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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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NY had no choice but to update the title cards as production does the end shot of them all holding apples in one shot. On other shows, the women do their shots all individually. Occasionally, they'd take cast photos together. In more recent years, they edited the women into one photo as it appears to be hostile amongst many women. I think too that the women get p*ssed b/c they know upfront who is in the center. 

I think the RHONY women just don't give a f*ck and are glad to be on the cast regardless. 

They need to do all the shows like this. 

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You bet, baby! I love RHONY (old and nu), and I've missed my kooky Millennials! I'm very excited to have them back and hope it's soon because I need that upbeat energy going into fall. I'm even willing to give Sai her due! Yes, it's been that long.

Jenna's tagline is the standout but, honestly they are all pretty good. Including Sai and Brynn's. 

Thank you for posting!

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What is it about second episodes this season where they are slightly dull to me? lol. But seriously, it was an ok second episode after such a strong season opener. And those last 10 minutes were great.


But...SLC has always been about the slow burn. I felt there was a lot of that going on. The upcoming Meredith vs Little Girl feud. The continued movement of the Little Girl vs Lisa feud. The simmering rivalry between Lisa and Angie K which from the trailer WILL exploded...and from this episode it will be Lisa's fault though Angie K is actually the one in the wrong for pot stirring to Little Girl. And of course, there was Heather's Friend vs Mary (with yet another tag-team with New Housewife on her...love it). There was so much going on and watching it and seeing/pondering the shifting alliances made me of BH back when I was watching it. Though tbf, BH was clearly chess moves. Here...it's fun checkers. lol.


In fact, the only false note was Heather and her continued attempts to piggyback off of Monica like she piggybacked off Jen be relevant. Someone mentioned it online so I almost want to rewatch the scene, but there are signs that Heather is getting the Gizelle Bryant edit...you know the edit where Production is covering up for her right down to no flashbacks that show she did something wrong and castmates are told to do the same. And if so, I'm disgusted they would give her that power and not update her pictures. And as for her attempt to set up New Housewife...THIS IS MONICA, TRICK!!! smh. I loved New Housewife did an actual chess move and told Little Girl ahead of time aka behind Heather's back. And loved that Lisa and Angie K co-signed so Heather's attempt FLOPPED.


Nice try. How about you try showing your life instead, Heather?


LISA. Everyone seems to think that this season might be a Little Girl takedown season. But given where Little Girl will wind up, I would say this season is being set up for a Lisa takedown season. Yes, she's back BFF with Meredith. Yes, Heather gets to live her dream of being Lisa's Sidekick. However as Little Girl...and now Angie K...has pointed out...when someone calls her out on her mess or (of course) challenges her, Lisa almost always spirals out. Heavy is the crown, and Lisa just cannot wear it as well as she thinks she can. The fact that anyone who disagrees with her immediately is casted out in her mind will come back to bite her on her backside. Everyone feared Jen Shah and Lisa simply does not have that bite. That said...I did love her taking Heather's Friend down a peg or two by finding that Insta pic and busting her bubble. hehe. Oh, and her stopping by Wendy's cuz I'm Arkansan.

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MEREDITH. SETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. She was just there really. But...we got to see her home life with her kids and as she worked on her business. We got to see her relationship with Seth. And she was giving good Confessional. And of course her feud with Little Girl was on simmer this episode.


HEATHER. Lord...the gaslighting that girl is doing. She knows her 15 minutes from Monica is almost up so her trying to slide her issues with Monica onto New Housewife (and Production allowing it complete with expected Monica flashback) is just ugh. I loved that she fell on her face at the end of the episode when New Housewife went CHECKMATE, BITCH on her ass. I admit that I'm surprised that Production did not give Heather a heads-up.


ANGIE K. So two for two on hot husband sightings...LOL!!! Like Stanbury on DUBAI, I feel like Angie K is having a good season. She started off the feud of the season. She's BFFs with Mary. She's giving good moments/reactions, and we are seeing her life. And the growing rivalry with Lisa should be interesting for sure because it could have all been avoided at that sit-down, but Lisa chose not to listen.


LITTLE GIRL. Did Hades freeze over? Because she was not bugging me at all this episode, either. She did seem to regress a bit out of her Ashley Darby Lite mode. And I definitely did not like her apologizing to Lisa. Still, I loved her yellow Confessional. She still has her feud with Meredith. And she still has Lisa's number.


MARY. MVP. Her continued feud with Heather's Friend (and continued tag-teaming with New Housewife on said friend) continues to be the highlight of the season so far. 'It hasn't gone far enough.' No, Mary, it hasn't. Because if you have not dragged her...YET. But I know it's coming so good. hehe. And her opening up about her mother and scene with her son continue to show that Mary is quite transparent for the most part.


NEW HOUSEWIFE. Got a bigger introduction here. And yes, her house is quirky, but I didn't mind it. And I loved how she got Heather, showing she is not stupid. And I'm going to need her and Mary to keep tag-teaming for the rest of the season because they are hilarious together.


Next week...LOCAL CAST TRIP!!!  

