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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I always knew that Vicki and Tamra would reunite. They always do. However, I don't believe they'll ever be as close as before. I think the only reason Tamra made up with Vicki (and Heather too) b/c despite Vicki catching flack for the Brooks situation, they did too. 


I don't believe Shannon has forgiven Vicki despite photos. She'll always hold a grudge against with Vicki. She's just going against the grain b/c she knows she'll quickly be the target if she doesn't. 


Seriously though, I don't expect much from this upcoming season of RHOC. I still feel like they should've brought back Gretchen, Alexis, and Lizzie to stir the pot. All three of those women supported Vicki openly post season and all of them have beef with the other three aforementioned. Gretchen and Tamra can't stand each other. Alexis still loathes Tamra. Lizzie and Shannon fell out when Lizzie supported Vicki. Alexis and Heather never liked each other... So much potential if Bravo just brought those women back. Plus, I would've loved to seen Alexis and Gretchen patch up their friendship, AND watched the budding friendship with Gretchen and Lizzie, who do business together. You know Tamra would've seethed over the young, gorgeous Lizzie and Gretchen bonding and being everything Tamra isn't. 


With Dallas, it is somewhat becoming interesting but not enough to be must see for me. I think they'll probably be like Potomac when it gets good at the reunion. However, Dallas doesn't get a fraction of the ratings that Potomac did. They've been below a 1.0 since the first episode. I don't see Bravo going ahead with a season 2. Still think they should've revived Miami, which was making more than what Dallas does. 

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Dallas has improved a lot from its boring start, yet the ratings continue to slide (downward trajectory from episode one...) so I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't renewed. 


A problem with the show is much of the cast isn't likeable. Between Leeanne and Brandi I can't root for either of them. Stephanie isn't very interesting, though she's nice. Cari is a pistol but I don't find her likeable either given that she basically said she stalked her (then married) boss, got him into shape and then married him. 


Tiffany is the most likeable and I think would have been a great choice on another franchise - like OC, because she can throw down but has a sense of humour. 


With OC of course Vicki is back with the group - those women know the pecking order and while it must drive Tamra nuts, Vicki is the top dog and she always will be. I wondet what this season holds for Shannon - she did just sell her house for way under the asking price. I just wish they'd get Jeana Keough back! 


NYC this week was a lot of what we saw last week...Bethenny is there solely for Skinny Girl Product Placement. Dorinda is a mess and needs to dump John immediately. Ramona is likeable. Carole shouldn't be on the show and brings nothing to the table. Jules is a bore. LuAnn is like a pot on the stove simmering away - you know her conflict with Bethenny is coming...and then there is Sonja and her Tipsy Girl crap. I don't blame Bethenny for cutting her off at the knees, even though it isn't really Sonja's product, she's just repping it (it's really that Peter dude)...Sonja is a nice woman, she just has no sense. She needs to simplify her life and take a personal finance course.

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RHOCheshire s3e7:


Ampika: I was moved by her honesty this episode. I understand why Ampika has a wall up with these group of women b/c they are judgmental and don't try and understand her. I do think the only two she's been able let her guard with are Magali and Lauren. She can't really do so with Lauren b/c she is occupied with her own issues. Magali really needs to come back and be here for Ampika. 


Misse: Yup. This bitch is thisclose to surpassing Dawn in the dislike department on this show. She was an utter judgmental cow on tonight's episode. It all makes total sense b/c she's so insecure that she'll lose her man to another woman. It ain't gonna be Ampika. Plz get rid of Misse. 


Stacey: Meddlesome, but it makes total sense as to why. Her saying her husband works all the time highlighted why she is always up in other's Koolaid. I wouldn't be surprised if her man is fooling around on her.  


Leanne: Again, I am gradually growing to like her this season now that she isn't an extension of Dawn. I do appreciate that she was the only one defending and understanding Ampika. 


Seema: I still like Seema, but she was a bit of a twat tonight. Her redeeming quality was that she was sympathetic to Ampika. I do think she likes Ampika but doesn't know how to take her. 


Dawn: Meh... I grew tired of her whining over the Paris trip. It ain't that damn serious, and nobody is trying to take Leanne from you. If anything, Leanne is trying to run far away from you now that your common enemy (Magali) is off the show. 


Lauren: Good to see her find some joy and fun while going through hard times. Lauren is a trooper. She always keeps her head up and stays optimistic. Glad she is not making a big deal out the Paris trip. If you've been there, you've done that. 


