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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Andy. Rey. UCR has control of the wives series and wwhl. His step down wasnt really down, it was more of a shift to focus on what was working and have someone else come in and focus on new bravo shows. It was down in name only, up in power tho really.

Kenya was a talking point last season above and beyond nene. Be it good or bad it was something. Production clearly didn't mind it was negative because they brought her back of nenes wishes. And this season has flipped and she's very much still talked about but for the. Ost part much more positively.

Nene has basically no story without Kenya. Kenya actually has conflict and drama outside of nene.

This whole Kenya is being given a good edit and production isn't manipulating footage to force nene to look good now argument basically proves what some of us have been saying. And I honestly didn't expect you to also go the blame production route. Nene is acting a. Damn fool on the show and IRL about the show. She has a very accurate portrayal. So does Kenya it would seem. In fact I'd say from what we have seen from the wives ATL is the least minuplated production wise. They all seem to get an edit that's rue to who they put out there.

Nene got a big head and her 15min crashed and burned and now all she has rhoa after making it clear she planned to leave. She didn't want Kenya back but production brought her back instead. Nene threw the first punch in this battle and has lost and lost and lost. The fact that every single fan didn't turn on her yet doesn't prove anything. The fact that many, many have tho says a lot. Her star power is irrelevant. Her leading lady of ATL might not be but look at Vicki on OC, she's still standing but she's not exactly well liked, respected etc. that where nene is heads minus the control over production due to her ego.

Andy is all about the show. Quite frankly he doesn't seem like like Brandi much at all but he knows she gets people talking and creates buzz. When everyone thought Kenya was a flop he knew that at least she had them talking. He knew that cutting the original NYC wives in half would hurt the shows ratings but did it anyways to better the show. He's a smart man.

I'm not saying they are firing nene. I don't think anyone is. I am saying if she pulls a it's me or Kenya tho they will likely pick Kenya. That's not the same thing honestly. It's very different.

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You keep saying Nene didn't want Kenya brought back this season but what proof is there? I never saw Nene say that. She made that dig at the end of the reunion, but later on her One on One with Andy on WWHL, she told him it was Porsha she was talking about, but that she changed her mind after the divorce.

I'm not blaming the production, I'm simply saying they are shifting their loyalties to save their ass. You can't blame them from a business perspective, but I have a feeling it will bite them in the ass. If she returns next season, Nene will more than likely be the star once more. You can say Kenya has conflict other than Nene, but the difference is, in all of her other conflicts she's on the losing side. Despite what we think, more people have rooted for Phaedra (after the reunion) and Porsha (because of Kenya's ego) than they have for Kenya. Take away Nene, and Kenya is not left with anything "star"-worthy. Nene, say what you want about her, ALWAYS manages to generate story whether it be by herself, with a friend, or through a feud.

If Andy has as much power as you think he does, then there's no way he will choose Kenya over Nene. Nene may very well choose to walk, but I don't think they will let her do so easily. Kenya has been relevant to the show for 5 minutes, Nene is the bread and butter. They can bring in another "new star", Nene is irreplaceable.

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I think that the show realized they couldn't rely on one person - the early seasons never did, even if Nene became the breakout star. I feel like after last season, which was very sparse storywise, they concentrated more on story for everyone this season, and it's worked.

I think one of the problems is that this shift likely has made Nene feel insecure. Not just Kenya taking her place, but the show existing without her. This season there has been tons of buzz about many parts of the show, and, until recently, none of them involved Nene. If she could feel that while filming, or if someone in the crew told her as such, she may have acted out, to remind people who was boss.

I also get the feeling that she was stirring the pot quite a bit early this season, perhaps more behind the scenes (using Chuck/Mynique and Natalie/Chris against various housewives she has issues with), and someone in production may have decided, OK, that's fine, but let's put you in the spotlight and see how you react. So we get the charity event last night, where I do think production likely wanted to push her buttons to see how she would respond.

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Kandi doesn't care enough to put on a show and try to steal the spotlight. She's secure both financially and in her spot on the show.

As for Andy, he's not going to let anyone force him to cut a wife that is working and giving the show a lot to work with. He may cut a unpopular wife to appeal to a popular one, but nene isn't going to force him to cut Kenya. If she pulls the it's her or me card she's gone and choosing to quit. He can't help that. It'd hurt the show and he's not about that.

The show doesn't need a star. Quite frankly as much as you talk nene being a star up she's some [!@#$%^&*] this season beside make herself look awful and Kenya look good.

I actually not think nene should be off the show. I'd personally love it but what's best is all these women return honestly.

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The only one in danger of being dismissed is Porsha. Nene is having a bad season but if she plays her cards right she can be loved or at least liked next year. She is just too arrogant to accept the tide turning against her. We all know Nene HATES to admit being wrong.

Edited by Eric83
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Quote frankly I think a video of née saying Mr Vixen I do not think Kenya should have Ben brought back and tried to stop it. Wouldn't com I me you. It's be edited and productions fault or nene was taken hostage and forced to say it or it was a hologram or so,etching. Lol.

Kidding. Mostly.

Exactly. And tbh Portia is even fine with me because she is a nice calm and actually kinda rational.

Stupid. But whatever.

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But how else is this supposed to be spun? In their onscreen fallout, NeNe IS too blame. She was 100% wrong and refuses to own that. I went into this as a huge fan of both but I fail to see how Kenya is accountable for why they stopped being friends. Can you point out where Kenya has done NeNe wrong this season leading up to the lingerie party? Did Kenya do anything to her at the party to to antagonize, disrespect or cut her down? Exactly what did Kenya do to warrant being outcasted and have venom thrown at her? IMO nothing. Nene turned on Kenya , not the other way around. I'm interesting to hear what you have to say all this talk about production, grooming and viewer perception is one thing but the real issue between the women is the disintegration of the friendship and no one can be held accountable for that but those two

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