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Welcome back Potomac! Welcome back to The Grande Dame! 

I can't remember which other Housewives show recently had this same sort of "audition dinner" (was it Atlanta?), but it sure seemed like the birthday party get-together for Karen was a way to bring all the potential newbies together and see which characters would take off and which would be left on the cutting room floor. 

It felt different with the long-running Robyn and Candiace missing, but I see potential in the new women. I'm glad they brought on friends for Karen.... Gizelle ("messy gizzy", lol, take out the ZY at the end...) continues to be her messy pot-stirring self.... Ashley, you better finalize that divorce this year (looking good by the way!)... Wendy, I hope you have solid back-up plans in your post-professor life (them Bravo cheques won't last forever)... Mia continues to be gross as she flaunts her new boyfriend and we learn more about her and Gordon's true dynamic over the years... Jacqueline is back and seems to be itching to go at Karen (perhaps she and Mia made up and now Jac is doing Mia's dirty work, a la Kyle Richards/The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick?) 

Overall, it looks good and promising with the new direction they're taking the friend group of RHOP. 

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Great start to the season. While I miss Candiace's witty remarks, I know the show could not go on with her given producers continue to want to employ Gizelle and her absence was not really felt. Robyn has been a non-entity for years so I didn't notice her absence in the slightest.

Ashley and Wendy are trotting out the same tired storylines they've been relying on for years. Nobody cares anymore about Demon Darby (copyright Danny Pellegrino) and Wendy's fake jobs/businesses that she does for the show just don't work for me.

I don't concur with @Gray Bunny (and we're usually always in sync) about Ashley's look: I thought her wigs looked tragic and her breast implants a bit wonky. 

The new girls have promise...though I think Stacy is going to end up showing her ass trying to be Karen 2.0. There is only one Grande Dame.

Speaking of which, I will be very interested to see how Karen's DUI pans out because she is dealing with it in a very different way than OC's Shannon has. I liked the scenes with Karen and Gizelle because they have an easy 'frenemy' chemistry where their disputes do not run deep. 


Speaking of which, Shannon went into this season in probably the worst position she could have imagined...yet Tamra's constant attacks on Shannon have spectacularly backfired and Shannon's ownership of her DUI and general misery makes her wholly sympathetic.

Tamra is just too mean and too spiteful. It's a good thing she's gotten a recent facelift because Tamra was starting to get the face she deserves. Her upper arms...on the other hand...show what she's trying to hide. 

Katie and Jen are both great additions, though I think with Katie she'll have a rough season 2 because all the discussion around her custody matters hint there's lots of negativity lurking beneath. Jen can date an FBI informant all she likes: she is not backing down to Tamra and said it this past week that Tamra is loyal to no one but herself.

Emily and Heather's confrontation wasn't a good look for anyone. Emily needs to move past her fixation on how other people look at her while Heather's comment about the dress she put Emily in being "tight" highlights that Heather can be cutting and mean.

I enjoy the Gina storyline because she represents that part of OC that Lauri Peterson originated: down on your luck, rebuilding, living in cramped quarters, trying to make it work.

Alexis is a loser and I hope that this season will be the last we see of her and Johnny J. Shannon has set clear boundaries and protected her sanity and it's made Alexis furious as she realizes she's been easily outmaneuvered. Good. 


Really enjoying it this year.

Bronwyn came in guns blazing. She dresses like a clown. Claims to be 38 when she looks about 51. 

Mary's return is welcome. Of course, I don't forget that she appeared to be a cult leader happy to soak her congregation for all they're worth, and her parenting is abysmal given what's going on with her son, but she's clearly enjoying this season more. Plus, Britani irritates her to no end, which is amusing to watch. 

Whitney and her 'hilling journey' is going to continue to have a bad season and she deserves it. Last episode's reveal that her Prism jewelry is just overpriced junk from Alibaba is such a bad look. Meredith has nuked her with that one. 

Heather does not have much of a storyline this season from the looks of things, so it'll be interesting to see if she can pull anything together later on. The same applies to Meredith and to Lisa as well - what exactly are any of them doing other than interacting? That said, they have organic chemistry and I enjoy watching them, so perhaps it doesn't matter. 

