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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL...like they couldnt even get someone cute to play him. The got some old decrepit over the top grandpa



we rarely agree but we'll agree on this. Her scenes with her boys are her only redeeming moments for me. When it comes to business she is too smart to be so dumb. Being a lawyer makes her very slick and very shady


the song is supposed to be Demetria featuring Kandi but it came across more like Kandi featuring Demeitra. It took Demi 2 minutes into it before she started singing..lol. I like the song too and its too bad the music industry is so terrible right now bc Id be rooting for her to happen as a singer. She has talent

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I agree. F-ck Andy's messy ass!

Kenya needs to gon somewhere talking about what's on her list. She is 45 and talking about what she wants to start a family but is picky as hell. That man was fine and was into her. I wasn't here for that.


Don Juan SAID WHAT HE SAID! Lol! I am not surprised Phaedra ran away from that discussion because she knows she owes that man money. She is so fraudulent. What Don Juan said about Porsha was unnecessary and invalidated his entire argument. 

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Yaaasssss, boo! My boo, @Eric83 is finally up in here!!!

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Yes! Kenya saying that list crap pissed me off. Heffa, you too old to have a damn list. You should've very open at that age. 


But you and Cheap ain't gonna leave my ass alone on an island defending Don Juan. Don't make me cut y'all. :P

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Not so much fun being the sole voice on the other side of the argument is it?


But you're defending the indefensible. It's not like Porsha and Phaedra were screaming at the top of their lungs or even talking in raised voices. He probably heard no more than two words and automatically assumed that they were talking ish about Kandi. It's totally fine that he's ride or die for Kandi. And I admire him for not giving Phaedra any slack about how she cut their friendship off last season over the most stupid of reasons. However he had absolutely no basis to go after them like that and as Porsha said he was just super thirsty. 


I'm just waiting to see what bs Phaedra comes up with to respond to Todd and these canceled checks. She just claimed that she "paid out money" to Todd and didn't get the product. But money couldn't have been paid out if the checks were canceled. So SOMEONE is lying in this situation and history would tend to suggest that it's Miss Parks....and it is funny how this beef is occurring between them when Phaedra was Todd's biggest champion just a couple of seasons ago. Went toe to toe with crazy Momma Joyce and everything for that negro!


"I just want you guys to take care of my mommy!" - YoLemons.....I mean seriously she sounds STUPID. Who talks like this at her grown ass age of 50 or whatever she is? Everything with her is just so over the top and comes across so fake its crazy. Even a scene like that where you'd think one would feel empathy she manages to just devolve it into a "poor me I'm starving for camera time and attention" situation. 


The new housewive is utterly boring. 


Seems kinda dangerous to just have a swan sitting in the back seat where it just it the living daylights out of Lisa and Ken. Why couldn't they get a professional?

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Honey, one thing I can do is hang well on my own. A clique is nice but I can well all by myself. 


I still commend Don Juan for digging into Porsha and Phaedra's asses. They shouldn't bad-mouthed Kandi at her event and knowing that her staff has no issue with squaring up at any given time. However, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that production directed him to stand there and eavesdrop, hence leading to the argument. They already know that Don Juan does not care for Porsha or Phaedra and this instance would provide the opportunity for him to express his gripes about him face to face. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I don't think Don Juan gives a damn how he looks. Most of them on this show don't. They know that drama = ratings and those that produce it last long. That's why Atlanta has the least cast changes out of all the housewives shows b/c everyone knows how to deliver. Even supporting characters. 


When it comes to RHOBH, I don't give a damn about YoLyme's story either. At least it is picking up in the drama department when it comes to the other ladies. It's obvious too that Erika is thirsty for a feud with Lisa. She just itches for it even when Lisa was jesting with her all tonight. 


Eileen was f*cking messy tonight too. It was damn obvious that Yolanda was talking about Taylor. Not Lips. I wish Kyle or LVP would've reached over and b*tch slapped her ass so she'd shut up. 


RHOBH needs another recast after this season. Keep Kyle, Eileen, LVP, and Lips. Erika and Yolanda can go. Kathyrn needs to bring it when she debuts or she can go too. Bravo needs to bring on 4 dynamic women to stir the pot. This cast needs to be eight. Dare I say it but Faye and Brandi might need spots on the show. (@Mr. Vixen & @Cheap21 mark this down. I'll never utter these words again) Camille definitely needs to be brought back. Final spot can go to either Taylor or Kathy (Kyle's sister). Kathy can be bought with the right price....

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Cheap - I agree, the song seems more like Kandi's than Demi's. Either way, I love it and have been bumping it all day!


B - YASS! I'm glad you said it. Bring back Kween Brandi! 


Also, catching up on RHOA - I love, love, love Kim!! I think she is so genuine and kind. I found her breakdown in Miami to be heartbreaking. I know exactly what it's like to feel out of place and uncomfortable and wish more than anything that the people you love most were there with you to make it easier. She is a gem and I pray she agrees to another season. Not every housewife has to be a ratchet fool!

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LOL...she's been getting dragged left and right after that episode. People are not here for lame Kim who doesnt want to be there anymore. Have you seen her blogs on Bravo.com? They are even short and boring like her. She needs to be a one hit wonder, or rather blunder bc she is adding nothing to this show

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I only need Brandi back for drama only. Other than that, I'd prefer not to see her face anymore. I'd rather deal with the less thirstier and original version of the hungry social climber--Shana aka Taylor. But Brandi will suffice too. 


Now moving onto Kim Field, I don't need all the housewives to be ratchet either. Some of my faves are ratchet. Like Ana of RHOM. You know the housewife that you all used to dog me for liking because she was too boring. :P I betcha most of y'all would prefer her over Kim. At least she didn't feel she was above the drama and contributed when necessary. Kim doesn't even try, which is my main issue with her. It's obvious she is there for the money. Furthermore, she doesn't even act as the voice of reason--a role I thought she'd have. Instead, it is blatantly obvious she is another puppet for Phaedra. You can tell that she has been downloaded with info from Phaedra about certain girls (i.e. Kenya/Kandi). She puts no effort in building relationships with them. As I keep saying, I would've preferred Sheree, Marlo, Shamea, and even Tammy to have gotten peaches over Kim. All four of them are more deserving and bring something to the table. Plus, they've all delivered so much more than Kim has out the eight episodes thus far. I'd rather watch their personal arcs over Kim's grown ass suffering over separation anxiety. She needs to see a therapist, not be on a reality show.

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OMG, now Yolyma's breast implants are leaking and making her even more sick. I CANT! She was so over the top in the final scene showing her kids her will and making it seem like she could die. Get her off the show



YES! Im saving this post for future reference. Faye >>>> Yolyma and Erika. Not here for trash bucket Brandi though. She is possibly the worst housewife ever

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