cat recently did too, she is an ish starter and she def was one thei eppy. She did a "ill" and scolded Ramona for something that she turns around and does to Ranmona :mellow:

Uh Ramona, drinkign the wine you brought to auction off :unsure: seriously!

and LOL at the MYC Bullies at an Anti Bullying event!!!

and YES Kelly is still :wacko::wacko:

Can't wait for the Morracco trip :lol:

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^I agree... I guess she's so put off and scared by Ramona's drunk text messages? Kelly just needs to chill and stop acting like an abused teenager. Ramona is harmless - just laugh her off. I think Ramona is acting too much this year.

LuAnn had a bad episode - haha.

If anyone is interested - they are playing all the reunion episodes today on Bravo! Right now they are playing DC! :)

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Im so behind on NYC. Just saw this episode. Jill is a hypocritical mess. Again there goes LuAnn kissing her ass and pacifying her. I hate when she does this. All she does is boost Jill up. LuAnn is like the Opal to Jill's wannabe Erica Kane

Im glad they showed her clarifiying that she's a grandmother via Bobby's older children. I thought ehr daughter had a baby and it was never mentioned till now

she's not with Donn anymore :(

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BINGO! Wow. What a perfectly soaptastic comparison. LuAnn is such a pacifier, she props Jill at every moment and never calls her on nasty bullsh*t. Jill really is a total pig, she's such a hypocrite and always plays the victim card. Makes me sick.

LuAnn was particularly egregious in this latest episode, confronting Ramona like that. What a bitch. I'll give Ramona this: girlfriend takes NOTHING lying down, she barrels back at LuAnn's "Dahling...oooh dahling" with such panache.

Kelly's also a total piece of sh*t and I cannot STAND how she likes to rewrite history whenever she's confronted by Andy Cohen about the Mediterranean cruise episodes last year, she plays it off like it made some great change in her life. Like, STFU Kelly, we all know you lost your damn mind on that trip and are likely on a new cocktail of medications to keep your ass in line.

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Did you ever notice Jill's new tagline in the opening? "Good or bad, I know who I am and I own it" Um, Jill when do you EVER own up to anything? She twists history to make herself look like a victim and doesnt own the fact that she's a miserable hypocritical biyatch. Ramona, owns who she is. Sonja does too. Alex now owns it. Jill? Hell no

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Ashley's hair looks like sh-t.

Catching up on last week's OC and was appalled with Alexis. "Well I dont think Fernanda and Marion's marriage is a real marriage bc I belong to a faith who doesnt approve of same sex marriage and unfortunately they are going to have to talk to God, when they get to heaven's gates" Really? She dropped MAJOR points with me after that comment."Jesus is not going to care that I danced with Fernanda. What Fernanda does on her own time, she can talk to God about that" :unsure:

Speaking of which, it pains me everytime I see Fernanda on the show, knowing she was intended to be a full housewife but was cut. I still wish she was a regular bc she does appear alot. I also liked that her appearance in the episode had nothing to do with Tamra

Simon threw a dog leash at Tamra? LOL...that just sounds too funny. Love Gina, but she needs to butt out of their issues

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Hard to believe next week is already the OC Finale! It's been a pretty boring season though - very disappointed. Although this past week's episode was pretty good with the Vicki drama. Gretchen was just a waste this year, and Peggy was a boring addition, although I do like her overall. Just not enough group drama, and when there was, it was pure mean.

Jersey was much more tame last night, but I'm loving Kathy! And Caroline really needs to get a grip.

ETA: Oh, and Joe Gorga can definitely have his way with me! He is HOT, especially when he covers his forehead. :)

Edited by alwaysAMC
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I am loving Cathy and melissa, and Theresa's brother1

:lol: at Theresa as Cathy broke it down to her that while she nad her Hubby were acting like fools, no one had her baby!

Yeah I see carfoline is back to her Mafia Momma crap and telling people what to do <_< And can sghe please stop whining bout her kids leaving the nest!

Ashley with Blond hair :o not flatterinfg at all!

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The latest OC was unbelievable...Andy Cohen, via Twitter, said that it was going to be "heavy in a Knots Landing kind of way" with Vicki and Donn and it WAS. I feel sorry for both of them, they just got stuck in a loveless, boring, deadly marriage. I'm glad that they're divorcing amicably, apparently Donn was really there for Vicki and the kids when she was in the hospital. He is a good man and she is a good woman, they just ended up falling out of love, not communicating and becoming terribly unhappy. That was the realest episode of Real Housewives I've ever seen.

I like Peggy and I feel like she could really add something. The unfortunate thing is that her narrative was dull because she doesn't work, her husband seems terrific and her children are infants. There's just not much you can do with her.

Fernanda bores the hell out of me.

Alexis is a total moron and her dress line was horrific. So glad we all got to watch it. What a flop. That assistant of hers is bizarre too.

Gretchen is a total pig and a piece of sh*t for what she said about Vicki missing Alexis' "couture" (notice how she says it ka-tour) show. I loved how Tamra broke it down for Gretchen: "Like, it's ironic that Vicki's bleeding out of her ass to miss Alexis party?"...that's Gretchen's logic for you. She's a hateful ugly pig, she should get married and knocked up by Slade. What a tacky whore.

Cannot WAIT to see Jeana and Tamra throw down in next week's season finale. This season flew by!

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Oh no, Kim G is back! I thought with Danielle gone, we'd see the last of her. I love how everyone sees her for the snake that she is...lol. Theresa was funny with her though. "What is she like 70? I cant believe Melissa is friends with someone that old"

Theresa needs to rewatch the tapes though bc her baby was left alone. Kathy made mention of that last episode and we saw her go get her.

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Re: Jersey

I text my friend the same thing Cheap...Theresa definitely has a distorted view of what happened that night. It's clearly on the tapes, Kathy gathering up the kids.


Thank god it's over..I still haven't seen Sundays, and I'm not really that interested outside of watching Alexis fail.

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