Britani and that troublesome Osmond is both sympathetic and pathetic at the same time. 

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Now that my system is working again...which always happens during any season of RHOP interestingly enough...I got to see the season opener as well. And...WE ARE SOOOO BACK. 


Granted due to my work schedule, I still (funnily enough just like S6's) have not watched last season's reunion episodes, but might tonight for giggles to see the last of Candiace and Roommate. That said...this opener was such a refresh. If this is what the reboot entails, then the answer is YES from me. 


It still has the shadiness of the other seasons that we are used to having here. Because that reenactment has shady AF all over it...right down to the deer. lol. We were introduced to new people (but no Keiarna yet), and they either fit in perfectly or felt like they have always been there. And there were new interesting things going on along with constant threads (the growing Messy Mia vs La Grande Dame; Gizelle/Wendy friction) we are used to, but they took interesting turns as well. 


Which brings me to the main thrust of the opener...The DUI of La Grande Dame. I'm still not caught up (yet) on OC so I don't know how they are handling Shannon's DUI, but this? Hades froze over and I was on Gizelle's side in her talks with La Dame...cuz KAREN, REALLY??? Meanwhile, Production (and Andy) saw the potential in the Messy Mia and the Two Dads mess and not only ran with it, but brought back my beloved Jacqueline AND gave Messy Mia a posse with her, Jac, and FOH Jassi...something I feel you all were worried about at the finale/reunion last season since so much was starting to center on Mia. 


Since I know that is something Gizelle won't like...not to mention La Dame...I expected a target on Mia's back this season. In fact, they started this episode...so it's a rivalry I'm looking forward to.


LA DAME. Karen, Karen, Karen!!!! I personally feel there is no statute of limitations on a parents' death EVER. That said...the first half of the episode, La Dame did not play it well at all for me. Those scenes with Gizelle was not about deflecting or making excuses. Gizelle gave her the perfect opportunity for her to get her side of the story out there and get sympathy which her fans would give her if she owned what she did. And Gizelle did it BEFORE Production used one of their lapdogs (Ashley, Messy Mia, Jackie) to do so. While she did a little bit better in the latter half of the episode by making it a 'she can't talk too much about it due to on-going court case,' she still has a way to go toward ownership. And I'm going to need that...NOT her staging scenes with waiters to prove she does not have a drinking problem. That said...it was nice to see her and Gizelle back on the same side and their reverse uno-ing Mia was yes deflection, but so well-done. When those two are on the same side, watch out!!! Meanwhile, La Dame introducing the New Housewife Stacey (by Vivian who should be around more often as a FOH) was a cute little scene so La Dame still has IT.


GIZELLE. Not Giz on an apology tour!!! lol. But seriously, look at what happened to her!! Without her bodyguard Roommate to have her back, Gizelle came across...likable. I agree with others online that she kinda went back to being Season 1 Gizelle who was a scrappy underdog. And given the growing posse of Mia, she put in the work. Being a good friend to La Dame. Ki-ki-ing with the newbies. Setting up the long overdue sit-down with Wendy she's been needing to have since Season 6 since NEITHER are going anywhere yet. Using those Gizelle skills on Mia. She was using her 'powers' for GOOD. PS. KALLLLL!!!


ASHLEY. Lord...this woman. RME. She has not even STARTED the divorce. GIRL, BYE. I do agree with @Gray Bunny that she was looking good though. It appears that with Gizelle playing nice, she might be one of the two Housewives set to be messy. And Messy Ash hasn't been around truly since Season 6 so let's see if she still has it.


WENDY. If Wendy is going to give us anything, it is going to be looks and reactions to mess. And she did that beautifully. I was shocked to see she had left her university job. And while I understood where she's coming from, I mean...that's a big change. Now if Production continue to show that part of her life which means showing her tell her mother, she might have a real and authentic storyline on her hands that could resonate. Meanwhile...is the Gizelle/Wendy feud about to be over at last? Another storyline coming off of her that has potential. Good job, DOCTOR Wendy.


