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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Flopmarie is not just one of the worst newbies on Bravo (which takes some doing), she's one of the dumbest (also a crowded field). Lying that Crystal, who struggled with an eating disorder, is the one who said Sutton had one. A lie that Bravo can easily refute. Kind of like the lie she told about small snuffleufaguses not being a medical condition. Sutton literally just has to stand there and watch this loudmouth dig herself a deeper hole.

And speaking of dumb, Kyle forcing her way into Sutton's fridge to keep that narrative going? Sutton handled it coolly, so you might have missed it, but I never want to hear Kyle boohooing ever again about Sutton asking mean questions about her mawiage. The mawiage she has no problem displaying all over this show. Poor me! Look at me be a victim!

Crystal had a nice scene with her brother. That and a real gala on BH. It's been a while since we saw that on the show.

Dr. Nicole cleared her effortlessly. What a goddess. 

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You would've thought after Nicole and Tiffany's initial draggings of Flopmarie would've just made her kept her mouth shut but it didn't. And to think Flopmarie said that Nicole needed her for clout? Girl, what? You've had about a total of about 15 minutes airtime this entire season and Nicole, who is on season 3 of her show needs you for clout? 

I will be so glad when this season of BH airs and we see the backside of Annemarie for one final time. She might've surpassed Diana in being the worst casting choice of all time. 

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Flopmarie's aggressive targeting of Sutton (for what reason? To have a SL? At Kyle's behest?) contrasts with Nicole who is using her medical expertise to support her friend through breast cancer. It is the polar opposite of Hulkmarie practically launching herself at Sutton and Crystal. Flop thought she was targeting 'the weak links,' but it turns out that she is the weak link. 

If we are choosing between Diana and Annemarie -- I'd have to say Diana was worse.

1. Raging bore.

2. High-class madam rumors she tried to whitewash with her charity work.

3. The bots that attacked Jax (plus her crazy obsession with Garcelle). Still think she financed those.

Flopmarie is way, way dumber than Diana, though. Literally nobody can take her seriously. Not Sutton, not Garcelle, not even Erika. Kyle is starting to put some distance between her and her 'exercise friend.' And then we have Marcellus. She's one and done.

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Yeah I dislike her more bc she is such a disappointment. i never had any high hopes or expectations out of Diana. She led with claiming to be a villian so thats what she gave. I tend to automatically want to root for everyone black and wanted to support her despite the scuttle butt about her husband before the premiere, but man has she proven to be such a failure. She is beyond irritating and the worst housewife cast on this show. Worse than Carlton (whom I couldnt stand). I thought Id be siding with her over Crystal based on the trailer but nah, Cystal has my full support

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Dorinda did a podcast and spoke on SLC. She defended Monica and thinks she's great tv and needs to come back. The other ladies need to get over themselves and if they dont want to film with her, then they can leave. She also called Heather out on being a liar. IA with everything she said





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thats good tea but its not a Mariah situation as Mary didnt create the show. M2M was Mariah's baby. She came up with the concept, filmed a pilot and shopped it around to different networks. She was an EP and was pushed out of her own project.  Mary was talent that was discovered

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