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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh, they are desperate. Ratings appear to be down on the current batch of Housewives shows. Dubai and NJ are barely staying afloat. And announcing NJ isn't having a reunion has caused ratings to bleed out even more. 

OC might do numbers when they come back in July as most people will want to see Shannon v. Alexis. 

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I thought it was just okay. 


Which is odd to me because the S2 opener was pretty solid. This episode (outside of the fashion) was just there for me. I can't put my finger on why. 




THE RESOLUTION. Last week, it was Sara vs Ayan. And this week...resolution. What I love about it was it brought back what used to be a more HW staple...the one-on-one brunch talk. It used to be when housewives were feuding within the group, they would go and sit down ALONE and deal with it. Now people want to do these talks in a group, and it unsurprisingly goes left. So good on them being adult enough to do so. Speaking of...interesting to see Lesa, Ayan, and Caroline at a table themselves given what's coming and the tension.


NEW GIRL. First of all, I want to say while I thought Taleen's hubby was cute and personality-wise is screaming my type, online was really thirsting for him and I don't see it the way they were acting. I guess I was thinking Romain Zago hot, but smh. So far, I like Taleen. I said it last week by her connection to X-Tina and her past as a up-and-coming musician. This week she continued to be a good ride-or-die for Brooks. However, at the same time, she clearly has her own mind and doing what the best newbie Housewife should do...get to know the other girls and form their own judgement.


LITTLE TALES. I giggled at Lesa's story with her mother. And I really laughed at Sara...cuz GUUUUUURLL!!! I don't have a problem with bald men. And we know I love scruff. So together the guy Taleen was trying to match Sara up with was a catch. And Sara was being so stand-off-ish though I understood. It showed another layer to Sara who is going to need to show a lighter side. And I was shocked to see next week she DID go on a date with the guy. And then we have Brooks' and her recurring drama at the Glass House. And Ayan and her business. Even Caroline is busy with the dramatic Sergio. So...everyone has some story going on versus just one overarching story. I like that.


YOU CAN'T HAVE A HOUSEWIFE SHOW WITHOUT...And of course, it would not be a HW show without someone feuding. And it seems to be (right now) the Tale of Two Carolines. Brooks is savage so formidable. Meanwhile, Caroline can be formidable herself when she's channeling her persona from LADIES OF LONDON. And so far this season, Caroline has done just that...something she made clear to me online since she's been engaging this year and making me just a little bit starstruck. So it could be fun, but...




WTF BROOKS...hunni, what is this? I have no idea why Brooks is coming for Caroline. And she is not being clear. And I find that it rings false. I am going to wait and see on it, but I can't decide if it is (I hope not) Production leaving something out so the audience does not know the basis of what the feud is about or is Brooks making drama so something is going on. I found Brooks to be messy last season, but pretty direct. So again, this feels false. 


WOMEN BUSINESS, NOT SERGIO BUSINESS. Well, at least Sergio did not walk over there with his Wig Kory Lite self, but him sending the ladies to the patio to interfere with the Carolines talk was just ugh. Boy, Caroline got this.


Ok episode. Still looking forward to this week.

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I agree. If anything, I think it throws Kenya under the bus. For someone like me, who is on the fence about Kenya's tactics (to say the least), this looks like par for the course (digging dirt on the newbie) and makes her look really bad.

O loved ep. 2, but i hear you. My take on Sara and the dating is that she comes from a culture which is strict about this sort of thing. And she's a shy person about romantic relationships. She doesn't want it on TV but she knows she has to show something. 

As for Brooks -- yes, it felt like she's looking for a TV Time rivalry. Stanbury knew it, and that's why she walked out in exasperation. 

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Oh, I totally understand, too. Ironically, I'm finding myself in a similar situation to her...not to mention I've been enjoying how independent I have grown as I've been on a path of self-discovery after a traumatic last year. And I've been open, but I still feel tense at the idea of meeting someone. And here, the pool is VERY small for such a big city. So I understood after a moment what she meant. But he appeared actually genuine (vs me here hehe) so I was hoping she would give him a chance. Looking forward to their date this week. 