MESSY MIA. She is on a slippery slope. What I liked about Messy Mia was that you could never take her tooooo seriously, and neither did she. But through all of the messiness and lying, there were moments where she actually was being upfront at the same time. And that mix...along with everyone else not giving too much last season...has allowed her to ascend to the near top of the hierarchy on this show. So I cannot help, but feel she is heading for a fall at some point. I will still enjoy her all the same. That said...she's still full of possiblities. A growing rivalry with La Grande Dame...one of two people who is above her in the hierarchy. The paternity mess with Inc and G which is intriguing in good AND bad ways cuz G looked like Mia had sucked the life out of him and love that kid. Meanwhile, Mia is flaunting that relationship with Inc all over. The Jacqueline friendship is still full of mess even though Jac (as much as I love her) is giving Marlo Jr. so far or worse a budget bin Robyn to Mia's Giz. And it's clear Production has her back so far. Thankfully, they also have La Dame's due to her history with Gizelle who both make the show. Speaking of Gizelle, I figured from what little clips I saw of the reunion that Mia's ascendent would immediately make her a target of Gizelle this season, so far Gizelle is proving me right because her tag-team with La Dame on Mia and Jacq again was a thing of beauty. So...Messy Mia has the spotlight, but she better tread lightly if she wants to keep favor.


KENYA LITE STACEY. When I saw it online, I didn't get it. But...I see what people are talking about. Stacey kinda favored Kenya circa RHOA S5 in her look and mannerisms. But not as wild as Kenya was. That said, she definitely left an impression on me, throwing light shade at La Dame in her intro scene. And the trailer makes it seem like she will be right in the mess. Good because she had a nice rapport with everyone. And her reactions during La Dame/Gizelle vs Messy Mia/Jacq was everything. Cuz...get used to it. hehe. 


KEIARNA. Not in the episode which was shocking. So was not having the TAGLINES. 


But a great start. Is it Sunday yet?


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I felt another swing and miss.


I wish I could put my finger on it because it had everything that I mentioned I was looking forward to. There was more about the issue in Erin and Abe's marriage. There was what I feel was foreshadowing to the forthcoming Brynn vs Ubah by a conversation between Ubah and Sai which may or may not have some pot-stirring by Sai. And there was the continuation of Brynn in the Villain role as she balanced that with the Sexpot persona she's been using, climaxing in the cliffhanger as Brynn exposed Rebecca the FOH and all her tea on live tv skating a very thin line given how Scientologists appear to be about being discussed in public. 


But...well...I'm not sure if I believe the issue between Erin and Abe is JUST money-related. Abe appeared sincere in the Confessional. Erin just seem too conscious of her appearance, something I noticed in her convo with Brynn when she actually used the words 'being authentic.' Brynn...I don't know what to say. There are times it is giving unbothered and THAT I love. But there are times she is giving Lisa Rinna Ex Soap Opera Star and we know how I feel about that. And this will probably be why Ubah vs Brynn happen. 


ERIN. Well, I can't say she's not giving content. If it wasn't her issues with Abe, Erin had content with her mother battling cancer. And my heart went out to her with her scenes with Ubah and her Mother. Not to mention that she sat down and talked with Brynn over the events of last week. Their dynamic has become fascinating to watch. It's like they are both vouching for HBIC. And as much as Erin may think she is, she simply has not been willing to get her hands as dirty as Brynn appears to be willing to do. And for that reason, it will never be her. Sorry. 


UBAH. It was nice to see her continue to talk about her relationship with the guy. And I feel like her conversation with Sai was foreshadowing. It also made me wonder if we are seeing so little of her because of that very conversation. Her and Sai are seeing that Brynn does like to take one thing and it turns into something else. The difference being, as Ubah said, the other girls also do that. She's trying to be above it I feel. So what happens that brings her down to earth?


SAI. Sorry, Sai. I felt like she's trying to be very Camille circa BH Season 2 about this season. She has been talking about her 'journey,' but I feel that she has become too worried about how the audience see her. That said, I also felt she was trying to subtly point out the danger of what Brynn's doing.


JENNA. I liked we saw her with her family and assistant. But I hope that her wanting to drive to the Hamptons while the others take helicopters does not turn into a big issue. Which was how it was looking before Brynn started with Rebecca.


