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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL.... seeing Caroline and Melissa getting tired of each other and Kathy getting tired of Jacqass proves that when you remove the girl they all hate they start turning on each other. Same thing happened with Danielle. SMH.

My weak ass might cave and watch the entire episode sometime this week just to see Jacq's behavior.

Nah scratch that... I need to keep my pledge to give up as much of this show as possible lol

Edited by Eric83
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Lol you know you're gonna succumb Eric!! Just do it!

And yeah Kathy did take the cowards way out and say it to the cameras rather than to Jacq's face.

As for Caroline.....SMDH. That whole scene with her and her husband (Alfred right?) was just SO PAINFUL. I don't know how this woman can look at herself in the mirror and say that she's happily married to the love of her life with a straight face. That dinner was just awkward and so useless. Her reasons for staying with him aren't even that clear to me...."absence makes the heart fonder". Umm okay.

At least I can believe that Tre and Joe actually are physically attracted to each other and were in love at one point (and I still think they care for each other a lot as next week's preview shows).

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RME at Rosie talking about her swollen arm and how the cartilage was dislodged, from her conversation with Teresa. You'd think Teresa had beaten her up, but no1 Rosie kicked her own ass with her drunken anger. Someone put this beast down Teresa: "...and she's going through puberty" Milania: "That means, she's having a baby?" laugh.png What the heck does this little bitch know about that? lol.....that line seemed very rehearsed. I cant with Joe Gorga's dumb ass. Wanting Teresa to pay for dry cleaning for throwing water on his GYM clothes. If that was a joke, his delivery was dry and it didn't work. And then asking what a retreat was? I used to root for them to mend their fences but at the point of not caring. So over him and badmouthing her. "As much as I want to say no....(the producers said I gotta go)" tumblr_mpmhj31U8b1ql5yr7o1_r1_400.gif Teresa actually said something nice about Melissa and congratulated her and this bitch is gossiping with her girls, badmouthing her on that? Guess Teresa cant win. Maybe she should have tweeted some shade instead. tumblr_mpms013kaf1rze8s1o1_400.jpg Jacqueline was childish, grabbing the phone and going in on the attack. Bitch, sit your ass down. Teresa didn't help matters with her "la la la la la". That fight in the boutique was downright embarrassing. LMAO at some lady calling her a crazy lady. Speaking of which, WTF did Kathy have her on speaker phone in public? Really? WTF? That was a setup right there. Kathy is a SH-T STIRRER. She knew damn well what she was doing but then acted all innocent. SNqk7ng.jpg Seriously her name is Jan? She looks like Janice Dickinson ExD7r58.jpg I cant believe Im the only that thought, here is the season 6 cast. Jaq, Kathy, Caroline and Melissa better watch themselves bc Bravo could get rid of all of them and replace with these chicks for a reboot. I do like that Jennifer. I think she should have been added as a main wife. Is she officially a friend? Rich telling Melissa that he fantasized about her was not only inappropriate but it was gross. How dare he say that in front of Kathy and Joe. Wrong on so many levels tumblr_mpmiiiAwcb1ql5yr7o1_250.gif tumblr_mpmiiiAwcb1ql5yr7o2_250.gif LMAO. Kathy, go home Good on Albert for calling Caroline out on her possessiveness towards their sons They're going to Lake George : I used to go there every summer as a kid Melissa: "I have no idea why Jan would stab me in the back like that....and why is she going to Kim D and my sister in law?" The bitch is trying to get on TV, She's flipping the script and doing the same thing you did to Teresa when you went to her enemy, Danielle. Hypocritical bitch. Lets see if it works for her tumblr_mpmn6xWFpQ1ql5yr7o1_500.gif Kathy said something funny. Jacqueline is acting a bit nutty. Again childish with throwing the napkin at Kim

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Love this post... saved me the trouble of watching the actual show (I was about to cave in ... I am such a phony threatening to give it up tongue.png )

Funny that all those women in the girls night out scene with Teresa have all auditioned to be main wives. There seems to be a lot of friends this season tho Kim D and Jennifer are the only official ones. I read that Bravo was using this season to audition new women as several women will exit after this season but who knows. After the same 5 chicks coming back for this season I have decided to wait and see when it comes to Jersey.

