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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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THE SHADE, HUNNNI, THE SHADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LIVE!!!!

And since this is a re-try I saw Vix's...I haven't gotten to the new argument yet due to my internet going in and out at the moment...I'll reply when I get to the library which rocks when it comes to the internet. :)

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It's not about what she's doing being different from any of these other ladies, it's about who she is at the core. Now I know I do not know her personally, of course, but everything she represents and presents herself as on the show truly makes her appear to be a delusional piece of trash. Sure all of these women front and play it up for the camera, but Kenya is dirty to her core. Aside from being a liar (lying about Walter, lying about her car), a thief (stealing Phaedra's workout DVD idea), and a phony (pretending she's been proposed to 7 times, blatantly faking her tears over Velvet), she is just a hypocrite. She gave women of every color and background a bad name last year when she groveled at, begged, and bullied Walter to try and get a proposal. You all shade me because you think I implied that a woman needs a man or a baby to be somebody, yet that is EVERYTHING Kenya has perpetuated since joining the show. She hired a man to be her boyfriend and then begged him to marry her when he clearly had NO interest in doing so. When he dumped her ass, she threw shade to everyone who would listen about how "oh I always thought he was gay!! He didn't even [!@#$%^&*] me when I was naked in the shower", yet when Porsha admits she thinks Kordell might be gay, Kenya acts outraged and says PORSHA was/is an embarrassment? Bitch is just salty because HER gay man wasn't desperate enough to marry her.

Then of course we have her meddling in Natalie and Chris' marriage which is hilarious considering she had been sleeping with him for years. She stuck her nose in, caused a problem, then refused to take the blame when things escalated beyond what she expected. She used a CHARITY EVENT to make Nene look bad, throwing it "in her honor" but never inviting her and deliberately setting her up to look bad. I admit, Nene walked right into that trap and handled it very poorly. But the fact that Kenya would use a charity event to play someone dirty, to me, just shows that through to the core, this woman is trash.

Not to mention the lie she got caught in last night. We see and hear all season that she's using a sperm bank, then Phaedra drags her all throughout the mud and all the sudden Kenya's not using a sperm bank and was never considering it? One way or the other, she lied. She always talks about "opening up to these ladies" and "putting herself out there on the show" but when almost EVERY personal element she's "put out there" has been proven to be a lie, what is the [!@#$%^&*] point? She is a fake and a phony and I sincerely hope she gets help.

Oh, and I didn't even touch on the fact that she's "in love" with her African man…but he can't be the father of her baby, why? Because he's [!@#$%^&*] married! Goodbye, trash!

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Kenya was dead ass wrong and ignorant fpr trying to say Walter was gay but the other stuff I dont agree with. Phaedra doesnt have the copyright on workout DVD and she had no business making one in the first place. Kenya is not a thief. How did she lie about her car? She brought the registration to the interview? And meddlng in The Common Laws' marriage.... there is a video of that man saying he is not married. Natalie should be worried about why her husband doesnt claim her not Kenya. And Kenya never sais she wasn't using a sperm bank. She said it was a back up plan in case the man shw wanted said no and he said yes so she will not be using a sperm bank. She didn't get caught in a lie.

I just dont see Kenya as this vicious monster who is has ruined the series. She is messy and made herself the most talked about housewife. Nene's own insecurities have made her fall out of favor with some people. She has been acting like she is getting phone calls left and right in Hollywood and she is not. Lets be real. I loved her last season and thought she shouls have left on a high note. She is miserable and mad because she thought she wouldn't need the housewives but when she realized she did she started to hate Kenya because she made herself the center of the drama.

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yeah I wasn't aware that Phaedra held the patent to all fitness videos. Lets not forget that Kenya only went on to make her own after Phaedra refused to pay her what she was owed. Phaedra wasn't going to pay her for her work, why shouldn't Kenya capitalize on everything she had done and try and make a profit? Phaedra screwed herself over on that one bc she was being too damn cheap. If Kenya "stole" anything, you best believe that Phaedra being the sharp tongue lawyer that she is, would have sued her ass by now

Edited by Cheap21
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I made the mistake of watching the most recent RHoOC, my first episode ever, and now I want to see the rest. Why do I do this to myself? And how the hell is Tamra Ryan's mom? She looks like his sister! And yeah, I'd totally hit it. Her husband to. I was also on Heather's side regarding the chair situation but then she just kept going on and on about how angry Shannon was and that was just a little off putting. Loving Lizzie, she's so exotic! Vicki is... interesting. Heather looks like she could be Charisma Carpenter's sister. So I already know she'll end up my favorite. There was another girl at the table but I don't even remember her name or if she had any importance.

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I didn't even know Kenya had a one on one special till I saw people posting about it on here. I knew of Nene and Porsha's in advance bc I read the reports of the finale and reunion part 3 getting 90 minutes, which of course was WWHL lumped in with it

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Not a clue myself. Andy hid it like a dirty secret he didn't want revealed. Andy is very much a Cynthia. IMO, he was (and probably IS) on Kenya's side but then saw public reaction and went along with public reaction which is fueled by almost a blind hatred for Kenya. Not all blind, but almost blind.

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He mentioned it several times on air, including after the Porscha one I think. Promos ran for it. He face booked about it.

It may not have had the promo of others but there was promo. The problem is nene should have been after rhoa finale, Porscha after pt1, Kenya after pt2, Cynthia/Phadra after pt3, Kandi after the lost footage to promo her wedding special.

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