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I said I thought he might have with Bran and Tyrion. I wasn't sure. I haven't watched most of that back in years. I never can remember what he said in the book vs what he said in the show. 


There was a moment when he could have stopped with Shae, when he was strangling her, and he didn't. That's one of the reasons I tend to see it as cold-blooded. I realize a lot of people would disagree. 


I would agree with you that there was little room for drama with Theon and Tyrion, but if they were going to have a scene, I think it could have been a lot better than what was served up. It mostly made me feel that the show has no idea who Tyrion is beyond Peter Dinklage being able to give a nice turn of phrase. 

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I have to say, you give off the impression that you don't want to like the show and have gathered every nit you can find to begin picking.    I am not even clear as to whether you even watch it.   Here it is the biggest episode ever with the biggest battle ever seen, a show that is getting universal praise for the movie quality aspect of it all...and what stood out for you is not that the Starks have taken back Winterfell, not that Ramsey at long last is dead, not the cool battle scenes with Jon Snow, not any of that.    For you am I wrong in saying the standout moment was Danyreas meeting a character the majority of the TV audience probably couldn't even name? 

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I apologize for being so worked up in the first place. I promised myself I wouldn't post about the show anymore, as I hate what it has become, and I should have kept to that.


I can barely post here now anyway, because the board is broken, so anything I do say is typed through a cheese grater. It's gotten to a point where it takes me so much time to post anything that I don't even want to try anymore. So if you see me post less that is the main reason, above anything else.

Edited by DRW50
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Beyond epic finale.    So many accounts got settled tonight and a couple of new ones got opened.   The Jon Snow stuff I have questions about because some of these old names get confusing about who was who, but I guess that can be googled.     Jon's story was the biggest event of the night I think due to the story implications but the whole business at King's Landing was huge--beyond huge--and way overdue.   I did feel sorry for Tommen though.   Cersei is rotten but I was on her side as she did what she did.    As they sing in Chicago  "They had it coming"


I didn't understand the business with Grand Meister Pycell and why they did that.  It seemed so out of nowhere. 

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Yes, that was a good season finale. I was sorry to see Maegary and and Loras die, but glad  to see Lady Orlena in Dorn.  It's disconcerting the way people can move around the kingdom so fast, but with only 13 episodes left (probably) I get why they have to move the pieces around the board faster.


Cersei's coronation was so dark and forbidding. Looks like the Seven Kingdom's as a mad queen on their hands.


Arya killing Walder Frey made my night.  Bran knows the truth about Jon now, so it'll be interesting to see how all of that plays out. I'm also interested to see Little Fingers next move. 


On a shallow note the actor who plays young Ned is cute.

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Where I get a little confused is with the Targaryons.   The Mad King (rhaygar?)  was Danearys's father.   But who is the one that was in love with Ned Stark's sister?  How did Robert Baratheon figure into all this if the sister was with the Targaryon?   And then, who was the Dorne woman who was married to the Targaryon that the mountain killed and raped under Tywin's orders?


Your mad queen comment makes me wonder if when all is said and done if it isn't Jaime who finally redeems himself by being forced to kill Cersei. 

Edited by quartermainefan
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The Mad King Aerys was Dany's father. Rhaegar was Dany's brother, by most accounts a reasonably good guy. She was just much younger than him. She was at Storm's End when Robert (and the Lanisters) took the Red Keep. She was taken across the narrow sea along with Visaery's to hide her from Robert.


Rhaegar was in love with Ned's sister Lyanna. Robert was betrothed to her which started Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar took her. There's a dispute in the fandom about whether it was a kidnapping/rape or consensual. My opinion is that it was consensual and Rhaegar took Lyanna as a second wife.  Not sure this story makes a lot of sense if Jon is still a bastard and Dany is the only rightful heir, but we don't know.


That's why we see Robert so determined to kill every single Targaryen. In the second episode he still tells Ned that he still wants to kill every Targaryen and it's 15 years later. That scene was to show us Ned was right to lie to everyone and not even risk telling Cat (debatable, of course).

So to sum it up Dany is Jon's aunt. Elia is the Dornish woman married to Rhaegar. Her children were killed by The Mountain.

Edited by Juliajms
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I'm only half through but this is incredible work, especially in terms of the direction and cutting. And Miguel Sapochnik (who directed this, last week and last year's "Hardhome") has a great career ahead of him if he doesn't squander it as fellow GOT man Alan Taylor has with messes like Thor 2 and Terminator: Genisys. Hopefully another of the show's own, Michelle MacLaren, will break the DC Comics curse and do well on Wonder Woman - I don't care about that film so much as her, as she's a towering TV talent with a long run who deserves to break out as Sapochnik does.


I'll go into detail about just how rewarding I find Jon and Sansa's rise and bond, but I must say how satisfied I am with the choices that have panned out over time and how pointless I'd feel the book storyline would have been in its place later on. I can't imagine what purpose it would have served to have some alternate story track with Sansa relegated to the background hanging around in the Vale (as she did King's Landing for three seasons) while some poor C-tier girl we know next to nothing about gets raped by wild dogs.


Sansa's had hardship but her storyline became and remained central and made her a stronger character through a variety of tragedies, not just the violation on her wedding night. You couldn't have done half the arc they've done with her if you hadn't interpolated the storylines and changed things up. That is the process - and the beauty - of adaptation.

Edited by Vee
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