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I don't see that happening. Joanna has shown that she does not forgive easily. Especially, when you dig into her past and bring it up on a national platform (see Adriana). Joanna, also, knows how to get the audience on her side. She'll stay loyal to Lisa like she did Lea. She knows to stick close to the Queen Bees w/o stabbing them in the back and still reaping the benefits.

And Brandi would only play nice for so long before she makes a stab for Joanna again. Plus, Brandi hates women that are younger and hotter than her. While I don't care for Joanna, she is 20x better looking than Brandi.

Joanna joining would be bad for Brandi (and Yolanda too) because she'd be the one that would go toe to toe with Brandi and not feel any remorse. Joanna is actually more ruthless than Brandi IMO. She has that European mentality where she doesn't show emotion unlike Brandi, who shows nothing but emotion. Joanna would trample all over her.

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*twirls back*

Lisa looks fabulous as always! Would love Joanna to crossover to BH even though I've never seen RHOM just to stick to to Blandi and Yoyawnda! And I agree, Joanna is a million times hotter than the blow up doll plus I could look at her husband all day!

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When you put it like that, I am now all for Joanna joining RHoBH just to give Brandi a taste of her own medicine.


Say it ain't so, Nene?!?

ETA: Well TT is reporting this so I guess it's true. WOW.




Edited by Taoboi
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I don't think Nene is quitting RHOA. She is doing that Zumanity thing. Does anyone knows whether or not she's still doing that or not? She could be talking about doing that OR continuing with her "fashion line."

But if she is leaving RHOA, I bid her adieu and wish her all the best. The show was becoming too toxic for her anyways.

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Somehow I just saw this post, and before I go in, I have to say - I live for that gif. What episode of season 2 was that?

First of all, being a stripper has nothing to do with Nene's morality or moral character. Is it the most respectable job? No. But she didn't do it because she was lazy, a slut, or just didn't want to go to school - she *does* have an education. She did it to put food on the table for her child and to provide a good life for him AFTER she removed him, and herself, from an abusive home. I would hardly call doing what you felt necessary to provide for your child "immoral". As for her son, let's not even go there Sheree. His stealing from WalMart is in no way a reflection on Nene or her moral character. As she said in season 4, there are plenty of people out there stealing, doing drugs, drinking and driving, etc. and that doesn't mean their parents raised them to do so. There are many reasons why someone may steal from a store. Addiction, cries for attention, the rush, etc. And sure, some are just bad people. But, with the exception of that incident, that boy has a good clean record and is now living a respectable life, raising his daughter. His stealing from WalMart in no way reflected Nene's moral character. You yourself have been very open about your experience getting a DUI, and I respect your honesty. But would you say your choice to break the law and drink and drive is a reflection of your parents moral character? Absolutely not. My sister also got a DUI, and my parents are some of the most avid supporters of not drinking and driving. So that is some bullshit, boo.

As for her marriage, where is the proof that she faked it? She didn't need to fake her marriage crumbling to get a spinoff - they offered her one long before that happened. You have no proof of that statement and thus no reason to question her moral integrity. As for not making it as an actress and becoming famous via reality TV, again - has nothing to do with moral character. You can't throw that against her just because you don't like her. She's famous from this platform just like the people you DO like, such as Brandi, who many others call a bully as well. Your point makes no sense.

Moving on to Porsha. Her comments re:Underground Railroad in no way reflect her moral character. They just show that she's stupid. One has little to nothing to do with the other. As for her comments about gays, YES they were misguided and distasteful, but she never said gays would burn in hell or anything of that nature. She said it is our job as children of God to save one another. Now, of course, I do NOT agree that gay people need to be "saved", and I think it's sad that anyone would. But her message in that video was that everyone is God's child and that we all need to love each other, even if our brothers and sisters make bad decisions. Again, I don't agree that gay people need to be saved or that being gay is a choice - but her message, if anything, speaks positively of her moral character.

Phaedra may have lied about her due date, but it was *due* to her moral convictions. She believes that a woman should be married before having a child, and that's the image she wishes to promote. So she slipped up and got pregnant early. Does that make her immoral? If so, then millions of people in this world are immoral. As for lying about it - that image and those beliefs are the lifestyle Phaedra wishes to maintain and keep for her child. Smudging her due-date, while I personally think is unnecessary, was nothing more than her attempt to save an image that mattered to her. It hardly speaks negatively of her moral being. As for marrying a criminal - didn't Jesus himself hangout with sinners, lawbreakers and whores? I doubt he would question the morality of someone who chose to look beyond someone's past/flaws and love them for who they are, despite all that.


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I wouldn't even declare Vicki & Tamra friends. I'd say they're acquaintances with the same insecurities. I just think that Vicki is much more insecure and threatened by Tamra to go against her. However, with Shannon & Vicki getting close, and Heather & Lizzie coming for Tamra later in the season, I can see a division between these two with Tamra getting the sh*t end of the stick.

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