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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Welcome to the dark side, DetroitP!

lol @ your post. Not bad out of the starting gate!!!!!

p.s. I'm watching BH again, and I missed some of Kim and Kyle's talk because it's the same thing every 3 eppies, you can set your watch to it. But something definitely happened and they were trying to do damage control. Kim really needs to be off this show and heal!

Edited by ChitHappens
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Just watched the linked Preview clip for BH. Dang. So is Faye judging Brandi as a potential husband-stealer for possibly making out in a bathroom at a party OR is she saying the guy she was making out with has a wife? I can't wait for the blogs. I do like Yolanda shutting it down and saying "say it to [brandi's] face" and then asking Adrienne for details to her claim to which Adrienne went all "you know, uhm, uhm."

That reunion would be so much better (not that it won't be good) with Adrienne and Faye there trying to stir s--t. Too late.

Yay for Nene on Glee. That's her best fit.

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Adrinne wouldn't add anything to the reunion. She'd just make vague statements and blow everything off. Like she does with Yolanda next. Faye would def try but she's such a try hard and can't pull it off so I'm glad she ain't there. I really don't think Brandi is trash. I think that's bullshit and a bit sexist tbh. She was committed to her marriage, is a good mom, a very well traveled former model who did well. She may not be a BH millionaire who is phony and proper, but being blunt and flirty doesn't make on trailer trash. I think her friendships with Lisa and Yolanda speak volumes about who he really is and her character. Lacking tact doesn't equal being trash.

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I wonder if Bravo asked her to take Kandi's case so they could showcase it. You know it wouldn't be as interesting if Kandi was suing Kim, who's no longer on the show, using some random lawyer. Using Phaedra keeps it in the group. And you know Nene will have something to say about Phakedra and Kandi, and of course Wig!

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I agree about Adrienne's confrontational tactics. She's like a far less "stealth" Kyle or a far less "articulate" Faye in terms of pot-stirring. Faye just confuses me because I don't know if I I love to hate her or just hate her. And, yes, she's obviously spot jockeying more than she's naturally causing drama.

Weren't Adrienne and Brandi friends last season? Maybe not friends, but Adrienne didn't appear to be as mean to her as some of the others. What exactly happened? I know it's probably been explained but I don't remember. I lost track. I do know that Adrienne asked Brandi to participate in the Lisa lynch at the Season 2 reunion and Brandi didn't and this all stemmed from that. I remember Brandi didn't have it easy at the reunion but it was more of a Lisa bash fest. Did Adrienne get mad and start talking crap at Brandi for not joining in (and ratting her out) pissing off Brandi? Read: You're either with us or against us. Did Brandi just decide Adrienne was no good after the call to arms and start talking crap about Adrienne?

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Basically exactly what you said. I do believe adrinne recommended Brandi to bravo. They were very close friends I believe. But yes Brandi didn't join her against Lisa. Really Adrienne's attacking Lisa started the Lisa/Brandi friendship. They were so attacked at that reunion they became allies and a real friendship began. Adrinne didn't like this and wrote Brandi off and started to attack her so brands fought back. A wise person would never turn a trusted friend ino a bitter enemy. ESP when that friend is act first think later like Brandi Newhart Brandi outed about Adrienne was totally wrong and there's no excuse for it but at the same time Adrienne did cause all of this.

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Glad i'm not the only one who's a lil upset/offended by Brandi being called "trash". Her interview with Howard Stern was terrible I agree but I don't think that makes her trash. As someone else stated earlier more than half of these women had next to nothing before they married their wealthy husbands in LA.

Brandi is just a straight shooter who happens to have a foul mouth but she has a good education and has traveled the world as a model and frankly I think she's worthy of my respect. I would hang out with her any day of the week at any social event and not be embarrassed.

Faye on the other hand is just so obvious and so tacky.

Kandi at the reunion will be interesting. I"m curious to see if she'll actually take on Kim or just be passive as usual. Something tells me though that this reunion is either going to be one of the best, explosive reunions of the year or it will just be a dull fest with everyone (minus Kenya) trying to be polite to everyone else....

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Thanks. Decided to do an internet search on this, too:

You became a regular on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast on season three. Tell me a little bit about that.

BRANDI GLANVILLE: I started in season two as a friend of the housewives. I was a friend to Adrienne Maloof, which is kind of ironic because we’re definitely not friends now. It kind of just jumped off from there. There were such fireworks that the producers decided to make me a full-time housewife in season three. We just wrapped season three, [and] we also just shot the reunion. It was really, really good and hard—all at the same time.

Let's just jump right into it. What happened with Adrienne Maloof?

BG: Okay, well, it’s hard because a lot of the stuff that happened between her and I didn’t happen on camera. She decided after the reunion last season that she didn’t want me on the show. So she offered up all of these glamorous people to Bravo and was like, “Brandi’s trash. We don’t want her on the show.” She started putting out really nasty press about me, as a parent and as a mother. And, you know, I have a really volatile relationship with my ex-husband, so I don’t need that kind of press floating around. Plus, I’m a great mom. I know that, one hundred percent, so I took that very personally.

Given that she’s the one that brought you onto the show, what made her want you off?

BG: I didn’t know that at the time […] they told me after, but she wanted to go against Lisa Vanderpump. I, at the time, didn’t know Lisa Vanderpump that well, but I didn’t understand why we needed to have a meeting and talk about going after different people. At the reunion, I kind of brought that up, and she was having a go at Lisa. When I came out, Lisa looked devastated. I wasn’t even that close of a friend to Lisa, but I was like ‘This is not cool.’ You just don’t do that. I brought it up and I said, ‘This isn’t right.’ I said a few things to her, and ever since that moment she was not having me. She just didn’t want me around anymore.

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Catching up on BH right now....LMFAO Yolanda is just too fabulous to describe. The MODEL came out of her at that photo shoot and I loved every second of that scene. The music playing the background, her curly free flowing hair...so beautiful.

She is easily one of the most stunningly beautiful women on the planet at her age. Her and Lisa both just take my breath away and I can only pray and hope that I look that good when I reach their age range.

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I like her. I think she is fake in many ways. I suspect she's way smarter than she pretends for example. I think her face looks sort of off because of surgery, but hell, that's her business. I haven't seen all the seasons yet, so I'm still forming my opinions, but I do wonder why Sheree turned on her. I haven't heard a concrete reason other than accusations of lies. I'm on season 2, episode 4.

Oh, and I wish to God NeNe had kept that longer brown/blonde hair. The shorter hair aged her. Then when she goes all blonde, just no.

Edited by Juliajms
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