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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kandi shows up to Kenya's photshoot with a dildo? Really? How scripted was that? Especially knowing the relationship was fake, it seemed like it was done so Kenya could say that joke about getting herself off bc Walter isnt. That guy is such an a-hole. If she was gonna hire someone to be her bf, I wish it had been someone else and not this fool.


When she said that I was like hmmmm, how you doin'?

Imso glad we got to see Glamma in action, although I did notice that she slipped up and called Bri her grandbaby. Greg is working hard to win NeNe back. He's making me fall in love with his effort.


Kordell didnt get a pre-nup? For his sake, he better not be gay like rumors are saying bc if so, Porsha's gonna cash out


Now thats a donkey booty...lol

Cynthia: "Kenya thinks she looks so much like Beyonce. Then why cant she get her man to put a ring on it?" :lol:

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Preach Cheap. LMAO Cynthia is really bringing it for me this year, I've always liked her just thought she was vanilla and was more into the drama her sister caused with Peter and when Leon would make an appearance than anything she had going on which is just sad.

I was surprised at that too when she said there was no pre-nup. I hope they have a post-nup or something. You just can't be that damn stupid. But then again I have no idea what the laws are in Atlanta re: divorces.

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Porsha is such a f-cking idiot when she said if her and Kordell got a divorce all she would want is her name like Tina Turner. Umm Tina wanted to keep TURNER not her maiden name you dumb twit.

Then when she said she looked like Solange and Kandi said her and Kenya could be sisters she had to be all "oh no I would be emancipated from the family!" She acts like a teenager clearly Kandi was joking.

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Lisa is just absolutely fabulous! Total class act!

Faye is going to be a problem for me, and I'm gonna need Brandi to just say "!@#$%^&*] it!" and go in on that monkey face heifer! I can't enjoy this season while that primate plays talk show host from hell!

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