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The Heather of season 1 is a far cry from the Heather we see in season 5.  I think Heather in season 1 was more her authentic self.. and the Heather we've seen since season 2 is a Heather that seems to be in on the joke.  While that's an interesting choice to make, on a reality show... I want an authentic housewife.

Someone like Lisa is a delulu.. but is generally harmless, that we know of.  So I enjoy watching someone Lisa out and about because she's so delulu that it's enjoyable to see her interact with the world.

New girls.. too soon to tell.

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I can't believe that I've already hit the midpoint of Season 17 already? Wow. I felt that I've been going slow, but I guess not. 


I finished the Montana trip. I thought it was okay. And there were so many moments. Taylor being on the trip and going up against Heather of all people. Gina trying to pot stir and being outwitted by Tamra. *cough*pretendertothethrone*cough* The secrets of Jennifer and how much Tamra may or may not know. 


I really liked the real moments as well as the HW shifting alliances moments. Like the fact that with Tamra back, it's Dos Amigas and seeing Heather actually be insecure about that. How human of her! Jennifer talking about how her marriage ended and getting to know a new man just felt real...and intriguing due to the timeline. Shannon's worries about getting close to Tamra again...cuz TAMRA. Even Emily having Co-Vid...not that she was missed...lol. 


So hitting midpoint I feel...


SHANNON. She is still having a pretty good season so far. She's being open with her evolving friendship with Tamra. And if Shannon is going to do anything, she's going to give fun cuz her and the tractor...lmao.


HEATHER. Lol...oh, Taylor. No one will ever think of her as not being ambitious. Wrong move coming for Heather. I still have Season 9 in my head when the ladies attempted a Heather takedown at the start of the season and she outmaneuvered them every episode because she is intelligent as all get out. And Taylor is a more emotional person so Heather gathered her quickly. So it was nice to see that balanced out by Heather being emotional over Tamra and Shannon renewing their friendship closeness. Heather being well-rounded was totally unexpected because she is all about how she shows herself which is as an intelligent AND RICH woman.


EMILY. Sick. But clever she did pop in by phone in one episode and in unimportant scenes in another episode.


GINA. Ugh. lol. The only real thing about her was her getting triggered by Jen's past due to her own past. And even that I side-eyed cuz her and her ex-husband are on good terms. Her attempts to be a pot stirrer is annoying. And always has been these last few seasons. And that's when she's not trying hard to find a reason to go after Heather. I will give her this though...it's very ambitious of her to try to come for Tamra. She's very lucky that Tamra is too busy trying to reclaim her spot in the circle to notice. But even that, Tamra is still running rings around her. 


JEN. I'm really liking her. And this timeline is very intriguing on when she met Ryan, the emotional affair, and how things fell apart with her marriage. I know I should probably feel a way. Or I might even feel a way if it had gotten physical first which Jen has said it was just an emotional affair. But to me, she's owning all of that...and I find it refreshing. She feels real. I am sad that Gina is making endroads in making cracks between her and Tamra though.


TAMRA. A return to form. No notes.


Looking forward to more. The new TV season and work has definitely kept me busy. lol.

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I beg to differ. lol. @NothinButAttitude really pointed it out at the Season 1 reunion and from that moment onward...especially at every reunion...one can't unsee it. Heather's slip showed that she's been wearing a mask all along. @Cat and I have always said that she is simply a more subtle version of Jen in fact. And hopefully someday her skeletons will show. Because she still does slip up like last season with that hot mic scene right before the end of the season that was referenced in this season's opener at the Little Girl Gang-Up. And I definitely think with the weight loss...we are going to see the REAL Heather on display. She might have had her moments, but I now feel she's never truly been authentic, just someone who studied Housewives like Jen did and tailored herself accordingly. Lisa was more authentic than her in Season 1 which is why I loved her as my Fabulous Ice for at least the first two seasons.


Some people say that Lisa has not changed. In a way she hasn't...which is why she has feuds incoming, but I do feel that the opinions of the audience did get to her and she clearly cared what some of the ladies think. Because she has become more tailored as the seasons have gone on to the point she is not that Fabulous Ice I knew who was rich, fabulous, and did not care at all what people thought a la ICE to slights to Lisa, this overdramatic woman who overreacts to any time something is not about her...or worse makes everything about her in a way that is delulu. It was why she was triggered by Monica last season cuz Monica stayed checking her on this. And look at this season...she still gets triggered when checked. I believe everyone knows I was her biggest fan Season 1, 2, and parts of Season 3, but she cares too much what people think and doubled down on stupid things for my liking so I no longer like her. A shame because I lived for her giving what EricFake over on BH thought she was giving as a Petty Pretty Mess.


Bronwyn I like so far...I know minority...because she may be her own brand of delulu, but it appears quirky real to me. And her tag-teaming with Mary immediately make me like her.


Heather's Friend...can kick rocks. But anyone who is 1) friends with Heather and 2) coming for Mary was going to be disliked for me. I don't care for her intrigues and she's giving RHOP's Sesame Street with her thirst.

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