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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I agree there is a pecking order, and Queen Alexia is at the top. Nevertheless, her comment to Julia was uncalled for, and I like that Julia stood up for herself, and Adriana stood up for her and herself. That's what makes the show interesting: these women aren't afraid to say what they really feel. And first Alexia and now Larsa with the kissing rumor? Julia is a target this season, and that's because the women sense that things with Martina ain't that good.

IA about Guerdy being too much with her reaction shots. I think Guerdy is acting this way because she's not secure in her spot. Out of all the women, Kiki (who is hilarious) is most likely to take her mojito. We will see what Guerdy's marriage drama produces. 

Lisa's scene with Marina was so intetesting to me. Marina is openly on her side. As much as she cares for her son, she loves those grandchildren more and is looking out for them. It's almost as if she's been through what Lisa is going through...

As usual, Miami is perfectly packed with content of the individual women, and the Keys looked spectacular. It is really delivering on all cylinders and that's because these women have lives and show them.

I'm so curious why Bravo didn't show the footage -- especially if Lisa shot it. I imagine her lawyers advised her not to allow the footage to be shown while she negotiates alimony, home and custody.

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Best and Worst of 2022 -- Real Housewives

Even though we are already looking ahead to the joy (!) that 2023 will bring, I wanted to do a usual look-back at 2022 Real Housewives (another transitional and uncertain year for the franchise). If you feel up to it, please hand out your awards for these shows.

Best RH Show:

Maybe I'm biased because it is currently airing (we viewers have the attention span of a goldfish), but Miami. Last season (which half-aired in early 2022) was a near-perfect relaunch. The beauty was that it did not feel like a reboot, but a continuation of the original seasons. I'd even go as far as to say it felt like watching a really good RH show from 2011. Well-paced, a plethora of SLs both individually and in group settings, authentic (and scandalous) drama, and a seemingly light (but cinematic) touch from production. Let's hope S5 finishes as well as it started.

Worst RH Show and Fastest Implosion:

SLC. If you're not really going to talk about Jen Shah's arrest and her impending prison sentence? Get off my screen. I can't bear to watch the cast -- who delivered so much promise in S1 -- tiptoe around this fraudster and go through the motions of scripted non-arguments. If Teresa Giudice can get through multiple seasons in a will-she-won't-she-go-to-jail death-loop, than so can Jen Shah. SLC should be an epic portrait of greed and hubris! Peeling back the mask on a woman who has probably never had a truly authentic moment on the show. Instead we get Who Gave Heather a Black Eye? Letting that awful Jennie person strong-arm Mary Crosby off the show without a peep from the cast or the network was also a giant misstep. Even though Mary is probably next to be investigated by the Feds.

RH Show I Wish I Could Stop Watching:

BH. I wish I could quit you. Instead I am compelled to post week-in, week-out. BH gives that Hollywood frisson of glamour mixed with impending doom -- see The Rise and Fall of the House of Girardi. I keep hoping The Coven will one day -- ONE DAY -- get their comeuppance, but I'm starting to think that this is never going to happen. After the toxicity of cyber-bullying Garcelle and her sons, surely Bravo will stop rewarding resident psychopaths Rinna, Lip-Licker and Erika for 'creating content' ? Surely next season will be when it all implodes for them...? Surely...?

RH Show That Keeps on Trucking With The Same Storyline For The Past Decade:

RHONJ. Teresa vs Huh Famb'ly drove the past 36 seasons, and guaranteed it will drive viewership for this upcoming season. The way the show has reinvented itself while fundamentally remaining the same is truly remarkable.

RH Things We Got Tired of:

RHONJ Husbands. One minute we were cool with them... then it all became too many testosterone supplements. Joe Gorga in particular needs to lie down and take a breath.

RH In With a Bang, Out With a Whimper:

RHOC. Heather Dubrow's return started off excitingly, but the show soon devolved into an uncertain, unsteady mess. All the more reinforcing why Tamra and Vicki should never have been fired: only they have the heft to stand up to Heather. If the show doesn't hit it out of the park this coming season, it may be done for.

RH Most Uncertain Future:

New RHONY. I have no idea what to make of Jenna Lyons and these influencer types. And will we ever see classic RHONY again? Sob.

RH Show That Needs Some Love and Attention:

Atlanta. I feel like the franchise has been sort of abandoned and forgotten about by Bravo. Last season was OK.... but just OK. IMO the cast mix is missing that spark which was so crucial to RHOA's success its first decade or so. I would give anything to have Nene and Porsha back in the mix, but I'm not sure Bravo even cares to make that happen. 