I hope not though. Brooks played her cards right IMO last season so she better not get hit with the second season curse. Meanwhile, Caroline has been playing her cards right so far. She's really giving LoL Caroline (but a little bit mature) again and I love it.

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This was the first good episode! Jackie was the MVP. OMG I was loving her and how much of a hot mess she has become. LOL at her walking away from Margeret telling her that this was a waste of her time. And then calling Dolores a slob was like Kim calling Brandi a slut pig...LMAO! She had me rolling


The Gorgas are so darn annoying! Joe wouldnt accept the card and gift bc he said you dont extend an olive branch in front of a bunch of people, implying that Louie and Teresa just waned to make a big show of it for their image. Um, they initially gave that stuff to Rachel whom could have given it to the Gorgas in private but she chose not to. She then gave it to Dolores and Melissa nad Joe could have just set it aside and thrown it away when everyone was gone. Instead they chose to make a big fuss of it, use is as storyline fodder and brought everyone into it but complaining and victimizing themselves to a crowd at their own party that Teresa did not attend. The F? Ya'll do WAY too much

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The Gorgas are dumb. They displayed why this show will never be able to get rid of Teresa. If anything, they should've took the gift, been gracious, and moved on. And MeHo is already using the gift as her story in the next episode. It is sprinkled cookies all over again. 

Further proves the Gorgas cannot carry a show. 

And I was glad that Dolo and Jackie both called out Cindy Lou Who for not wanting to go to lunch to create peace. Her and Uncle Fester went there to get camera time and prolong a feud. 

It just boggles my mind how this cast is so inept to the concept that they are at the point of no return, yet they double down and continue to delve into the toxicity. I'd rather they shelve NJ altogether and go start a new city. 

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I'm late to responding to this post, but just to say that I feel this in my soul! My adopted hometown has gone through similar changes. The wealth here is insanely huge, usually oil wealth, beyond one's wildest dreams, people driving in reinforced bulletproof Rolls Royces, but im not sure i envy it. There is definitely something empty and soulless about it. Like an episode from The Kardashians! Here too, in beautiful neighbourhoods, houses and apartments lie empty 10 months out of the year.

I've become more like that too -- enjoying my own company and the space I've built for myself. However, I also don’t want to give up on the idea of love! Seeing Sara sort of flustered and awkward about dating and being set up endeared her to me this last episode., because she fronts so confidently but I think deep down she is shy and insecure about herself, and worried about sending the wrong image. I think she takes her role as Emirati representative on the show very seriously and puts pressure on herself about it.

Caroline so far this season has channeling LOL Caroline, and it has been great! 

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Oh, how the world turns. Earlier I posted online about crushes...only for my friend to message me not realizing I posted about something similar she posted...and now your post after that. The Universe be giving. Hehe. For it a bit silly for me but short version...I feel like I'm turned into a Miranda who USED to be a Samantha and going forward I'm not sure (yet) which one would work for me given how I've changed. Goodness knows one was more open to life than the other lol. But I said online I'm happy to see that I do have crushes (okay some tea, a simply stable tatt bartender who also is in several bands, a chef, and lover of all animals; the local UPS guy, a local postman who I actively started flirting my bday week, and a pool player with a bubble butt) because that means that there are still guys in the world who can attract and hold my attention just by being. And for me, given the last year of my life, it also gives me hope there's someone out there for me that IS NOT toxic. So seeing your post about not giving up on love (while working out with BEING HUMAN US SEASON 3 in the background...which in some ways is the basic plot just with vampires, werewolves, and ghosts) warms my heart. Thank you. Sorry for my tangent. 


Yeah seeing Sara being matchmaker with really does a good job with making her relatable because everyone across the world have had that happen at some point. Yeah, Sara definitely has established (and Ayan and Brooks posted at her about last season) an image that she's careful with. But I was thinking of her image from the point of view of her as this guru. I totally did not think about her angle of image as an Emirate. Duh! Silly me...makes it all make even more sense. 


Fingers crossed that Sophie cameos again this year. Juliet...not so much. hehe. 