Tanya: Was she even on tonight?

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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@Nothin'ButAttitude I totally agree with your assessment except Misse has easily surpassed Dawn in the 'bitch' department - if there's one kinda bitch I don't like it's a humourless bitch and one thing we can say for 'ol Dawn is she can laugh at herself and has a degree of self awareness. The same cannot be said for Misse. I didn't like her from day one and I've been proven correct. She's a nasty, stupid, insecure cow. And what a snob - for no good reason.


Stacey is dull and pointless. She can go with Misse next season. I agree she's busy in other people's lives because she has nothing going on in her own. 


Lauren is a tough cookie. She sticks to Princess Margaret's adage: never complain, never explain, never apologize. She just keeps on moving forward. It'll serve her well. 


Tanya is pointless this season. The baby weight gain has exaggerated her filler injections bizarrely. 

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Y'all - LeeAnne is reminding me of Danielle Staub - bitch is crazy.  Tiffany is like her Jacqueline.  I felt bad for Marie - she's too sweet to deal with their bat sh!t crazy asses.  


Cary is sort of the outsider in this series, but I really enjoy her.  She belongs in NYC or Beverly Hills.  Bitch is  rich.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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Leeanne IS crazy...but I was also sort of rooting for her with the Dallas worthy line "I'm not having a nervous breakdown! I'm PISSED as HELL!"


I don't find Marie sweet at all. She's talking crap behind someone's back who she apparently has known socially for 20 years and didn't bat at an eye lying right to her face while Bravo provided us with handy flashbacks.


Cary is an outsider but she's also a straight up gold digger and ice cold to the core if anyone crossed her.


I still think Tiffany would make a great fit on OC.

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Wow. Just wow. IMO, this reunion is up there with RHOA s4 & RHONY s3. Just hilarious and classic. 


Gina: You just had to know that this was Gina's favorite reunion b/c for once she got to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. For once, she wasn't in the hot seat. I do side with Gina in the Gamble situation, but Gina should've just apologized (convincingly) even if she didn't mean it. She did come off as a bit of a twat blowing Gamble off. However, Gina using this platform correctly should be commended, and I think that's where a lot of the women's hatred come from. It was good to see her at the reunion get along with everyone. Oh and she needs to stop blaming editing. I think she finally grasped that at the end though.


Suzie: I know many didn't like Suzie but I enjoyed her ass. Yeah, she wasn't as present as many would've liked but she played an pivotal role this reason. She gave us all insight as to who Lydia truly is. I gagged when she dropped that nugget that Joanna used to work for her before Lydia. Even though Suzie didn't wanna say Lydia poached her, it is obvious Lydia most likely did. It was funny too when Gamble called Suzie out on her spreading the Shane Warne gossip when Suzie 'forgot' she did so. I think Suzie will come out more in her second season.


GambleI still like Gamble but she did annoy me at the reunion. She did try and play the 'wounded pigeon' role this season, and I was happy Gina called her on it. Gamble really made something small into something major. She did score MAJOR points with me when she called the 'trinity' (Jackie/Janet/Chyka) out on them all having a pact and traditionally being unison, which impacts the entire group. 


ChykaHer body language just showed she was over this group and over all these women. Chyka was here for nobody, not even her good mates, Jackie and Janet. She will be missed. 


Pettifleur:  Oh, Pettifleur! She was the gift that kept on giving this reunion. She may be vile at times, but the b-tch was hilarious. That pillow exchange between her and Janet had me rolling. I also enjoyed her calling Jackie out on her sh-t too. Jackie is just as messy as those she stays accusing. I don't believe that Pettifleur had work done either. I think the other women are pissed that Pettifleur is snatch from head to toe. She was the best dressed at the reunion (IMO). Her body is banging. Plus, some people do lose weight in their face after making lifestyle changes. 


Janet: Janet can p-ss me of at times but I find her funny at times. Even though it was funny, her calling Lydia "a dumb, fat b*tch" was low. It didn't do Janet any justice, and I think she came undone at the reunion. Since season 1, she always called Gina out for being malicious, but got right down there in the gutter tonight as well. I think a lot of her actions may come back and bite her down the road. Did you all also catch how Janet was not pleased that Chyka said she have forgiven Lydia? Mmmm.... 


