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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LMAO at that GIF. You could feel her sucking the energy out when she walked in there. And people kill me how they claim she chewed Cynthia out. Um no. Nene dominated the convo, like she always does, shouting because she knows Cynthia has dirt on her and was about to blow her spot up. I'm glad Cynthia showed class and composure. Someone has to teach Nene how to do that.

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OMG what a train wreck WWHL was! Brandi was so beyond wasted and you could tell Andy and Sandra were so over her from the very beginning. Poor thing looked like a blowup doll that had been rode hard and put away wet... So her usual look. I don't even want to say anything else negative about her because she made it so unbelievably easy by being such a sad mess! Definitely more cringeworthy than usual.

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I'll respond to this later.

Even just reading that it makes the whole thing look more foolish. Nene dared her to name a charity and say she'd donate to it at the same time. Kenya never said she'd make a donation. She just whispered Detroit Public Schools Foundation and then months later out of the blue decided to make the donation.

If she were real she would have done so ages ago, gotten in contact with Nene and the Detroit Public School System, and they would have written those checks together.

I'll admit I like Nene but I can also admit when she has a bad attitude or is being mean. I think she was a little too aggressive with Cynthia.

But this whole nonsense with Kenya is just that...nonsense. It's a woman who clearly knows that she can only stay relevant when she is needling Nene.

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You can try and spin and revision it all you want but what was said was said. Nene made a deal and has reneged on it. It doesn't matter how long Kenya took to pay the check, Nene was supposed to write one right after she did. She could've did it a day after, a week ... but it's been MONTHS since Kenya gave them folks that check. It's embarrassing for Nene at this point and you know it.

Furthermore, if I am not mistaken, can't the Detroit Board of Education sue Nene for reneging on her deal? It was an oral agreement. So isn't she legally obligated to pay?

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Absolutely not. For a contract to be binding there needs to be something called "consideration" (ie changing your position based on the deal, ie getting something). Nene received no consideration from the Detroit Board of Education so they absolutely cannot sue her. It was a unilateral promise. Not enforceable at all.

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I'm sorry I'm not a lawyer but you can't renege on a deal when the other party has CHANGED THE TERMS. The other person (Kenya) deliberately stalled and waffled and then out of the blue decided she was going to do it once she had managed to cash that check from Bravo.

Nene owes her nothing and should continue to ignore her and not give her time and energy. Cuz at the end of the day it's like Nene said...all she wants is for people to be talking about her and giving her attention. She deserves none.

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Nene reneged. Nene is the one that said SHE would donate and for Kenya to match her. She was supposed to initiate the donations. SHE waited months with no action, so Kenya went and paid her part. Nene to this day has failed to do so.

At the end of the day this isn't about Kenya or Nene! Its about charity and those poor children could use the money. It shouldn't be about some petty drama and stubbornness and any person with any shred of decency, that can actually afford to, would just give the money in the name of education. It doesn't have to be this ugly

Edited by Cheap21
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Thanks for clearing that up, boo!

Where are these terms you are talking about?! There were no terms except that when Kenya cuts a check then so will Nene. Kenya ponied up her half so where is Nene's? 20k should be nothing for a self-proclaimed 'rich bitch.'

And Nene can imply she is not giving Kenya or Cynthia attention but she does each and every time she does an ambitious tweet or interview knowing it's shade towards them. They are on her mind just as much as she is on theirs.

In other news, Cynthia posted her blog and I thought she made some valid points in it. Here it is:

Cynthia Bailey weighs in on the sit down with NeNe Leakes.

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Let’s jump right in.

"When people show you who they are, believe them!" -Maya Angelou


Misery loves company, and I'm no longer making house calls. My dance card is full, and my cup runneth over! One of the last things that I recall saying at the reunion was that I believed my friendship with NeNe had come to the end of the road. I was happy to let bygones be bygones, wish everyone well, and move on with my life. I felt that too many boundaries had been crossed and chose to no longer accept friendships plagued with violations and disrespect. The space apart was a much needed break, and I prayed that time truly would heal all old wounds. That optimism was short lived when my friend (who "loved me like a sister") felt the need to attempt to publicly disgrace me and imply that I no longer needed to be a part of the show! Now that's some real sisterly love, right? That one singular moment showed me in HD that NeNe didn't know the meaning of a real friendship, and yes, the thirst really was real. It was astonishing to watch this woman who "had my back when none of these other bitches did" take the sharpest knife she could find, and gleefully stab me with it with no regard for me or my family. Regrettably for me, I never took heed to the many warnings concerning the wrath of NeNe, because I never truly believed them until I was on the receiving end. It was a very rude awakening, and yet oddly enough the only person I felt sorry for was her.