JESSEL. Was just looking fabulous. And being commons sense to Rebecca cuz you are on a REALITY SHOW. Someone was going to ask those questions. Since she was in the helicopter when Brynn started in on Rebecca, I am sure she will have reactions next week.


BRYNN. I am ...???  She was reverse Karen Huger? Cuz Karen did bad at the beginning of Sunday's episode, but bounced back for me. Meanwhile, Brynn started off good this episode and it went waayyyyyyy left. If she wanted to come across as an unbothered bitca, Brynn did a great job. Paying Sai no mind. Her unbothered demeanor and the tone she had when Erin had to take the stairs up to her apartment as if she could not have messaged her the elevator was out. She gave a little bit of the sexpot near the end. And then before she started mess with Jenna...and Jenna deflecting...she started that stuff with Rebecca. Is this how she lost a chance to be a full cast member? Because Rebecca did not seem to like Brynn's questioning and rightly called her out on the purpose of Brynn doing it. Brynn...did not care. And given people's opinions and thoughts of Scientology, Brynn put herself in a dangerous position. Especially any mention of La Cruise. As Tiffany Pollard would say...Brynn...is kinda clipping down. But also...not bored.


RAQUEL. Was there for a second. I barely noticed her this week sadly.


I AM looking forward to everyone's return to the Hampton's next week now that they are more comfortable with each other, but I was not feeling this episode. 

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Not shocked at all. 

All these shows are at all-time lows. A lot of the audience choose to DVR or watch on Peacock at this point; however, all these shows are bleeding out. Housewives (as a whole) is in a funk that I am wondering if they'll get out of. This is why I keep stressing that Bravo needs to cut the seasons back in episode counts and refrain from doing filler episodes. They have to tighten the model up at this point. 

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But tbf... .7 to .5 isn't as back as the .3 that SLC and Dubai got. OC and POTOMAC (and I guess NJ) still have enough fans who watched live. I do feel they would be different if they were in their normal timeslots of 8 PM here on the East Coast rather than the 9 PM timeslots Bravo has for reasons that make no sense have pushed them to. 


I am waiting for the ratings for BELOW DECK SAILING YACHT (which was also pushed to 9 PM this season) to drop their ratings so I can verify that theory.

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Otherwise, I would agree with you about working on the model. And the promotion. 

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I'm usually a numbers nerd with the Nielsens, but I've fallen off from keeping track of network & cable shows in recent years, but just by doing a quick check, I see the CBS stalwarts pull in most of the best numbers for people watching live (no surprise, considering their older demos). However, shows like Housewives will get their numbers from DVR and streaming. That said, most people are fast-forwarding or flat-out missing commercials depending on their level of streaming service, so it's a wonder how advertisers feel about it all.

Makes those tried and true soap opera fans who watch it live every day, every week all the more enticing now... 

Remember Season 6 of RHOA when they hit that all-time high of 4.6 million? Yeah, those days are gone.

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Well, why I'm waiting for SLC and watching the Padres lose this round of games ugh...I figured I should mention where I'm at on OC Season 17.


I've gotten to the napkin throwing incident. And that was sad to watch. Since Jennifer came in as Tamra's friend, it's sad that Gina managed to get a wedge between the two of them. That said, I do love that Jennifer is giving as good as she's getting. But ooooh girl!!! Tamra inviting the girl that started the whole Ryan tea in the first place to Emily's pool party!!! MESSY!!! It's been fun to watch how this 'she said, she said' has been snowballing, allowing Tamra to pivot off of coming for Shannon to mixing it up with someone else.


Meanwhile, Gina setting up for her attempts to be relevant by coming for Heather. Le sigh. And of course, Emily was going to co-sign on anything. I was highly annoyed at them coming for Heather at Nobu. Thankfully, Heather has always been a smart cookie, so I liked her outmaneuvering Gina with a compromise. But now Heather might be Tamra's next target and I am just...siiiiigh...did Season 9 teach anyone anything? And unless you are Noella, you better come correct for Heather.


And oh, look! VICKI. hehe. She seem more chill and less thirsty. 