Jackie: Much like Jackie, she became undone tonight. She was another that stayed on Gina's ass the past two season about her being mean when she acted no better this entire season and at the reunion. Her tears did nothing for me. Jackie 'cried' because her ass was caught; she had to backtrack. She saw the commentary of Gina and Chyka and realized she was a big ass hypocrite too, and no one was checking for that ass. I don't believe Jackie when she said she's never gossip before. She's lying. She stayed gossiping about Gina in season 1, and last season she stayed gossiping about Pettifleur and Gamble too. Cut the bullsh*t. 


Lydia: Yet again, Lydia slithered out of her punishment. Yeah, the women know what she is capable of now but she didn't get punished enough. Glad that Gamble called Lydia out for being 'casually racist' because she is. 


Good ending to a great season. This season surpassed all the American franchises of Housewives with less episodes and more drama. 


I LOVE Alex Perry hosting the reunion b/c he doesn't get involved and he calls all the women on their sh*t. 


If Bravo were smart, they'd give Melbourne another run b/c this season blows all the other shows out the water. 


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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OMG NBA I love you! I've been waiting forever for this Reunion to be released! 


I cannot believe how streamlined that was. Just ONE Reunion episode -- not three -- and pretty much all the major hits were covered.


First of all, bow down to Alex "Care Factor Zero/I'm Not a Sex Worker" PerryHis hosting puts Andy Cohen to shame. Yes, he does seem to adore Janet the most, but he was fair with everybody and let everyone speak their peace and even tried to moderate the shouting. When he walked off and then came back and tore them all a new one I almost cried:


"When you all talk AT THE SAME TIME, we get JACK. SH!T. Nothing. It's the third fuckin series! You know that! But no, jump in, everybody have a go... Jesus! What is the matter with you? OK, shut up, let's get this next one out."


Gina: I love Gina but she was dismissive of Gamble's feelings and she shouldn't be. I love their friendship but it is clear that Gina is the more powerful one and views Gamble's friendship as one of many, whereas Gamble obviously looks up to GIna. It's too bad, because I do think Gina has let the fame go to her head a bit.


Gamble: I love Gamble a LOT and always find myself sympathetic of her feelings. I can see she is struggling to maintain a friendship with Gina that is both give and take and on an equal par. Unfortunately, I don't think this is a friendship that Gina necessarily cares about and therefore it will lapse. And that's a pity because not all friendships are the same, and Gamble is probably a more loyal ally than a lot of Gina's tagalongs. I didn't particularly like Gamble standing up for Lydia tho. What is there to defend? Lydia is a fake and a snake.


Susie: Susie is dull but direct, to the point, completely true to herself, and badly needed on a show like this. The way she outed Lydia for the rat she was concise and perfect. Other than that, I couldn't care less about her or her dating life.


Janet: I can always count on Janet to bring it at these Reunions! Yes, the "you dumb, fat bitch" was way personal about Lydia. Doesn't mean it's not true, however.


Pettifleur: At the end of the season it looked like Pettifleur, after being on the outs with everybody, was starting to gain some ounce of self-awareness. Oh well, looks like she has completely regressed on that personal growth. What a delusional nut. Still thinks she is on a fabulosity par with Joan Collins when she is at best a Z list wannabe. She just sounds ridiculous and vulgar. BTW, Janet's imitation of her ("Who begs to diffah? Why do you need Spanx if you are in da best shape of your life?") was uncanny!


Jackie: I know she's an acquired taste. But I like her and think she is genuine on the whole. Yes, she is self-righteous, and it will be interesting to see what happens when she is eventually called out on her own mistakes. But she was the only one (along with Janet) willing to call out Lydia for the slime she is. Kudos.


Chyka: I love her. Even though she barely spoke, she is clearly OVAH everyone and doesn't want to talk anymore about the rumors nobody can talk about. Obvs there must be gay rumors regarding Bruce. I don't think he is gay BTW. But she is done, and she wants to protect her family and her business. If RHoMelbourne returns for a season 4, I will miss her.


Lydia: WTF was she wearing? She looked like a bride wearing a turtleneck who had been attacked by dogs on the way to the church. She got off easy considering, but I guess that was thanks to "legal issues" nobody is allowed to mention. Lydia is also the most unconvincing liar known to man. I don't think anybody believed that wet denial about not sleeping with Shane Warne.


All in all... I hope RHOM will be back but it felt a little like goodbye so I don't know. Still, it has been my favorite RH franchise this year by a country mile. Just the way they have each other pegged is so glorious.

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