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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Larsa turns 49 soon so her window of opportunity in producing a Jordan offspring is shrinking.

OMG Juanita Jordan is a name I have not heard/read about in years. AFAIK she has kept a pretty low profile since she and Michael Jordan divorced some 15+ years ago.

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 I agree that this season has all the makings of another good one. We have connected with these women's personal histories and heart-breaks, and also the bond between many of them seems strong and genuine. These ladies are not just co-workers.

 I'd go further and say its Surrogate Time. No way Larsa wants to distort her body again after all that money Scottie paid for it.

She also realises that having a kid with these dumb, rich dudes literally secures the bag. Michael Jordan Sr is probably already talking to a lawyer after seeing that headline.

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Well, first of all, I'm happy that I get to FINALLY see Season 5 of it. July 5th can't get here soon enough for me.

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That said...I've been enjoying all the pictures and videos from their last cast trip in Mexico City. And that Adriana is BRINGING it. Ice out who? Not her. It's like the more her hair grows darker, the more in she is. 


I definitely am hoping that Guerdy will be okay. 

Hahahahaha!!!! I just posted that and fist pumped. CANNOT...WAIT!!!!


Yeah, LAMDC definitely exposed those cracks in that marriage. And Carlos King defintiely tried to make use of the fallout of them leaving that show. 


I am sorry for her and him since I liked them. 

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And speaking of catch-up...I FINALLY watched and finished last season last night. 


Like I said about RHOA last season, last season was such a transitional season. I'm actually sorry to have Tamra IN, Noella OUT because I am curious to see where they could have gone after that reunion. And same for that season's Jen since she was in trouble with the law AND divorcing Ryan (or however he spelt it). So having them back would have gotten some drama going.


Yeah, Heather's return flopped after a strong start. And then it turned into everyone vs Shannon who I was glad really did not pay anything of them anything, but dust. Thankfully, Noella stepped it up with her rivalry with Heather, her friendship with Shannon, and her continuing to be a hot a%^ mess with everyone else. I would have love to see what she did next. But I believe I was one of her few fans here. 


In fact, I found the last half of the season to be very easy and breezy . And the Aspen trip. Oooo at the dinner fight where a gang up on Shannon turned into everyone vs Noella who was just having Shannon's back.


That said...some quick thoughts.


HEATHER. I was happy to have her back. But however, it became clear that she was running and editing herself just a little tooo much. So I loved that she was activated by her feud with who was not a pushover.


SHANNON. So came out smelling like roses. Every time one of them heffas came for her, she rose above it. And just her being by herself she still gave a lot on screen to keep my interest. And I loved her growing friendship with Noella and how they had each other's backs right up to the reunion. And I loved she had Gina's number.


EMILY. A necessary evil. Why? She I found was very subtle, but VERY good at her pot stirring. I'm sure I said when this was airing that I was annoyed at how her and Gina kept throwing the rock and hiding their hands. But by the end of the season, there was some relatable complexity going on in that whole Shannon/Noella/Emily/Gine dynamic that I was curious to see where it went. Especially, since Gina was clearly getting jealous of the Shannon/Noella friendship and Emily was slowly leaning in Shannon's direction.


GINA. Weak sauce. I loved her glow up...only for her to turn into Heather's lapdog and trying to throw Shannnon under the bus. And then she kept trying to do anything to start mess with Shannon as if she was Marlo over on RHOA, but...more BORING. I hope it's true that Tamra is coming for her in the new season cuz over her.


JEN. I will miss Shirtless Ryan. But she started to get more comfortable. But like Elizabeth the season before...alas.


NOELLA. A hot a&* mess...and will be missed. I guess it was nice to hear she had some kind of a happy ending at the reunion. 


A good season.

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Now many pages back, I know you all had a bit of a discussion about this, but let me go ahead and add my pieces. Because while I have not been posting every week due to a lot going on, I have managed to make it all the way to Sunday's episode.


I felt...like I just said about OC...that last season was a transitional season. I if I remember correctly, that last season was very much similar to Season 5. And I believe I hoped that this current season, now that everyone is gelling would turn up a la Season 6. So I find it funny that is totally giving light Team Pretty vs Team Beasts from Season 7. I feel it's been a slow burn, but an interesting slow burn so I'm not getting why people thought it was giving boring. I felt it was a nice build and the last few episodes have been like a domino effect as everyone was working. 


They should not have spared Marlo at the reunion last season. That I can blame Andy for. It does make me wonder what will happen this year since it's clear that this reunion might be Season 7's return and a good free-for-all. I'm looking forward to Kandi vs Sanya. She has been nothing, but a flip floppity bitca (c) Beyonce Knowles and I want Kandi to get her good. 


So...my thoughts for now...


KANDI. Well, people wanted to see Kandi activated. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I don't think she's been this much centered since Season 9. But she did not lie in interview...ShebySheree, Fake Sanya, Marlo, this Courtney chick...everyone's coming for her. And to think that I wanted a Marlo vs Kandi feud since Season 4. But this...this has the potential to get vicious when I just wanted a petty fun feud like ShebySheree vs Kenya. And just seeing Red Haired Kandi back in action has been great to watch. That means Marlo will have to do a LOT (and no, not chicken KFC) to get back into her good graces. And I know we all know Kandi can hold a mean grudge. Meanwhile, it was shocking to Hades freeze over and she called out Mama Joyce. I never thought I would see the day.