TAMRA. Loooord!!! lol. She has been messy, but you know what? She just does it in such a way that it doesn't make me hate her. Or...love to hate? And that scene at Nobu? It was just chaos. And then her, Shannon, and the married guy at the bar with the waiter...lmao!!! It was crazy. And then the next episode with the mutual friend of her and Jennifer...Tamra knew Jennifer was about to resolve that so of course she came over there. Tamra just plays the villain so well. 


SHANNON. She's been background. But with the pot stirring going on with Tamra in terms of Heather, I guess she is about to get in the mess.


GINA. Meh. At least she gave us some authentic moments with her relationship with her ex. Outside of that, she was being a little gnat to Heather. I found it annoying last season when she was up Heather's butt. And now that she's clearly trying to be relevant, her using Heather to do it is pathetic to me. And that Emily tried to chime in was just as bad. Speaking of...


EMILY. Nothing of any interest going on with her. So of course she had to chime in for Gina when they were going at Heather at Nobu. I liked she was behind the pool party, but what else does she have? 


HEATHER. I mean...Heather has always been bougie and condescending, so why is it a problem for these ladies now? They were fighting for her favor during Noella's season. So it's a little late to try to pull a coup. And yet...that appears to be what is about to happen here. Le sigh.


JENNIFER. She has been such a break-out star. She has been handling the Ryan mess pretty well. She matched Tamra's energy throughout without going over a dramatic edge. 


So far, so good. It has been a nice slow burn, but it looks like I am about to get to the meat. 

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Oooooo!!! lol. I hope when we get to the rumored fight between Lisa and Mary later in the season having to do with kids that people remember what Lisa said in this episode. BITCH.


Yeah, the episode was great (other than the lack of taglines though that alternative opening was cute. For an episode.), but the highlight was the group event at Harley Davidson. The issues between Lisa and Angie K exploded. While that needed to get out, it should have been done at a one-on-one sit-down. So thank you, Meredith for deflecting onto Lisa in order to avoid fighting with Little Girl in her feud to focus Lisa on her and Angie K. Meanwhile, FriendofHeather got into it with New Housewife. And...I would say a tie actually. lol. Though I died when Bob said to FriendofHeather 'Guuurl, how you going to tell me to worry about my marriage when you don't even know my husband's name.' Just DEAD.


The local trip has honestly been pretty good. If I was bugged by anything, it was the fact that Heather (and Meredith to a lesser degree) have been stirring the pot and trying to kill the vibe of fun. Yes, it gives juicy moments that I love, but it just feels performative. It has been bad enough that Heather has grown too grown for her breeches, but Lisa has, too. Allowing herself to get gassed up...but too much of a coward to confront a Housewife unless it was with an audience. And again, I did not at all like how she brought the kids into it with Angie K. Low blow.


Thankfully, the episode even on a cute note. New Housewife in a high fashion hot dog suit (c) LeeAnne Locken and the ladies at a gay club with everyone cheering Mary!!! Love to see it!!!


HEATHER. You know how much I didn't like her last week. Well, I liked her even less this week. How could you get the lessons RHOP Gizelle gave you and not know how to do it in a way that isn't transparent? She knew her cousin was excited for the club and taking the ladies to Harley Davidson, and still tried to stir the pot with her and Meredith. Did she not just say in her Confessional about how 'how could I do this to my cousin when she's soooo happy.' GIRL, BYE. And we know I'm not here for her cutesy Greek choir moments so moving on...


MEREDITH. hehe. I see you.

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Other people said it online. And I've said it a few times here. Meredith has always been best when she's on the offense versus doing defense. That was the case here. She's been working to make this silly feud with Little Girl happen, but it has fallen flat. But her going to Lisa to tell her about last episode when Little Girl and Angie K were talking about her and then at the dinner with the sly deflect...well-done. Lisa overreacted almost instantly, and Meredith was left off the hook in her confrontation with Little Girl. I also liked that when Lisa was being cold to her, Little Girl figured out it was Meredith's fault, and Meredith OWNED IT. Her close friend could learn a thing or two rather than come for kids.


LITTLE GIRL. I'm shocked to say it, but this is the most I've liked Little Girl since Season 1. I'm actually shocked. And it felt like such a full circle moment to see her and Mary back in each other's good graces which they also haven't been since Season 1 when they were the outsiders of this group. Just WOW. I liked she stood her ground a little bit. I also liked how she was determined to not have the vibe killed.


