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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Anyone else think this bunny fight is the dumbest thing ever? Why is Rinna mad that her gift was returned? That was teh cruelest, most humiliating thing ever done to her? Talk about overly dramatic. Regardless of whats happened, I like that Kyle defended Kim


Didnt Bravo say no props? Why was she allowed to bring out that recorder that played "F--k Off"?. This episode was all about Rinna and not in a good way. She should have pulled an Adrienne and not even shown up bc this did more damage to her character than anything


Eileen has been irrelevant this entire season and that exchange with Kim was her final attempt at being relevant since she barely said a peep all reunion


Thats what I said! I would have been like, okay whatever. I dont get why this has been given so much power

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B/c they feel that Kim was being malicious and calculated, which she was, when she did it. It just boggles my mind how it is OK for Rinna to be malicious and calculating all throughout the season, but when Kim does it back, she deserves to be taken out back and flogged. 

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I've long said this. If they are adamant in keeping people, I'd keep LVP, Kyle, Dorit, and dumbass Rinna. Erika & Eileen can go! Those 2 stay boosting Rinna up on her antics, and they are both just f-cking miserable. Eileen stays finding sh-t to fight about, and Erika is an eternal sourpuss (no pun intended).


They need to bring back Camille and Joyce, and I've heard Lea Black (from RHOM) is based on the west coast now, so add her too. At least Lea/Lisa/Dorit would be a fun little trio. 

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I haven't seen Beverly Hills from last night, but I'm in agreement that this season really fizzled, even though it seemed to be in the right direction at the onset. I thought they'd wrap up "pantygate" when Erika & Dorit seemed to bury the hatchet half-way through the season, yet here we are, talking about Erika's puss right up to the season finale and through the majority of the reunion. Now, we've seen tiny issues blown out of proportion on these shows in the past for the sake of story, but this one reached a new low of desperation. On all sides. Clearly, they had nothing to work with and so they beat this issue to a bloody pulp. This was even worse than Kyle and Witchy-Poo Carlton's non-feud feud or the endless Munchhausen talk. 


Rinna threw so much spaghetti at the proverbial wall, hoping something would stick, and ended up with sauce all over her face (did ya like that pun? I feel like Carrie Bradshaw!). The cocaine comment was just so random and unnecessary, it really showed she'll say anything to spark up controversy for the cameras. 


Overall, the "pantygate" issue is a squabble that on another show like NYC would've been discussed for about 2-3 episodes max, then the arc would've completed and they'd move on to a new issue. Pretty indicative that a casting shakeup is overdue. 

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More than any other franchise, BH tends to focus on a sole issue, blows it up and swallows the whole season. This is what has made the show redundant and completely ridiculous. 


Kim needs to stay off the show completely. It's not healthy for her, her family or the audience.


Looking onto next season, we need a housewife with LVP's lifestyle but without the manipulation. I really miss Adrienne Maloof. 


Sidenote: For some crazy reason I think Katherine Kelly Lang would be a perfect fit for the show. 

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Wow, that'd be great! I'd love to see her in this setting, but I don't think she'd be open to that kind of personal scrutiny, nor bringing up her family's past... I love me some KKL, but I think she's the kind of actress who's really sensitive about aging, her looks, getting older, etc. just from previous interviews I've seen, and in this day 'n age of Twitter, they'd drag her for her botox, her son's past, etc. 

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Granted I haven't seen Part 2 or part 3 completely yet...BUT...


KYLE: I liked that she had Kim's back for once. And going toe to toe with Lips was so Season 1 Kyle and I LOVED the bite Season 1 Kyle had.


LVP: Cruise control for the most part. So came out of the season unburned.


ERIKA: Over her. Most of the drama was due to her not getting over Pantygate or not just calling Dorit out in the first place. So darn petty. I guess her hype has gotten to her and that has taken my love away.


EILEEN: Redeemed her in my eyes this season. HOWEVER...a spade a spade, Kim is right that she and Lips have a blood pact (@ Daytime Fan) and is too ride or die for Lips and that will eventually damage her. After all, Lips was friends with all of these girls outside the show at one time.


EDEN. Uh...who?


LIPS: this reunion is no good look on her. Hate her now.





SHEREE:  Awwww...*HUGS*


KENYA: I also liked when she called Shady Phae Phae out on her rehearsed reads. And I liked she does own her crap on sleeping with Matt. Something Shady could learn how to do (re: chocolate, air mattress, etc).


PORYOTA:  The egg can't get on her face soon enough.


CYNTHIA: Nothing to say though I hearted that clip about her discussing the divorce.


KANDI: at the moment, QUEEN. I want her to drag Shady Phae Phae back. I just can't believe that that wannabe lawyer is sitting there hurting her closest friend like how she has been doing. And I liked that Kandi is calling her out step by step. It's like a chess game with them.


SHADY PHAE PHAE: That pride sure does come before the fall. Sunday can't get her quick enough.






It's been a nice slow burn so far.  Still liking Gizelle through all of that hating.


Karen is giving good shade.


uh...I am actually feeling for Charisse which I find suprising since I did not at all like her last year.


Ashley needs to stop with the pot stirring she has coming and focus on her marriage.


I can watch Monique v Gizelle all day. It's been good so far.




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ATTEMPT THREE!!! LOL!!! My apologies for the big information dump. On good internet today.


Like I said before the laptop deleted it (hate how laptops are now aka no undo button now for deleted text...




RAMONA: LOVE her tagline by episode 3. And her pot stirring has not bugged me at all...YET. Loved her and LuAnn's tagteam of Bethanny.


BETHANNY: Agree with everyone else that she has gotten the nice edit this season. this is Season 7 Bethanny without the crying. However, I wonder how long that will last. And how funny she now runs away from confrontation when she was all BIG DOG.


SONJA. SMH. But I loved her tagline, too.


DORINDA: Continues to keep it real and I love her for it. And I love her friendship with LuAnn.


LUANN: VIVA LA COUNTESS!!!! Mistake or not re: marriage, I love her happy and that she is going after her happiness.


TINSLEY: Nothing to say yet, but I agree with what she said about B at the tea party.







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