MARLO. Trash. And can't even keep her story straight at all. And the episode where Production proved with receipts that all she said about Kandi not supporting her was BS...chef's kiss. She is coming across so far as being a clown and then wants to play victim. I enjoyed Kandi, Kenya, and Drew coming for her at the Gucci party.


SHEBYSHEREE. Smh. I keep hoping for her. I keep enjoying her delusions. But gurrrll...as usual she's riding with the wrong team (c)Nene Leakes. That said...the growing feud with her and Kandi...well...is at least giving petty fun feud.


DREW. She has not been in it much, but I love seeing her business her brand and not being so gaslit this season. So far at least. Making a video. Focusing on her music. Defending herself against Marlo...which is giving a mini-feud. And we know I will always live for her vs ShebySheree.



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...is slowly turning into the Teddi MellencampTerri DeMarco of this group. I love that slowly, but surely Kenya, Kandi, and Drew are all clocking how not on their side she truly is. Drew already knew from last season, but watching the others. I just know they are going to get her at the reunion. And she STILL has not step up her read game like Drew did after her first season and just like Porsha eventually did. Oh, well.


KENYA. IS...THE...MOMENT.  I know others are waiting for her to turn up...and she has started...but I have enjoyed that they have been showing more of Kenya's business side. More of Kenya's being a mother. Her only misstep...for me...has been even considering making another baby with Marc...though I do understand. And I love how she stays having Kandi's back. Kenya as supporting and STILL having presence? Who would have thought? 


Looking forward to watching Kandi vs ShebySheree. 


But so far, I like the season. 


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Marlo just may be one of the worst housewives ever. She is actively RUINING the show.


For an unpopular opinion, I find Drew to be the most compelling cast member this season. I think she is the only one on this show that has anything of substance this season. The issues with her family is real and rooted in actual history and we are slowly seeing the cracks in her marriage which lead to her inevitable divorce filing. I find her sympathetic and relatable in a way I just dont see it for the other women.

Sheree - Her relationship with Martell is fake and not even featured anymore. She-by-Shein is a joke. This feud with Kandi is a reach
Sanya - She wanting her family to move out is boring. She also needs to quit it with this wanna be pregnant story bc she's not trying to have another kid
Marlo - She has no personal storyline. Everything she does is chaotic and desperately trying to pick fights with Kandi, Kenya, Monyetta and Drew. She's doing too much
Kenya - Love her but this divorce is a non-storyline as there's no movement. Her new relationship isnt featured enough to even be considered a story
Kandi - Mama Joyce doesnt see it for Todd. She works too much and thats putting stain on her family life. Yawn, we've seen these stories multiple times over the years and she's just recycling old material
Monyetta and Courtney as friends arent really giving us anything

Drew is the only one that's actually giving us something different. Unlike other housewives that try to sing, she actually does have a singing background so its believable that she would want to release music. She has real issues with her sister that play into her marriage and I think their dynamic is intriguing. I want to see more of it. I think in her first season she did too much and came across like she studied the Real Housewives and had to act in order to stay relevant. She had a slow start this year but she's finally getting into her groove. I think she is being more of her authentic self now and as a result is more likeable

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I agree. I love that Drew avoided the second season curse and instead...had a glowup last season. She got the learning curve quicker than Porsha and went toe to toe with ShebySheree, making a good petty feud. And I HATED her her first season. I was in awe at how enjoyable she was in her second. And I don't think we have had enough of her this season.  She is giving a good 'kid sister' vibe next to Kandi and Kenya and I like it. 

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@Taoboi I am so glad you are back! I was worried you had stopped watching the RHs, but I can see you've been catching up with RHOA and last season's RHOC. And probably working non-stop like I have! I hope you start watching this season's OC eventually because so far it is a return to form. Emily is currently my fave.

I still have to catch up on this week's RHOA. Kenya better be giving me more than 'I'm going to get Marc's spermcicles for Baby #2" because there is NO WAY on God's green earth that Marc is going to give her one of his nose-ringed sperm. NO WAY! He hates her too much and wants to see her grovel. And pay. As in, give him alimony.

And while we are on the subject of RHOA... OMG Sanya is 100% the Terri Melon Hump of RHOA! And this non-baby SL for a second straight season is for the birds.


Re: RHOM -- I've been hooked to Twitter this weekend watching the RHOM Mexico City images come through. Ever feel like you are watching a RH show in real time? That's how I feel with this RHOM trip. And just enough details to whet our appetites without giving everything away. You know I stan Adriana, especially with her Dark Hair. She's my OG. But I enjoy all of them TBH. Probably Larsa the least because I'm not as invested in the Budget Kardashian fembot as I am in the others.


Re: RHOP -- sad for Monique and Chris but wow, what I would give to have Monique back on RHOP. I mean, if perennial singletons Gizelle, Robyn (yes, she is single, we all know it), Ashley and Charrisse can eat up the show, then Monique can be on there. Housewife can mean divorced.

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@Cat Id love to have Monique back but I cant see her bc its so toxic and a divorce is draining. She'd just be going back into the lion den full of hateful women trying to cut her down. Her mental health and being there for her kids is more important. If anything, I'd see her on LAMDC first bc she was actually liked over there and the women werent as hateful. I could see her wetting her feet though with a RHUGT season

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