Hahahaha!!!! Going forward...I can't unsee that when I see her now. 

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A nice bounce back from last week.


Humor, drama, AND shade!!! This week the main storyline might have been the feud between the two Carolines, but I felt the whole cast gave a little bit of something. Sara and the date. Lesa and her relationship with her mother. Ayan and that dress to the 'eviction party.' (c) Caroline Brooks.


I do like that everyone in the group (at least Lesa, Taleen, and Sara) felt the same way. That there's more doing on with this feud between the Carolines rather than being a ride-or-die for Taleen. And I felt that Lesa (and Stansbury said the same in her Confessional at the end) hit it on the head. Last season, it was Ayan/Lesa vs Caroline and Brooks was friends with both. But now that they are friends with Caroline, Brooks feels some kinda of way. All of this could probably be resolved with a conversation, but Brooks being Brooks was doing the most. No wonder she got uninvited to the 'eviction party.' (c) Caroline Brooks.


Thankfully, we got that conversation this episode. And can I stop for a moment to say how much I LOVvvvvVVVVVVVVVE Dubai has brought back one-on-one sit-downs where HWs can spar, talk, and shade again? Or at least they come across like old school HW scenes. Season 4 RHOA premiere with Nene v Sheree comes to mind. hehe.


But this conversation...my issue was that while both Carolines brought up things they should have, the things they really should have said to the other one was SAID IN CONFESSIONALS. The things that needed to be said that would deaden the issue they were having was SAID IN CONFESSIONALS. It made the scene, standing by itself, just a bunch of surface childish issues and a STRONG sense of stubbornness from BOTH. 


PS. Sabu FOH is a chop for me. Too elitist. Cuz I feel real old money is completely unbothered by new money. Or at least doesn't show it immediately. You just got here, and...WHO ARE YOU? 


CAROLINE. THE BITCA IS BACK!!!! I've been saying it before. And I'll say it again. THIS Caroline really and truly feels like a more mature and wiser version of Ladies of London Caroline. And Caroline has been playing it to the hilt. She's fully engaged, and it's showing versus last season. And this story with her, Michael, and the house. I guess I missed it last week when she said it. But...she's GIVING. This living situation. The wacky relationship vibes with Sergio. The more serious vibes to their relationship that was popping up (therapy session, overdramatic Sergio running to Sara, wet Sergio in the pool). And of course, her feud with Brooks leading up to my favorite Confessional from her on this show so far. The Confessional where she revealed her suspicions about the feud...which was what Lesa also felt. When she said 'And now I don't need saving?' It was giving 'I'm not here for your amusement. You're here for mine.' Caroline. LOVE.


TALEEN. Hahahaha...she's a Libra and her husband is a Gemini. No words, but a good match.

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I continued to love her this week as she double dated with Sara and was also wondering what Brooks was thinking since she was cool with Caroline post-Beyoncegate. She thinks for herself, and nothing wrong with that. 


SARA. I was soooooooooooo looking forward to her date as @Cat knows. But WOOOOOW!!! Sara does quirky comedy was not at all on my bingo card. Cuz that date. lol. From her 'this is not a date'...which I'm guilty of doing when my friends play matchmaker to the Libra talk to the 3 Questions cuz...ALIENS? REALLY, SARA. It was so off-beat I had to go and see when Sara's birthday was cuz that was...too much. Then I saw and gasped. Why? AQUARIUS. Then it made sense and added a layer to her at the same time. Meanwhile, I did not realize that Sara and Sergio were so close since he ran to her to vent about Caroline. Things to make you go hmmm. And now she introduced the FOH Sabu, too. Add on she was also like Lesa as they talked about the feud between the Caroline in terms of its origin, and Sara was quite busy this episode. I do want more of this quirky Sara, though.


AYAN. For those who don't like her, I can say she was not in it much this episode. She was just at the party with her dress that matched the decor. And in a surprising twist for me, she was at the start of the episode as a ShebySheree style Bone Collector. Has Ayan ever been the Bone Collector? It just seemed so beneath her and off. 