MARY. 'it's a straightening comb. it's for black girls.' MARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. She was still a hoot this episode. And she wasn't doing anything major except being herself. Her and Angie K being a ki. Her getting along with Little Girl. Her, the bartenders, and her telling stories about her father. Her at the gay club. Her disdain for FriendofHeather. God bless Mary. 


NEW HOUSEWIFE AKA BOB. OMG!!!! THE HOT DOG COTURE!!! I CAN'T!! LOL!! She was hilarious this episode. And while I have a little more respect for FriendofHeather for coming for her and her husband, Bob still chewed her up and spit her out. And her Confessional about Lisa picking up random people in the hall to hang with rather than hang with the ladies was hilarious. 


ANGIE K. YASSSSSSSSSSSSS, GIRL!!!! I still wish she had taken Lisa aside, because she was expressing how she felt, I LOVE she spoke nothing, but the truth. Everyone is used to Angie K being a lapdog. First to Jen. And then to Lisa. Now that she was trying to stand on her own, Lisa has a problem. And this was a continuation of their talk a few episodes ago when Angie told her that she did not like to be called out and always overreacts. And when Lisa brought her kid into it though, she was right to call her a BITCH. And I LOVED her overtalking that overtalker. Cuz I don't know who Lisa thinks she is, but Jen Shah AND Nene Leakes she ain't.


LISA. BITCH. I guess I'm gotten too used to caring about kids at my old age, but I did not like she did that low blow to her friend. And THAT'S the thing...Lisa was NOT wrong for her issue with Angie K, either. Angie K did stir the pot by telling Little Girl in the season opener what Lisa said. So yes, Lisa should feel a way. But her going over the top AND the low blow took away from her from being in the right completely. And her not confronting Little Girl immediately after Meredith told her what was said about her only showed she was a weak bitch. Sad since she continued to claim to be HBIC. And no one who claimed to be strong enough to be Vicious Bitch (c) Cordelia Chase would be doing passive aggressive moves on people talking about them. They would be upfront. She came across as pathetic to me. 


Again, great episode. Can't wait to see where all this mess goes. 

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I love NYC too -- it's the show I look forward to watching straight out of the gate each week. Love the fashions, decor and whole vibe. There's story with Erin and Abe  and the women's interactions, and it feels fresh and well judged. I can't believe a 'newbie' show is giving me the entertainment I'm looking for, but here we are.

By the same token, I'm also enjoying the grandmammy of RHs: OC. The fact that an organic, outside event is impacting the group has refreshed the show. Tamra is trying way too hard to force story, but we need a villain to root against, and I'm rooting for Shannon, who ended Dumb Alexis's brief tenure on the show in one elegant, fell swoop.


Karen is my fave HW of all current HWs, and I feel automatically protective of her. Even if she's going about the DUI in the opposite way Shannon is. I guess because Shannon couldn't hide from the CC TV footage we all saw. Karen seems to be following her lawyer's advice to neither deny nor admit to anything until the legal process plays out. We will see how she handles it this season. Mia and Wendy are gunning for her. And I wish she didn't have to cosy up to Gizelle who, I feel, is only nice to her in order to get the tea and bring her down. If Charrisse and Robyn were still on the show, they'd be going hard for her and bringing the entire group against her.

Ashley got a reprieve and is trying to justify her place, but im not feeling it. I'm not feeling Wendy either, who is just not natural on camera in expressing her true self.

Mia's story is compelling, but whenever Gordon is on, I find myself sympathizing with him much more than her.

I still watch and want to watch RHs. It is far from its glory era, but i still hope the franchises pull through. The night ratings are disappointing to say the least, but it's clear so many of us stream the shows during the course of the week. I'd give anything to know the streaming numbers as well, because IMO they are the game changer. I suspect Potomac is doing moderately OK in streaming. The weird month of no RHs this spring did not help, nor did forcing NJ in its current incarnation on the world. People are exhausted by that cast. But to your point about tighter seasons and episode orders, I agree completely. The problem is that Bravo has become lumbering and slow-reacting, as opposed to proactive with these shows.

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