RH Show Betting

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on Its Amazing Cast:

Potomac. This show hits on so many metrics, and the longtime cast is a big reason why. Longtime relationships, longtime secrets. Is it starting to curdle this season with toxic feeling? It may be too soon to tell, but let's hope not.

Who Knows?

Dubai S2. Could be fab, could be a disaster.

Great RH Shows In All But Name:
Married to Medicine (near perfection). Family Karma. Real Girlfriends in Paris.

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After seeing two live events in a row on this show (Giz & Rob; Friends of Grande Dame), I can safely say that Luann's crown as queen of RH Cabaret Attempts is going nowhere.

The way Gizelle keeps repeating "Rease Na Blee SHAY DAY" makes me cringe so hard. I feel like Grace, Angel & Adore. Mom! STAHP! You're embarrassing us.

Deborah flopped so hard! Shame on Ashley for feeding this thirsty person's delusions that she could somehow be a player. Even Gizelle had that 'What is This, Honey' look on her face when Ashley's friend was flapping her gums. I'm so glad Production provided the receipts, and Wendy and Candiace were barely troubled by the 'insinuations'. Ashley demanding Candiace engage with A Muppet Christmas Carol was totally ridiculous, too. This isn't just Ashley being messy -- it's looking like unwarranted harassment of the Bassetts by Ash and Giz.

I have no clue what that Mia-Gordon-Jacqueline scene was. No-one can keep their story (or their faces) straight, and Mia lies like she breathes. And then changes her story to another lie. I can also do without these three constantly evoking their sex lives. As Candiace said last night, "No, ma'am."

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I saw a bit of her response video, complete with puppets, and she does not seem well to me. When you put desperate people in an environment when they are getting extremely targeted harassment online, there's a chance it's going to end horribly. You have to wonder when Bravo will start to see the negative consequences of this parade of fake storylines and disturbed, grasping characters on too many of their shows. 

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I saw it. As if being made a laughing stock on national tv wasn't enough, her video retort was cruelly painful to watch. Its left her open to further mockery. I can only imagine what her comments section must be looking like right now, and that kind of online abuse is not going to help at all. 

All the RH shows seem to attract the desperate and the thirsty, but Potomac attracts a certain kind: a friend/acquaintance who is also an eager fan of the show and possibly envious of their pal's stardom. Being in such close proximity, they can easily visualise themselves on the show, and thus the fantasy of TV stardom suddenly is tangibly alive. Such was the case with Monique's friend turned foe (who later died), or Kyndall, Herman's ex-wife, or Mia's BFF Jacqueline, and now this lady, a friend of Ashley's that she's known barely a year. Bravo is at fault for exploiting the thirst, but fault can be found on all sides, too. Sometimes these people approach the network first, and at some point, individuals have to take responsibility for their own actions. But having said that, I also see your point about exploiting people who don't have the emotional wherewithal or strength to get up and carry on after a significant public humiliation like this. She is a mother with a young child, and I hooe she has people around supporting her and watching out for her mental well-being.

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Regarding Salt lake City.... sorry.. but Mary is no pure angel.  In fact, she's a racist herself with the derogatory remarks about asian people, hispanics, etc... and she is most likely a cult leader.

Season 2 of Salt Lake was fascinating to me because Jennie and Mary hated one another at first sight obviously because of prejudice.  Who knew the absence of both of them in season 3 would be so noticeable. 

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She's not an angel, and I cannot defend her racist remarks in all fairness. I think she has a very skewed view of races and supremacy/hierarchy in general. My problem S2 was this --the women decided not to talk about the Jen Shah stuff and instead turned on Mary and delved into petty sh*t. They were all talking from the same script except for Mary who called it like she saw it. Bravo neatly swept Jen Shah's crimes under the carpet. Jennie conveniently forgot her own history of racist remarks to come after Mary all guns blazing. The finale, which involved a crazed Jennie inexplicably throwing glassware at Mary, didn't sit right with me. The cast should have made sure Mary was OK, and they didn't. I also believe Mary was being judged for the bad things she did, but nobody was doing the same for anyone else. It was a massive deflection effort by the rest of the cast.

In the end, Mary declined to appear at reunion, and I think it was because she was afraid about the racism accusations AND her cult. Yes, I think Faith Temple is a cult, too.

But even with her problematic stuff... and the cult... a part of me enjoyed Mary the most on SLC. I thought that from S1 Ep. 1, she showed Jen Shah up for the wannabe fake she is. I know you and I will never agree on Mary, @Soaplovers. From my POV, Mary was so upfront in her rage, dislikes and vulnerabilities that it won me over.

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