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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The irony here is that you see Aviva fighting with everyone except Ramona and Sonja in the supertrailer. You also see Kristen arguing with a lot of the women. I'm curious where things settle between everyone and what the MAJOR conflicts will be as opposed to misunderstandings.

Please stop. It's not fair to post a gif from the greatest reunion ever when Beverly Hills is about to air a tired 3-part starting tomorrow. Just not fair.

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She didn't pull a single person aside except for Kyle I believe...again either you didn't see the same episode I saw or you're just pretending like Lisa just went up to each and every housewife and started ish with them.

Its just patently false. She didn't play any act at all. She simply listened (or really pretended to listen) to the bull that they've been saying for half a season now....and then she left.


That Kristen girl definitely looks like the kind of girl who you either love or hate and I'm not surprised she gets into it with some of the ladies.

I'll admit I was a big fan of Sonja's when she first appeared but it quickly became obvious that she had a lot of "issues" the least of which is drinking. Hopefully she keeps it together this season but expectations are very very low for her....

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I mentioned earlier that I was re-watching RHOA for the first time since it originally aired and now I'm halfway through with season one. I also decided to go ahead to slowly start purchasing the older seasons of RHONY, RHOC and the only RHODC season. So far I've watched 3 episodes of DC and it gets better with age. One thing that I like is that there is wealth, but a DC wealth and not what you would get in New York, Beverly Hills or a Miami. I think the lack of glamour is a part of what may have done this show in. The closest you get to the typical wealth comes from the Snake Oil Salesmen, Tarq and Michaele. So far we've seen them try to pass off beer as wine, have their lawyer threaten Paul with a lawsuit if he doesn't provide a signed document absolving them of having to pay for his birthday party that THEY planned and threw and then jumping at a last minute trip to Paris with Stacie! It's just crazy! How they managed to stay out of jail with the high level of fraud they were presenting is beyond me.

Another thing I like with DC is that they're honest about the women getting to know each other. Cat is clearly new to DC and that is acknowledged and a major part of her story arc. Stacie is also new to this group and they allow us to see her become friends with the ladies instead of creating a ridiculous tie to one and forcing her on that person. Mary, Lynda, Michaele and Paul all know each other and that is enough. I also think that Paul comes off more like a housewife than I remembered. He is featured as much as the housewives, including in scenes by himself (with talking heads) at his apartment. Maybe for season two he should've been made a housewife. In general they definately understood that "Friends of the Housewives" are a good thing. We have so many of them, plus the husbands get a big focus here.

I've always liked DC, but re-watching it is definitely giving me a new appreciation for it. Very interesting, different take on a Real Housewives series and very real. They did it their own way and I feel they have one good season to be proud of. Their one big mistake was making the White House incident the season finale as opposed to letting it fall in the middle of the season as it actually happened. Perhaps it could've given them a mid-season ratings boost, which they could've sustained since we know they still had all of the Cat/Erika drama after that, plus Mary's fashion show (which they cut) along with most of the other footage which couldn't be used due to the new timeline.

Edited by Chris B
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Oh RHODC ... Had Bravo greenlit it another season, I think it would've been a breakout. Possibly surpassed RHOBH as the third rated HW show. Maybe even NJ with all the women getting divorces (all which were messy), Michale running off with another rocker, and had they added Erica as a HW ... this show would've been a hit. I hate that Bravo cut the show too early.

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Yes! They could've added Erica and perhaps an unrelated housewife, but considering the juicy stories we know happened, they were fools to cancel it. EVERYBODY got divorced and I'm sure Lynda and Ebong are done as well. Looking at how hard it was to squeeze juice out of Miami, they could've saved themselves a headache by just giving DC a chance to thrive on it's own.

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Lisa handled that party like she just didn't care? Uhm, no. She was on Kyle like she cared until it became obvious Kyle wasn't going to bite with believing her. She was talking with Brandi like she cared for her to see where she's coming from with Scheana. She was getting antsy and super defensive when the tabloid was brought up again in a group ... like she cared. Uhm, that was not anything close to cool as a cucumber. I'm not used to seeing Lisa trying so hard actually. I was surprised.

Lisa isn't going anywhere unless Bravo wants her gone from RH. She's close to a non-entity on VR (think Nene on Glee). I'm sure she doesn't love that most of her co-workers have an issues with her. Nobody would like that. She'll get over it.

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I can't wait for the first appearance of Kenya's invisible prince circa a check she gives a carrier to deliver with his signature.

I think Brandi and Kenya both have potential in terms of fundraising. Kyle, Kim and Yolanda are still okay with Brandi, I think. Additionally, she has some rich friends outside of the franchise. Kenya might still have some connections in Hollywood. I can see Kandi dropping some money for her charity if she asks nicely.

Kenya and Brandi "together" might be an issue though. Kenya is all like dumb bimbo about Brandi and Brandi is all like skanky, ashy ho about Kenya.

Well that probably shouldn't scare Brandi in any way - the Lisa or worst than Lisa comparison. Most of that was Brandi being a bit over sensitive about friendship.

Kenya is also the weakest in face to face battle of the Atlanta ladies. Unless CA gives the girl a lot of time to script and plot take downs BTS with assistance, she's basically a pussycat that tries too hard to a fault with shade throwing.

Jenny McCarthy was the one who inferred Kenya looked like a man on that WWHL. I think Nene, Kenya and Marlo all have a bit of a masculine beauty.

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This episode is boring so far. I have nothing else to say.