Wow Rich said he fantasizes about Melissa in front of Kathy? How disrespectful.

Kathy saying Jacq needs to be an insane asylum... LMAO that's the first time I have laughed at anything Koma has said. If she officially aligns herself on Team Tre I may give her another chance.

LMAO at this quote.

Edited by Eric83
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I'm not even bothering with this episode. I'll probably watch for the Battle of the Joe's next week but after that I'm waiting for this positive turn this season is supposed to have, because so far that's been bullshit. Apparently the editors edited out the part where Teresa left the table when the Jan girl was talking [!@#$%^&*].

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I say keep Jennifer and Jan. Kim D is too trashy and the other blonde didn't make an impression.

It really was and he said that in context to the rumors about Melissa being a stripper which made it sound even more skeevy.. I hope Kathy gave it to him when they got home.

It boggles my mind how she forgets how she got on the show when someone close to her is using her same tactics. Its why I have no sympathy for her

Wow, really? Teresa "staying" there was one of the main things the lynch mob was bashing her about

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If they make Jan an official HW they need to keep Melissa so they can embarrass the sh-t out of her before sending her on her way into washed up reality star land wink.png

The girl that didn't say much was Penny... she hates Melissa too.... lmao (she owns the salon that Tre and Kim D went to last season)

ETA: Also been wanting Tre's friend Priscilla to get a spot for some time now. She's met with Andy before.


Edited by Eric83
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On Jacqueline:
"She (Jaq) was already cuckoo for Coco Puffs last season and I think she done already ate about 2 or 3 boxes" LOL laugh.png
On Greasy Jeff Goldstein:
"Shut the hell up! Ritchie, please, would you just shut the hell up and just mind your own business and try and tend to your unhappy wife"
On Caroline:
"Then she was talking about how he was gonna drop dead and she wont have any memories. Oh my God. Well you'll have memories of him not being there, wont you? Those are memories too of him not being there"
On Melissa:
She was slaying me all throughout the vlog

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Well, at least this week's episode was better than last week's. Probably due to Princess Milania stealing the show.

Seeing MeMeMelissa interacting with her mother and sisters last week and her GFs this week makes me realize just how much editing Bravo Rogue Producer did around Melissa's character to prop her ass the last two seasons. We saw ZERO of MeMe's sisters and girl friends last year and as a result, the self-produced image of Melissa was one of either the Plucky, Pretty SIL who was being victimised by jealous Teresa. Now that the Rogue Producer has been ejected, it is like we can finally see MeMe for the vainglorious, self-obsessed wannabe she is. The look her so-called BFFs gave her when she started talking about giving marital advice (particularly "You can cook and clean but you have to look good doing it") was pure ice. Kind of like the side-eyes her mom and sister were throwing her selfish ass last week.

Sure, I think Teresa is definitely jealous and hates Melissa but she's got some reason to. And why the hell she is still on talking terms with Kathy after the things she said about Teresa's father at Reunion, I'll never know.

Jeff Goldblum's gross, ugly brother continues to confirm what a douche he is, though to be fair, he lost me last season with the fish comment.

I swear, that Joe x2 fight in the previews looks like two gorillas wrestling each other.

LOL. Love the close-up on Lydia's teefs.

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Heather really didn't even need to come to Canada.... it's as if she went to grill Gretchen about the role.

LOL @ Lauri vs. Vicki. The fact they were in full bodied ski gear made it funnier. LMAO at Vicki continuing to harp on the three-some accusation yet she never addressed Lauri's allegations of her sleeping with a Greek guy and another incident with her sleeping with a man outside of her marriage. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lydia's uncle could get it.

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