LESA. I loved all the stuff with Lesa and her mother. It just really popped off the screen for me. It's clear the two of them are close. And just the drama that comes from that since Lesa clearly loves her life in Dubai while her mother loves her life back in the U. S.  Just organic tension that did not at all take away from the two of them shopping. Meanwhile, I continue to be fascinated by how alike her and Caroline are. So interesting that she's the one that theorized correctly why Brooks might have an issue with Caroline. 


BROOKS. Brooks, Brooks, Brooks. I'm not even sure if I'm going to do my thoughts judgement here. Like a certain former Fabulous Ice, I've loved Brooks from Episode 1 for giving us our first read of this series. And she was messy and a great Bone Collector. I have questioned a lot of her moves so far. From filming a business where something is always broken to embarking on this ill-advised feud with Caroline, Brooks has been experiencing a second season curse. HOWEVER, as a ride-and-die friend who does not forgive even when said friend has, I could relate to that. It was a good thing to use at the sit-down as well because she had been the same with Caroline last season. But just like Caroline, the meat of the conversation was done in CONFESSIONALS. Why was that, Brooks? Just le sigh.


Still...a good episode. Can't wait for Taleen vs Lesa (with a side of Ayan) next week.


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It was a really good episode. One of the reasons why -- echoing the discussion we used to have in the GH or Y&R threads -- was because the drama stems from the women's personalities/characters. Remember the rules of soap writing that Douglas Marland developed? One of the most important ones was how character, not plot, is everything, and it must drive plot, not the other way around.

I was reminded of that maxim watching this episode. So much drama revolves around the evolving character of the Queen Bee, Caroline Stanbury. How Stanbury talked about being vulnerable and in a sad place, and Sergio and Brooks were drawn to that. And now she doesn't need saving.... what that now means for the relationships in her life. For all her toughness, Caroline talking about her cold upbringing ("The British keep their dogs at home, and put their children in high-class kennels"), you understand why she married Sergio, who despite his clinginess, is also warm, outgoing and not shy about his feelings. Caroline needs him to replicate a warm family dynamic she never had, as much as he needs her to mother him.

Another character reference -- Lesa and Brooks talking about each other. Lesa saying Brooks is panicking because she was able to manipulate people (Stanbury) when they are down; Brooks saying Lesa is projecting, because she is terrified of Stanbury and Ayan's friendship.  Two things can be true at the same time.

The sit-down between the two Carolines. Stanbury's look on her face when Brooks spoke in circles readd to me her realisation that Brooks is manipulative and almost gaslighting her at times. Brooks is becoming a bit of a villain this season -- but a vulnerable and relatable one.

Sara talking with Makti about dating while both were getting scalp massages -- another moment that stuck with me.

Saba the Sabotage! I must disagree @Taoboi I think Snobby Saba the Pakistan Princess is a great FOH addition. A wealthy place like Dubai is bound to have snooty gatekeepers, and she is it. I hope we see more of her!

Another reason this season is clicking is because these women are pretty closely integrated in each other's lives. The way they greet and hug Yasmine, Caroline's daughter, and chat with her. The way Lesa's mother loves Ayan. The way Sara and Sergio are close (brother/sister close -- I don't think Sara has a thing for Sergio. If anything, and if she wasn't in Dubai, I sometimes wonder if Sara might decide to date a woman), and have the family-trip photos to prove it. This is how Stanbury maintains her Queen Bee status -- she folded these women and their families into her close social circle, and socialises in the off season, and not just when the cameras are rolling. She's the social director.

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I did not expect to read so controversial a statement this early on a Sunday morning! *clutches pearls* I've mostly seen his work on YouTube, in classic clips of episodes from ATWT, GH, GL. I personally enjoyed watching his material (80s to early 90s ATWT is chef's kiss) but different strokes for different folks! Some people adore classic OLTL, others live for 80s Days. That's soaps for you -- and, in turn, that's RHs for you. BH out-trumps the other franchises in terms of ratings currently, but IMO low rated Miami and Dubai have been the best watches of the year so far. And yes, I know we are only 3 episodes into Dubai S2.

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