Time passed and life went on until I found myself seated across the table from my girl, "I was a good friend!" NeNe. Despite everything that had happened, I somehow remained optimistic that we could have the conversation, agree to disagree, have a cocktail, and truly move on. I don't know what was more stale, the non-conversation that I had with NeNe or the saltines at the table. This clearly was a missed opportunity for both of us to take ownership and responsibility for any of our issues and put them to rest. I knew that seeing NeNe for the first time since the reunion would be emotional, but I chose not to let my emotions take over me. I wasn't interested in a screaming match or being over talked. I hope NeNe found closure in the conversation that she had with herself.


I know that the "Anna Mae" reference from NeNe was meant to be offensive and disrespectful, however I was actually flattered to be compared to one of the world's most popular entertainers, the queen of rock and roll herself Anna Mae Bullock AKA Thanks for watching and supporting!

I would like to send my condolences to Todd, Kandi, their entire family and loved ones for the loss of Miss Sharon. She was an amazing woman and will be greatly missed. On behalf of my family and staff, you all are in our prayers.

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Another refreshingly delightful episode of Beverly Hills. It was Kyle and Yolanda heavy, but that's just fine with me. Yolanda has redeemed herself in my eyes from last year's debacle. I do, however, expect a one-on-one sit-down with her and Lisa V in the future for a full, formal clearing of the air.

Light on Brandi and Kim. Good.

I'm liking the Lisa & Lisa camaraderie. It's a tad bit mushy-gushy for the sake of the cameras, but hopefully something genuine will build and we'll see that.

Cute interaction with Eileen and her family. She has a beautiful backyard. Looking forward to seeing more of her home. I'm wondering if she's going to be like OC's Lizzie, where she was brought in late and therefore not involved in a lot of interaction with the ladies until the end. I hope not.

WWHL with Brandi and Sandra was funny because Sandra was on fire. At least we finally know why half her face [brandi] was frozen stiff last season.

WWHL with Kim & NeNe... I think they genuinely like each other. It didn't seem forced to me. I think what did their friendship a favor was the fact that one of them is no longer on the show. Are they BFF's like they were pre-Housewives? Of course not! Both their lives have changed immensely. But they're certainly on much better terms than either of them with Sheree, who's a total non-factor.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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You're right...it is about the children. Which is why it's sad that Kenya has made this into such a publicity stunt. She has only herself to blame for it becoming this "ugly".

The way Nene made the bet it was implied that it would be done soon...those are the "terms" as I understood.

Anyways it's a pointless argument. Nene doesn't have to do it in my opinion and clearly she feels the same way. Perhaps some day she'll do it just so can bury and squash this stupid attempt at more attention from Kenya Moore. Phaedra was right though...if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and acts like a duck then it is a duck. Kenya sprung on the show saying Apollo was "FIONE!!!" and definitely was around him in less than appropriate ways. And she is a whore for attention I've come to see whether its from the waterworks that she's constantly spouting or the yelling and screaming with props.

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How did Kenya make a publicity stunt of this whole ordeal? It was Nene who made a public spectacle of the entire thing by making the challenge altogether.

When it come to Phaedra, she's the real whore. Phaedra is real infamous [allegedly] in Atlanta for being passed around and having tons of mileage on her puss pre Apollo. So if anyone is a duck, it's Phaedra. She's damn Daisy Duck. Furthermore, Nene did the same thing too with Peter--inappropriately flirting with a married man.

Finally, all these women are attention whores. Nene was putting on the waterworks last week too. She had to walk out and reenter just to 'conjure' up some tears. At least Kenya cried on cue....

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