Kyle looks the best at the reunion. The others are look various forms of meh to terrible. Brandi, Yolanda, Carlton are ok. Kim is awful. Joyce is awful. Lisa isn't looking great - both dress and hair.

Oh god right into Lisa is the innocent victim.

"I sent her a mean email once" lmao Brandi. KILLIN me. Calabasis isn't deep in the valley Hun. Interesting that Lisa would look down upon it. Lisa and Brandi are both so hypocritical and now using jokes against each other. Lisa is trying the most here tand Brandi is holding her own damn well.

Being sick can teach you a lot about friends, and family. I totally get Yolanda here. I do think she's overreacting, somewhat, but Lisa's ignoring the issue basically validates her.


Of course trashmona would forgive Aviva over drinks.

I love heathers intro. Sonja's is the worst.

Aviva is just so awkward with carol here. Like wow. Carole is being a bitch here honestly, but I love her and it's deserved plus she's still being rather polite somehow. Caries surprised face at Aviva having fun writing her memoir, lol. Yeah they are very different. Carole's entire reaction here is pretty great.

I just don't care about Aviva and trash acting friendlish.

Harry mention #1 this episode.

LOVE the trinity of Heather/Carole/Kristen.

Kristen is great.

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Kyle and Carlton both look stunning. The others all look "meh" to "terrible" IMO.

On the Carole/Aviva front I feel I need to comment because I see comments all over about Carole being bitchy. I do see where she is coming from. She said that Aviva told her and Heather that she had apologized for the things she did to Ramona and Sonja which is why they had remained friendly and defensive of her as the season went on. Once it began airing and Aviva was trashing them week-after-week (including the first week of St. Barth's), it proved that she was lying. She only started apologizing after she got viewer backlash. I can see how Heather and Carole could feel burned by Aviva in that regard. I think ALL of the ladies have bent over backwards to accommodate Aviva, which almost makes it seem like they are scared of her. I took Ramona and Sonja making up with her as meaning they simply didn't want the drama of dealing with her, not that they genuinely forgive her and want to be her friend.

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I feel like Yolanda da and carlton are both almost great, but just don't quite make it. Lisa honestly is dressed terribly and her hair is just too much, a bad hair day they tried their best with. She's not terribly looking, at all, but it's def not a good look. It also greatly ages her IMO. Joyce is ready for miss teen Alabama.

Re NY: I do think Carole is being bitchy but I think it's totally deserved. Aviva hasn't, farm who I figured, talked to anole really when not filming. Carole/Heather I think defended her last season cuz they were newbies, and it was clear Carole would be annoyed by Aviva but not let it be an issue. Then when this season started Aviva basically comes to her as if they are besties and asks her to edit her book for free, basically. After Aviva tried to ruin Carole party. Aviva is phony and Carole knows it. And not in a being civil/polite way. Then Aviva abd her clearly were never on the same page during this lunch about writing. This is where things get messy and Carole isn't innocent, she did bring up a ghost writer first - but she did it in a matter of fact/it's normally for non writers to use one kind of way. Aviva then did basically accuse her of using a ghost writer and her book being her first entry into the writing world when Carole's career has even that of a writer/journalist. It just derailed further from there because Carole was offended, defensive and annoyed while Aviva was making digs. So like I said, while I do think Carole was being bitch I see why. It's funny that Aviva then trashes Carole's book and says she knows it was ghost written but also says it was denied by her publishing house for not being polished, when Carole even told Aviva she didn't want a perfect polished book (and damn was she right! That book is heartbreaking because it's totally in her voice!). Loved them showing Aviva gush over how great Carole's book was.

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Did Andy Cohen cancel RHODC because the four women refused to film with the Salahi's if it came back for season 2? That is what I had heard, and I think that was when I started to view him as in capable of really heading a network.

He was too obsessed with showcasing White House issue, instead of treating it like a mid-season event (like Scary island for RHony, or Kenya's twirling declaration in season 5, or Marlo/Sheree's blow in season 4). There were ample amounts of stuff that were cut because of this act and it proved how short-sighted he was.

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Rhodc was panned by the media and fans. It's become kind of whitewashed over the years but it was quite the embarrassment for bravo at the time. It didn't get high ratings either.

I don't think it was as bad say Miami. It was better than what nj became. But I'm not sad at all it was axed. Miami needs to go abd they need a RHoDallas.

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RHODC was panned before it even premiered. It had huge amounts of bad press because of the White House incident. The ratings also weren't terrible. They were certainly better than Miami which got a reprieve. They were good enough for a second season IMO.

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Carole gets a pass with Aviva from me cuz she's pulled a Lisa move and decided its better to cut all ties now with her rather than get burned like Ramona/Sonja somewhere down the line.

Never watched DC but I think the political nature of the city would make it seem too fake to me. Between NY, Game of Thrones, and Mad Men its going to be very hard to focus on school...lol

Angela I see what you're saying but what do you expect someone to do when they're dragged into a conversation where they are forced to talk to the other individual. Especially with Brandi its not like Lisa was just going to sit quiet and not try to explain her POV. She tried to, Brandi said it was BS and refused to see reason, and so Lisa left. The same thing with Kyle...Lisa told her she was on her side and that she didn't do the magazine fiasco. Kyle wasn't sure if she bought it and really was hoping that Lisa would say "I'm Sorry". Well if that's what Kyle truly wanted to hear then she she should have said so.

Instead Kyle kept silent and instead resorted to her puppy dog innocent victim eyes (even though we all know she's capable of being the mean girl...see Camille and Brandi). So I don't know how you can say Lisa cared because she stated her position/opinion regarding the various garbage that was being hurled at her.

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